Hearings held subject to the requirements of this chapter shall be conducted before the full Commission or, as provided in this section, by the chair of the Commission.
The Chair of the Commission may conduct hearings as a sole member hearing board on the following matters:
All other hearings, including Licensing Hearings and Date Assignment Hearings must be conducted by a quorum of the full Commission.
The Commission, with reasonable notice to the chair, may require the full Commission to conduct a hearing normally held by the chair. The chair, with reasonable notice to the Commission, may schedule a full Commission hearing on any issue normally heard solely by the chair.
The Chair of the Commission may suspend a license in conformity with 5 M.R.S.A. §10004(5)(B) if required to immediately remedy the needs of the sport, provided that suspension shall not continue for more than 30 days.
01-017 C.M.R. ch. 21, § 4