01-026-41 Me. Code R. § 6

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

The registration of pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam for which there is an outdoor ornamental plant or turf use on the product label shall be subject to the following limitations and conditions.

I. "Emerging Invasive Invertebrate Pests" means any invertebrate, including its eggs or other biological material capable of propagating that species that occurs outside of its eco-region and its introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm, or harm to human, animal, or plant health, to include:
a. Species both known now and unknown now but showing up at a later date;
b. Species that occur outside of their eco-region (level III) as defined by EPA; and
c. Species on a Board approved list.
II. "Ornamental Plants" meansshrubs, trees and related vegetation excluding turf and lawn, in and around residences.
B.Board Publication of Product List

The Board of Pesticides Control will publish within 30 days of adoption and by March 15th of each year thereafter a list of insecticide products containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam registered in Maine for which the manufacturer has verified that there is an outdoor ornamental plant or turf use on the pesticide label. Based on available information, the Board may exempt from this list pesticides that it determines are not for use in the control of invertebrate pests on outdoor ornamental plants or turf. Pesticides labeled solely for use in preserving wood, managing indoor pests, managing structural pests within five (5) feet of a human dwelling, and treating pets are specifically exempt from this list.

C.Licenses Required
I. No person shall purchase, use, or supervise the use of any pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam identified on the Board's annual listing unless they have obtained a private or commercial pesticide applicator's license from the Board.
II. Unless exempted under Chapter 41, Section 6(C) (IV) no person shall purchase, use or supervise the use of any pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam in outdoor residential landscapes to include ornamental plants and turf.
III. No person shall distribute any pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam identified on the Board's annual listing without a restricted use pesticide dealer's license from the Board.
IV. Registered pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam and identified on the Board's annual listing are exempt from the prohibition of use described in Chapter 41, Section 6(C) (II) where by:
a. The applicator obtains an emergency permit from the Board; or
b. The use of these products is for management of emerging invasive invertebrate pests on ornamental plants in outdoor residential landscapes.
V. No person shall use any pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam identified on the Board's annual listing for the purposes of managing turf and lawn in outdoor residential landscapes.
D.Records and Reporting

Dealers distributing any pesticides containing dinotefuran, clothianidin, imidacloprid or thiamethoxam identified on the Board's annual listing shall keep records of such sales and provide reports to the Board as described for restricted use pesticides in Chapter 50, "Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements."


The Board's staff may grant an emergency permit authorizing neonicotinoid use in compliance with Sections 6(C) of this chapter if the restrictions in this chapter prevent efficacious application of pesticide(s) and the staff determines that an emergency situation exists as outlined in Chapter 51(VII)(B)(1).

I. No variance may be granted if the emergency is the result of an unjustifiable delay created by the person seeking the variance or the person requesting the pesticide application.
II. If the staff does not grant the variance, the applicator or the person requesting the pesticide application may petition the Board for exemption following the requirements set forth in 22 M.R.S.A. §1471-T, "Exemption".
F.Emergency Use Permits

Emergency use permit applications shall be made on such forms as the Board provides and shall include at least the following information:

I. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
II. The area(s) where pesticides will be applied;
IV. The purpose for which the pesticide application(s) will be made;
V. The approximate application date(s);
VI. The type(s) of application equipment to be employed;
VII. The approved pest species for which the application is being made as defined in policy or by the board; and
VIII. The particular reasons why the applicant seeks a variance from the requirements of this section, including a detailed description of the techniques to be employed to assure that a reasonably equivalent degree of protection of surrounding nontarget vegetation will be obtained.

Within 30 days after a complete application is submitted, the Board or its staff shall issue a permit if it finds that the application meets requirements of Section 6(E). The Board may place conditions on any such permit, and the applicant shall comply with such conditions. Except as required by the permit, the applicant shall undertake the application in accordance with all of the conditions described in their request and all other applicable legal standards. Permits issued by the Board under this section shall not be transferable or assignable except with further written approval of the Board and shall be valid only for the period specified in the permit.

01-026 C.M.R. ch. 41, § 6