SUMMARY: Notice requirement adopted by the Maine Milk Commission for distributors to give before terminating milk deliveries to a customer.
As used in this rule the following words shall have the following meaning:
A. "DISTRIBUTOR" means any milk processor or any independent supplier making delivery of milk to wholesale and/or retail store accounts.B. "CUSTOMER" means any person or business buying milk products for resale or personal consumption on the premises. 1. Distributors must give 30 days written notice by registered or certified letter before terminating delivery to any customer in their delivery area or in the traditional delivery areas of a distributor they have purchased. The 30 days notice requirement does not apply to cancellations resulting from failure to pay bills.2. The notice will identify the closest delivery point where the distributor's product will be available for pickup by the affected customer.3. The distributor will identify other distributors, if any, by name and address who are servicing the area and from whom a replacement supply may be available.4. A copy of the notice dated and signed by an official of the distributor will be sent to the Maine Milk Commission identifying the customer by name and address, within the same 30 days requirement. INJUNCTIONS AND CIVIL PENALTIES; 7 M.R.S.A. §2959
December 12 , 1989
January 1, 1990
May 4, 1996
August 5, 2005STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 7 M.R.S.A. §2953 ( PL 1975, c. 5A Section 2, May 11, 1989).