C.M.R. 01, 672, ch. 10, APPENDICES, app 672-10-F

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

The following areas, not including areas below the high water mark of coastal wetlands, comprise the expedited permitting area for wind energy development to accomplish the purposes of "An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Wind Power Development", P.L. 2007, ch. 661, and "An Act To Improve Regulatory Consistency within the Jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Planning Commission," P.L. 2015, ch. 265. The Commission may add and remove areas within its jurisdiction to and from the expedited permitting area for wind energy development in accordance with Title 35-A, Section3453 and Section 3453-A.

1. Entire townships and plantations. The following entire townships and plantations:

Alder Stream Twp., 07801;

Argyle Twp., 19801;

Bald Mountain Twp., T2 R3, 25805;

Baring Plt., 29040;

Barnard Twp., 21030;

Batchelders Grant Twp., 17805;

Benedicta Twp., 03050;

Berry Twp, 29818;

Blake Gore, 25811;

Blanchard Twp., 21040;

Brookton Twp., 29801;

Centerville Twp., 29080;

Chase Stream Twp., 25816;

Chester, 19100;

Connor Twp., 03802;

Cox Patent, 03803;

Cross Lake Twp., 03899;

Cyr Plt., 03140;

Dudley Twp., 03804;

Dyer Twp., 29803;

E Twp., 03160;

East Moxie Twp., 25821;

Fletchers Landing Twp., 09804;

Forkstown Twp., 03805;

Fowler Twp., 29807;

Garfield Plt., 03220;

Glenwood Plt., 03230;

Grand Falls Twp., 19250;

Grindstone Twp., 19802;

Hamlin, 03250;

Hammond, 03260;

Herseytown Twp., 19803;

Hibberts Gore, 15801;

Hopkins Academy Grant Twp., 19804;

Indian Stream Twp., 25828;

Jim Pond Twp., 07811;

Johnson Mountain Twp., 25829;

Kibby Twp., 07812;

Kingman Twp., 19808;

Lake View Plt., 21120;

Macwahoc Plt., 03360;

Madawaska Lake Twp, 03889;

Mattamiscontis Twp., 19810;

Mayfield Twp., 25835;

Milton Twp., 17812;

Misery Twp., 25836;

Moro Plt., 03430;

Mount Chase, 19450;

Nashville Plt., 03440;

North Yarmouth Academy Grant Twp., 03807;

Osborn, 09230;

Oxbow North Twp., 03500;

Parkertown Twp., 17814;

Perkins Twp., 07818;

Perkins Twp. Swan Island, 23801;

Prentiss Twp., T4 R4 NBKP, 25843;

Prentiss Twp., T7 R3 NBPP, 19540;

Reed Plt., 03540;

Saint Croix Twp., 03808;

Saint John Plt., 03570;

Sandy Bay Twp., 25850;

Sandy River Plt., 07170;

Scopan Twp., 03810;

Seboeis Plt., 19550;

Silver Ridge Twp., 03809;

Sinclair Twp., 03898;

Squaretown Twp., 25854;

Summit Twp., 19812;

T1 R5 WELS, 03816;

T1 R6 WELS, 19815;

T10 R3 WELS, 03829;

T10 R6 WELS, 03830;

T10 SD, 09806;

T11 R3 NBPP, 29817;

T11 R4 WELS, 03833;

T13 R5 WELS, 03856;

T14 R5 WELS, 03867;

T14 R6 WELS, 03868;

T15 R5 WELS, 03879;

T15 R6 WELS, 03880;

T16 MD, 09807;

T16 R5 WELS, 03890;

T16 R6 WELS, 03891;

T18 MD BPP, 29819;

T19 ED BPP, 29820;

T19 MD BPP, 29821;

T2 R4 WELS, 03817;

T2 R8 NWP, 19817;

T2 R9 NWP, 19819;

T22 MD, 09808;

T3 Indian Purchase Twp., 19806;

T3 R3 WELS, 03818;

T3 R4 WELS, 03819;

T3 R9 NWP, 19823;

