When a rule in another Chapter refers to a national code, the reference is to the edition of the code, addendum, and/or appendix adopted in this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between a standard in a national code and the provision of a Maine statute or the Board's rules, the provision of the Maine statute or the Board's rules governs.
Copies of the ASME Codes may be purchased from:
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
22 Law Drive, Box 2900
Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900
Tel. 1-800-843-2763
Copies of the National Board Inspection Code may be purchased from:
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
1055 Crupper Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Tel. 614-888-8320
Copies of TAPPI may be purchased from:
P.O. Box 105113
Atlanta, GA 30348-5113
Tel. 1-800-332-8686
02-041 C.M.R. ch. 11, § 3