02-297-6 Me. Code R. § 1

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 297-6-1 - General provisions
A. Each licensee must submit twenty-four (24) units/hours of approved continuing professional education, at the time he or she applies for her/his second license renewal. Beginning with the January 1, 2002 license biennium, the total number of CEUs/hours will increase to thirty-six (36). Beginning with the January 1, 2004 license biennium, the total number of CEUs/hours will increase to forty-eight (48).
B. Proof of continuing professional education must be submitted on forms provided by the Board before November 1 of the year during which the current license expires.
C. A license cannot be renewed without evidence of having fulfilled the continuing education requirements.
D. CEUs/hours earned in the current biennium, that are in excess of the requirements for license renewal, may not be applied retroactively nor carried forward to a subsequent license renewal period.
E. The Board, at its discretion, may grant an extension of time for completion of all or part of the continuing education requirements to a licensee who, because of extenuating circumstances, has been unable to meet the continuing education requirements during the license biennium. The Board requires verification in writing of the extenuating circumstance.
F. The Board will approve CEUs/hours taken for credit towards license renewal. Such approvals may take the form of:
1. Program approval(s) granted by the Board to the sponsor or instructor of a continuing professional education offering;
2. Individual requests for credit granted by the Board to a licensee or an offering whose sponsor or instructor did not seek program approval; or
3. Program approval(s) granted by the Board to organizations whose continuing education standards have been approved by the Board.
G. The Board shall annually review the standards used in determining such approval(s).
H. The Board may waive particular rules regarding continuing professional education in specific situations for licensees. Such waivers shall only be effective when recorded in the official minutes of the Board.
I. There shall be two (2) types of continuing professional education approved by the Board, Category 1 and Category 2. (In each category, the unit or hour represents one clock hour).
1. Category 1 activities include (documented physical attendance required);
a. Courses sponsored or co-sponsored by agencies, organizations, or institutions accredited by the United States Office of Education, are within the health professions, and have been approved by the Board; or
b. Courses offered by individuals sponsored by national or state professional associations, are within the health professions, and have been approved by the Board.
c. Each Category 1 course must include subject material related to the concepts of chiropractic principles and practice including, but not limited to, diagnostic procedures, patient care and management.
i. Principles in the practice of chiropractic include, but are not limited to: Chiropractic treatment and adjusting technique(s); Physical, laboratory, orthopedic, neurologic examination and diagnosis; Radiology, its technique and interpretation; Nutrition and dietetics; Ancillary procedures related to chiropractic healthcare; and Chiropractic history and theory.
ii. Chiropractic office procedures include, but are not limited to: Regulatory compliance and risk management; Insurance procedures and reporting; and Public service programs and other community service activities. For example, screenings, sports programs, patient education programs, etc.
iii. Licensees will only receive continuing education professional credit for Category 1 courses for each licensing biennium.
2. Category 2 activities include:
a. Instruction/teaching, including teaching chiropractic students, chiropractic doctors, other health professionals and corporations, businesses and groups interested in the subject of chiropractic health;
b. Preparing and publishing research papers or case studies, writing on health subjects or making presentations to a professional audience;
c. Participating in inspection programs for accreditation and/or approval of colleges or clinics, administering and participating in programs or examinations leading to chiropractic licensure or post-graduation certification;
d. Self-instruction such as reading health related professional publications, and/or distance learning as it relates, the use of health-related audio tapes, videotapes, slides, programmed instructions or computer-assisted programs;
e. Peer review activities such as chiropractic audit, utilization review or participating in a peer review organization;
f. Professional self-assessment programs;
g. Meritorious learning experiences that are individually approved by the Board;
h. CPR certification, CPR recertification, basic/advanced first aid training; or
i. Wellness programs.
J.Continuing Professional Education Requirements

Each chiropractic doctor licensed by the Board, shall complete a minimum of twenty four (24) units of Category 1 continuing education during the current biennium. Beginning with the January 1, 2002 license biennium, each chiropractic doctor shall complete thirty six (36) units of continuing education, a minimum of twenty four (24) units in Category 1 and up to twelve (12) units in Category 2. Beginning with the January 1, 2004 license biennium, each chiropractic doctor shall complete forty eight (48) units of continuing education, a minimum of thirty six (36) units in Category 1 and up to twelve (12) units in Category 2.

K.Continuing Education Officer
1. At the first annual meeting or when necessary, the Board shall designate a member of the Board to serve as the continuing education officer.
2. The continuing education officer shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects of these rules, which apply to continuing professional education.
L.Approval for Continuing Education Professional Programs

An application for Board approval of a course shall be made in writing and submitted to the Board together with supporting documents on forms prescribed by the Board, which shall include at a minimum, the following items:

1. Syllabus or program outline;
2. Information specifying the classroom units/hours of each segment of the program;
3. A vitae of each instructor; and
4. Information that describes the method used to verify and confirm attendance of each participant.

02-297 C.M.R. ch. 6, § 1