T4 R3 WELS, 03820;

T6 R6 WELS, 19829;

T7 R5 WELS, 03821;

T7 R6 WELS, 19832;

T8 R3 NBPP, 29815;

T8 R3 WELS, 03822;

T8 R4 NBPP, 29816;

T8 R5 WELS, 03823;

T8 R6 WELS, 19835;

T9 R3 WELS, 03824;

T9 R4 WELS, 03825;

T9 R5 WELS, 03826;

T9 SD, 09805;

TA R2 WELS, 03813;

TA R7 WELS, 19814;

TC R2 WELS, 03814;

TD R2 WELS, 03815;

Unity Twp., 11801;

Upper Molunkus Twp., 03811;

Van Buren Cove Twp., 03897;

Washington Twp., 07827;

Webbertown Twp., 03812;

Webster Plt., 19600;

Williamsburg Twp., 21827;

and Winterville Plt., 03680;

2. Portions of townships and plantations. The following portions of townships and plantations:

that portion of Adamstown Twp., 17801, north of Route 16;

Bald Mountain Twp., T4 R3, 25806, excluding areas of Boundary Bald Mountain above 2,700 feet in elevation;

Chain of Ponds, 07803, an approximately 1,578.4-acre parcel, bounded by the eastern town line at latitude 45.373, longitude -70.625484, proceeding westerly to latitude 45.370087, longitude -70.63231 then to latitude 45.368156, longitude -70.645478 where it intersects the 2,400-foot contour, proceeding along the 2,400-foot contour westerly and then northerly to the intersection of the 2,400-foot contour to the northern town line, following the town line eastward and then southward until reaching the beginning point, latitude 45.373, longitude -70.625484;

the portion of Coplin Plt., 07040, north of Route 16;

the portion of Dallas Plt., 07050, north of Route 16;

the portion of Ebeemee Twp., 21853, east of Route 11;

the portion of Kossuth Twp., 29808, north of Route 6 and a portion south of Route 6, beginning at a point 45.406587° latitude, -67.97342° longitude on the boundary between Carroll Plantation and Kossuth Township approximately 1,500 feet southeast of Route 6 along the township line, and following the town boundary southeast approximately 4,000 feet to 45.39584° latitude, -67.970263° longitude, then proceeding east approximately 7,500' to 45.395571° latitude, -67.940835° longitude, then proceeding north approximately 3,200 feet to 45.404206° latitude, -67.940674° longitude, then proceeding southwest approximately 935 feet to 45.403537° latitude, -67.944191° longitude, then proceeding north approximately 1,000 feet to 45.406328° latitude, -67.944987° longitude, then proceeding east approximately 7,300 feet to the point of beginning, 45.406587° latitude, -67.97342° longitude;

the portion of Lang Twp., 07813, north of Route 16;

the portion of Lincoln Plt., 17160, north of Route 16;

the portion of Long A Twp., 19809, east of Route 11;

the 487.5-acre area above the 2,040-foot elevation around Green Top in Lynchtown Twp., 17810;

the portions of Misery Gore Twp., 25837, north of and administered as part of Misery Twp. and Parlin Pond Twp. pursuant to P & S.L. 1991, ch. 51, §2;

