Fertility coverage shall include, at a minimum, payment of benefits for the following services and procedures for fertility patients, subject to the limitations permitted by Section 6, when the service or procedure is recognized as medically appropriate, in light of the fertility patient's medical history, under guidelines adopted in compliance with this rule:
1. Intrauterine or vaginal insemination;3. Diagnosis and diagnostic tests;5. Ultrasounds and other imaging procedures;6. Physical examinations;7. Fresh and frozen embryo transfer, including the transfer of donor embryos;8. Egg retrievals, including, when a live donor is used in an egg retrieval, the donor's associated medical costs until the donor is released from treatment by the reproductive endocrinologist; covered medical costs include without limitation physical examination, laboratory screening, psychological screening, prescription drugs, monitoring follicle development, the retrieval procedure, and treatment of any direct medical complications of covered procedures;9. Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer and zygote intrafallopian tube transfer;10. Intracytoplasmic sperm injections;11. In vitro fertilization, including in vitro fertilization using donor eggs and in vitro fertilization where the embryo is transferred to a gestational carrier or surrogate;12. Medications, including injectable fertility medications, even if the contract or policy does not provide prescription drug benefits. Where a contract or policy provides both prescription drug and medical and hospital benefits, fertility drugs shall be covered under the prescription drug coverage;14. Surgery, including but not limited to microsurgical sperm aspiration or extraction; and15. Costs associated with cryopreservation and storage of embryos, eggs, sperm, ovarian tissue, and testicular tissue for up to five years.02-031 C.M.R. ch. 865, § 5