La. Admin. Code tit. 76 § I-907

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-907 - Evaluation Criteria Scoring
A. All applications will be reviewed in light of the questions below.
1. Question 1-Project Needs and Benefits (max 50 points). Does this project provide specific and clearly identified needs and benefits? Project benefits considered can include the following:
a. Outdoor Recreational Opportunity
i. Criteria Question: Does this project provide new or enhanced recreational access to parks/green space/natural environment (for fishing, hiking, hunting, canoeing, or other?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicant should list any new or enhanced recreational access provided by this project.
iii. Criteria Question: Will this project provide outdoor nature-based recreational opportunities?
iv. Criteria Details: Applicant must list all nature-based outdoor recreation opportunities provided by the acquisition or development of this property.
b. Cultural and Historical Value
i. Criteria Question: Does this project provide conservation on or adjacent to a historical site or site of cultural significance?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicant must describe how the project provides conservation on or near the historical site or site of cultural significance.
iii. Criteria Question: Does this project include the acquisition or stewardship of land with a cultural or historical value?
iv. Criteria Details: Applicant must demonstrate how the property has local, regional or state-wide cultural and/or historical value and describe how this project adds to or enriches that value.
c. Water Quality
i. Criteria Question: Does this project provide improvement of impaired water quality or protection of water quality in healthy waters that meet or exceed water quality standards, including drinking water supplies?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicant should describe how the project provides improvement of water quality or protection.
d. Ecological Value
i. Criteria Question: Does this project provide enhancement or conservation of important natural areas, including fish and wildlife habitat and corridors?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicant must describe how the project provides enhancement or conservation of important natural areas.
iii. Criteria Question: Does the project provide conservation of soil, water, or other natural resources on working lands?
iv. Criteria Details: Applicant must demonstrate how the project provides conservation of soil, water, or other natural resources related to working lands.
v. Criteria Question: Does this project include the acquisition or stewardship of land with a significant ecological, conservation, restoration, or natural resource sustainability value?
vi. Criteria Details: Applicant must demonstrate the significant ecological value of the project including, but not limited to, native plant and animal species of a conservation concern; and/or the critical importance of the habitat, particularly those that include a stream buffer.
e. Contiguous
i. Criteria Question: Is the proposed project contiguous with other conservation properties (including but not limited to local, state or federal parks and forests, conservation easements, scenic rivers or other important properties)?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicants project should demonstrate that the project is contiguous with other conservation properties.
f. Future Benefits
i. Criteria Question: Does this project satisfy specific and clearly identified benefits into the future and how they meet the desired project category?
ii. Criteria Details: Describe how elements within your proposal meet a project category from the program. Clearly identify your project's anticipated lifespan and how it will yield benefits for Louisiana into the future.
g. Stewardship
i. Criteria Question: Will this project promote the stewardship of natural resources?
ii. Criteria Details: Applicant must demonstrate how this project will promote effective conservation and sustainable practices, protect the scenic or unique natural features present and visibility of such, assist the property in remaining relevant to the community, and encourage visitation and participation by providing a safe recreational experience for future generations.
2. Question 2-Partnerships (max 10 points)
a. Criteria Question: Is there a measurable value added to this project through cooperation with external partners?
b. Criteria Details: Applicant must describe the contribution of all partnerships and provide documentation of close participation of all entities. Applicant must identify the scope and participation level of each entity, including donations, cash or materials, volunteer/staff hours or professional services provided.
c. Required Documents: Letters of commitment must be uploaded for each partnership. Letters of commitment must specify the value of each partnership.
d. Note: Any cash, donations, etc. detailed in commitment letters must be included in the Project Budget Worksheet.
3. Question 3-Underserved Area or Area of Designated Need (max 10 points)
a. Criteria Question: Does this project satisfy specific and clearly identified needs within an underserved area or area of designated need?
b. Criteria Details: The pre-application should describe if and how the project will benefit an underserved area or area of designated need.
4. Question 4-Funding or Matching Funds (max 10 points)
a. Criteria Question: What amount or percentage of matching funds or in-kind match will be provided?
b. Question Details: Applicant must identify the amount or percentage of matching funds or in-kind match that they will provide, including the source of funds.
c. All matching funds or in-kind match must be included and highlighted as such in the Project Budget Worksheet. Written documentation of monetary investments or in-kind match must be provided in the form of letters of contribution.
5. Question 5-Local, State, Regional, or Federal Plans (max 5 points)
a. Criteria Question: Does this project coincide with, build upon or add value to any existing local, state, regional, or federal plan?
b. Criteria Details: Applicant must cite the relevant local, state, regional, or federal plan and the project's alignment to the plan.
6. Question 6-Timely Completion (max 5 points)
a. Criteria Question: What is the estimated schedule for completion?
b. Criteria Details: Any application that is postured to be ready to begin may be assigned points for having a high likelihood of timely completion.
7. Question 7-Economic Development/Benefits (max 5 points)
a. Criteria Question: Will this project create opportunities to enhance the local, regional and/or statewide economy?
b. Criteria Details: Applicant must demonstrate how the project will benefit the local, regional, and/or statewide economy. The applicant may provide the following to show the positive impact of this project beyond the local or host community: current comprehensive plan; parish or local stakeholder work plans; resource inventory; NRI data; current recreation master plan; current county or regional master plan; current trail system plan; State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan; current capital improvements plan, current regional water plan and/or land use management plan; recorded public hearing minutes; supporting documentation from the Chamber of Commerce; letters from local business(es) or economic development organizations; etc.
c. The information provided should describe job creation, ecosystem services, recreational use income, enhancements to rural economies as quantified by agricultural economics, and other related economic benefits expected to result from this project, if applicable.

NOTE: The purpose of this question is to advance local, regional, or statewide significant economic impacts, in order to continue to sustain the local, regional, or statewide economic base, as well as diversify those respective drivers. Applicants may submit local, regional, or statewide planning documents as proof.

8. Question 8-Maintenance (max 5 points)
a. Criteria Question: What is the maintenance and management plan for the project?
b. Criteria Details: Describe the maintenance and management plan in place for the project, or how a plan will be developed before project completion. The information provided should showcase sustainability through time. Maintenance plans may include but are not limited to RMS level or other site specific conservation plans.
c. Criteria Question: Do you have a plan and budget to maintain, manage, and secure this property for multiple years of commitment beyond the project completion date?
d. Criteria Details: Applicant must provide an approved applicable maintenance, management, and security plan that shows multi-year of commitment beyond the project completion date. These commitments must address monetary support as well as address a credible timeline.

Scoring Criteria


Project Needs and Benefits




Underserved Areas or Areas of Designated Need


Funding or Matching Funds


Local, State, Regional, or Federal Plans


Timely Completion


Economic Development/Benefits






La. Admin. Code tit. 76, § I-907

Promulgated by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Louisiana Outdoors Forever Program Project Selection Board and Technical Advisory Board, LR 49509 (3/1/2023).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 56:1934.