the portion of Molunkus Twp., 03806, beginning at a point on the line between Molunkus (a.k.a. Township A Range 5 WELS) and Macwahoc Plantation being located S 1º 40' 53" E, a tie distance of 208.77 feet from an iron rod located at coordinates N: 16,578,625.02 usft E: 1,819,527.31 usft; Thence S 71º 39' 16" W, a distance of 3,783.03 feet to a point on the easterly sideline of the Benedicta Road, so called; Thence continuing S 71º 39' 16" W, crossing said Benedicta Road a distance of 283.96 feet to a point; Thence S 14º 04' 18" W, a distance of 4,456.43 feet; Thence S 44º 41' 42" W, a distance of 15,391.59 feet; Thence S 47º 01' 09" W, a distance of 1,202.86 feet to an angle point having coordinates N: 16,561,052.23 usft E: 1,802,884.24 usft; Thence S 63º 11' 34" W, a distance of 2,580 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly line of Molunkus and the southerly line of Aroostook County; Thence S 77º 00' W, more or less, by and along said southerly line of Molunkus, a distance of 840 feet, more or less, to a point located 200.00 feet from, as measured perpendicular to, the last described course; Thence N 63º 11' 34" E, at all times 200.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel to, the southeasterly line of the parcel described herein, a distance of 3365 feet, more or less, to a point having coordinates N: 16,561,217.92 usft E: 1,802,768.68 usft; Thence N 47º 01' 09" E, at all times 200.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel, a distance of 1,170.39 feet to a point; Thence N 44º 41' 42" E, at all times 200.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel to, the southeasterly line of the parcel described herein, a distance of 15332.78 feet to a point; Thence N 14º 04' 18" E, at all times 200.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel to, the southeasterly line of the parcel described herein, a distance of 4,511.59 feet to a point; Thence N 71º 39' 16" E crossing said Benedicta Road, at all times 200.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel to, the southeasterly line of the parcel described herein, a distance of 338.62 feet to an iron rod found on the easterly sideline of said Benedicta Road; Thence continuing N 71º 39' 16" E, a distance of 3,898.14 feet to said iron rod on the line between Molunkus and Macwahoc Plantation; Thence S 1º 40' E, more or less, by and along said line between Molunkus and Macwahoc Plantation, a distance of 209 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;

the portion of Rockwood Strip T2 R1 NBKP, 25845, south of Little Brassua Lake and Brassua Lake;

the portion of Sandwich Academy Grant Twp., 25849, south of Moose River, Little Brassua Lake and Brassua Lake;

Skinner Twp., 07822, an approximately 193.4-acre parcel that follows the ridge to Kibby Mountain, bounded on the east and west by the 2,820-foot contour, on the south by the town line where it intersects the 2,820-foot contour and on the north by a line drawn from latitude 45.4121, longitude -70.54402 to latitude 45.41587, longitude -70.5349 intersecting the 2,820-foot contour;

the portion of Soldiertown Twp., T2 R7 WELS, 19811, east of the East Branch Penobscot River;

the portion of T1 R8 WELS, 19816, south of Millinocket Lake;

the portion of T1 R9 WELS, 21833, southeast of Ambajejus Lake;

T24 MD BPP, 29822, excluding a one mile buffer around Mopang Stream;

T25 MD BPP, 29823, an approximately 558.5-acre parcel in the Bear Brook and Black Pond area, bounded by a point along the southern town line, latitude 44.805142, longitude -67.741067, and proceeding in a counterclockwise direction through the following points, latitude 44.808871, longitude -67.744217, latitude 44.812645, longitude -67.750877, latitude 44.816887, longitude -67.76346, latitude 44.817639, longitude -67.768806, latitude 44.817596, longitude -67.770188, latitude 44.817259, longitude -67.771089, latitude 44.816282, longitude -67.771687, latitude 44.815068, longitude -67.771704, latitude 44.810286, longitude -67.767988, latitude 44.802482, longitude -67.759738 intersecting the town line, proceeding easterly along the southern town line to beginning point latitude 44.805142, longitude -67.741067;

the portion of T3 R7 WELS, 19821, east of the Seboeis River and East Branch Penobscot River;

the portions of T4 Indian Purchase Twp., 19807, area northeast of North Twin Lake and south of Route 11;

the portion of T4 R7 WELS, 19824, east of the Seboeis River;

the portion of T4 R9 NWP, 21845, east of Route 11;

the portion of T5 R7 WELS, 19827, east of the Seboeis River; and

the portion of T6 R7 WELS, 19830, east of the Seboeis River; and

3. Coastal islands in unorganized and deorganized area. All islands located in waters subject to tidal influence that are within the unorganized and deorganized areas of the State.

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C.M.R. 01, 672, ch. 10, APPENDICES, app 672-10-F