01- 026 C.M.R. ch. 40, § 1

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

The products described under Section A and B below shall be classified as restricted use pesticides for the purposes of this chapter.

A. All products classified for restricted use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shall automatically be restricted use pesticides under this chapter.
B. In addition, all products containing the following active ingredients and meeting the listed criteria shall be classified as restricted use pesticides in Maine:

arsenic compounds (above 2%) fenthion (Baytex)

azinphos-methyl (Guthion) fonophos (Dyfonate, above 15%)

chlorfenvinphos (4072) formetanate hydrochloride (Carzol)

daminozide mercury compounds

dichlorvos (Vapona, DDVP, above 25%) methomyl (Lannate-all uses except

**disulfoton (Disyston, above 1%) bait fomulations less than 2%

DNOC (Sinox, above 2%) methomyl)

***EBDC fungicides (Maneb, Mancozeb nicotine alkaloid

Dithane, Polyram, Metiram, etc) nicotine salts (above 40% expressed

except dry flowable and liquid as alkaloid)

formulations oxamyl (Vydate)

endosulfan (Thiodan, above 10%) paraquat (above 0.2%)

endothall phosphorus (white and yellow)

ethion (above 40%) strychnine


**Granular formulations of 10% and above are restricted.

***All dusts and wettable powder formulations restricted, regardless of concentration.

C. Restricted use pesticides may be sold only by restricted use pesticide dealers licensed by the Board as provided in Chapter 34.
D. Restricted use pesticides may be purchased and used only by applicators licensed by the Board as provided in Chapters 31 and 32.

01- 026 C.M.R. ch. 40, § 1