La. Admin. Code tit. 70 § XVII-539

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XVII-539 - The Role of the Review Appraiser
A. The review appraiser, whether staff or consultant, has an important function and duty to his employer and is an essential element in the overall valuation procedure. Theduties involved in the acceptable performance of his job include but are not limited to the following:
1. determines the scope of work for all fee consultants and/or staff utilized in the appraisal process. This includes appraisers, cost consultants, foresters, hydrologists, geologists, accountants, etc.;
2. provides contracts for all consultants based upon the determination of the scope of work;
3. supervises the appraisers and all other fee consultants employed for the duration of appraisal process;
4. insure that all reports utilized meet all applicable standards, policies, laws and regulations at both the state and federal levels;
5. verifies all data used in the appraisal reports with the appraisers providing the reports. This is to include inspecting subject properties and comparable sales;
6. substantiates that all factual data submitted by the appraisers is consistent. If not, the reviewer is to determine the correct data and have the discrepancies revised;
7. appraisal reports and/or other reports required for the appraisal process are approved only when it is determined the reports meet all laws, regulations, policies, procedures, etc. The review appraiser shall have all discrepancies or problems rectified prior to approving appraisal reports for negotiation. Reports that do not meet the qualifications shall not be approved and payment will not be forthcoming;
8. the review appraiser insures that value determinations are consistent based upon the criteria set forth to determine the market value of the properties being appraised. Inconsistencies shall always be corrected;
9. documentation of the review process shall be maintained within the project files;
10. the reviewer recommends the compensation due the property owner based upon the conforming reports provided. In the event the department utilizes a contract review appraiser, it will be understood the department shall approve the estimate of compensation;
11. review appraisers are also responsible for the inspection and approval of review assignments contracted to consultant review appraisers. This duty involves assuring the review is conducted in the manner stated above.
B. A qualified review appraiser shall examine the presentation and analysis of market information in all appraisals to assure that they meet the definition of appraisal found in 49 CFR 24.2(a)(3), appraisal requirements found in 49 CFR 24.103 and other applicable requirements, including, to the extent appropriate, the UASFLA and support the appraiser's opinion of value. The level of review analysis depends on the complexity of the appraisal problem. As needed, the review appraiser shall, prior to acceptance, seek necessary corrections or revisions. The review appraiser shall identify each appraisal report as recommended (as the basis for the establishment of the amount believed to be compensation), accepted (meets all requirements, but not selected as recommended or approved), or not accepted. If authorized by the LDOTD to do so, the staff review appraiser shall also approve the appraisal (as the basis for the establishment of the amount believed to be compensation), and, if also authorized to do so, develop and report the amount believed to be compensation.
C. If the review appraiser is unable to recommend (or approve) an appraisal as an adequate basis for the establishment of the offer of compensation, and it is determined by the acquiring LDOTD that it is not practical to obtain an additional appraisal, the review appraiser may, as part of the review, present and analyze market information in conformance with §24.103 to support a recommended (or approved) value.
D. The review appraiser shall prepare a written report that identifies the appraisal reports reviewed and documents the findings and conclusions arrived at during the review of the appraisal(s). Any damages or benefits to any remaining property shall be identified in the review appraiser's report. The review appraiser shall also prepare a signed certification that states the parameters of the review. The certification shall state the approved value, and, if the review appraiser is authorized to do so the amount believed to be compensation for the acquisition.
E. In short, the review appraiser recommends compensation, clarifies and corrects appraisal deficiencies, corroborates the appraiser's conclusions, performs professional technical assistance to his employer, secures proper performance from the appraiser, documents the review performance, gives final organization approval regarding appraisal and valuation matters, operates in an autonomous position not subject to directed reviews, confers with management on valuation matters and is fully knowledgeable as to the requirements, problems and objectives of the organization he represents.

La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § XVII-539

Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Real Estate, LR 33:1376 (July 2007).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 48:443.