La. Admin. Code tit. 70 § I-317

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-317 - General Policy Governing the Treatment of Existing Significant Trees within the Highway Right-of-Way, Zone of Construction or Operational Influence
A. Purpose. The purpose of this directive is to establish a general policy governing the treatment of significant trees by the department within the highway right-of-way, zone of construction or operational influence.
B. Definitions

Historic Tree-a tree that stands at a place where an event of historic significance occurred that had local, regional, or national importance. A tree may also be considered historic if it has assumed a legendary stature in the community; is mentioned in literature or documents of historic value; is considered unusual due to size or age; or has landmark status.

Significant Tree-one of the following: Live Oak, Red Oak, White Oak, Magnolia, or Cypress that is considered aesthetically important, is 18" or greater in diameter at breast height (4' - 6" above the ground), and has a form that separates it from the surrounding vegetation or is considered historic. Significant trees must be in good health and not in a declining condition.

C. Design Considerations. The landscape architectural staff and district roadside development coordinators shall be consulted during the scoping and/or environmental phase. The landscape architectural staff shall identify significant trees during the scoping and/or environmental phase. The design section shall indicate significant trees on the plans and implement a context sensitive design (i.e., preservation, specified limited impact, or special treatment) to accommodate these trees where practical.
D. Construction Considerations. The project engineer shall ensure that the contractor's operations are sensitive to the treatment indicated in the plans.
1. Construction considerations may include the following:
a. temporary fencing to protect trees from construction equipment;
b. avoidance of root zones;
c. care of overhanging branches, etc.
2. Significant tree issues arising on construction projects shall be managed by the district roadside development coordinators, who shall seek the guidance of the landscape architectural staff when questions arise.
E. Considerations for Utility Companies. Utility operators shall not prune trees identified as significant by the department. Alternate construction methods, such as changing the alignment, will be required to avoid impacting the significant tree(s). Removal of significant trees may be necessary when electrical utility lines cannot be aligned to avoid removal. Consideration will be given to boring to place utilities under significant Live Oaks or trees of historical significance where all other means of avoiding the trees have failed.

La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § I-317

Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, LR. 17:204 (February 1991), amended LR. 26:1675 (August 2000), LR 29:48 (January 2003).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 48:267 - 268 and R.S. 47:820.6.