In a two in three race, a horse must win two heats to win the race, and there shall be 10% set aside for the race winner. The purse shall be divided and awarded according to the finish in each of the first two or three heats, as the case may be. If the race is unfinished at the end of the third heat, all but the heat winners or horses making a dead heat for first shall be ruled out. The fourth heat, when required, shall be raced for the 10% set aside for the winner. If there be any third or fourth premiums, etc., for which no horse has maintained a specific place, the premium therefore shall go to the winner of that heat, but that number of premiums distributed need not exceed the number of horses starting in the race. In a two-year-old race, if there are two heat winners and they have made a dead heat in the third heat, the race shall be declared finished and the colt standing best in the summary shall be awarded the 10%, if the two heat winners made a dead heat and stand the same in the summary, the 10% shall be divided equally between them.
01- 017 C.M.R. ch. 7, § 77