Eligible Urban Highway-an interstate highway.
Gross Building Area-square footage of usable area within a building, or series of buildings under one roof, that is considered usable by the retail businesses and the public; if a building is multi-level, this includes the square footage available on each level.
Major Shopping Area-a geographic area that:
1. consists of 30 acres or more of land;
2. includes an enclosed retail shopping mall that contains 500,000 square feet or more of gross building area;
3. includes strip-style outdoor shopping plazas and outlet shopping centers that contain no less than 240,000 square feet of gross leasable space;
4. is located within 3 miles of an interchange with an eligible urban highway.
Major Shopping Area Guide Sign-a rectangular sign panel imprinted with the name of the retail shopping area as it is commonly known to the public and containing directional information.
Major Shopping Area Ramp Sign-a sign with the common name of the retail shopping mall, directional arrows, and/or distances placed near an eligible urban highway exit ramp.
Retail Shopping Mall-retail businesses located within a building, or a series of buildings, connected by a common continuous roof and walls, and enclosing and covering all inner pedestrian walkways and common areas.
Supplemental Guide Sign-the major shopping area guide signs shall meet the applicable provisions of the Engineering Directives and Standards Memorandum for Interstate Supplemental Guide Signs Section and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Only one supplemental guide sign assembly with a maximum of two supplemental guide sign destinations shall be allowed per exit. Other existing and new traffic generators which qualify for supplemental guide signs shall be given priority over major shopping guide signs, including permitted and installed shopping area guide signs.
La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § III-401