Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-1513 - Process for Acquiring an Access PermitA. The access connection permit application process shall be initiated by the applicant during the preliminary planning and development stages of a project. Applicant shall coordinate the initial requests with the Louisiana DOTD district permit specialist where the subject property is located.B. The process for acquiring an access connection permit shall be defined in DOTD policies.C. At the direction of the DOTD district office, a request for an access connection permit may require the submission of any required supporting documentation to the DOTD district office. Actual work on an access connection shall not begin until the application has been approved by the DOTD. Required permit application supporting documentation may include some or all of the following: 1. detailed property location, including but not limited to:b. legal property description (with professional land surveyor stamp);c. property frontage dimensions;d. relative locations of all access connections, intersecting streets, signals, railways, and crossovers within a specified distance from the property lines. This distance shall be specified by the DOTD district engineering administrator (DA) and/or DTOE;e. information on any nearby or adjacent properties owned and/or controlled by the applicant(s), including anticipated future land use(s);f. posted speed limit of adjacent roadways;2. right-of-way information, including but not limited to:a. measured rights-of-way for the subject property;b. easements (utility, drainage, etc.) and locations of same;c. known existing access restrictions;e. right-of-way widths for all adjacent roadways (state, parish, local, private, etc.);3. proposed site plan drawing, fully dimensioned to-scale on 11" x 17" or 24" x 36" paper, showing all, but not limited to, the following:a. existing roadway alignment for all adjacent roadways;b. requested access connection location;c. distance from requested access connection to nearest property line(s) and nearest intersecting roadways (in all directions along the roadway from the subject property);d. distance from right-of-way to all buildings, structures, gas pumps, etc. on the proposed site;e. plan for internal parking, drives, traffic flow patterns, traffic control devices, markings, truck/service vehicle routing, emergency access, etc. Autoturn or similar analysis must be shown for adequate design vehicle(s);f. detailed geometry of proposed access connection (width, radii, lane use, etc.) must conform to DOTD standard plans. Autoturn or similar analysis must be shown for adequate design vehicle(s);g. detailed pavement design of proposed access connection (base type and thickness, pavement thickness, curb treatment, etc.);h. sidewalk and ADA ramps, where required;i. proposed treatment of right-of-way area between and adjacent to proposed and existing access connection(s);j. sight distance triangles for proposed access connection;4. temporary traffic control plan for work within the right-of-way (see Section entitled Construction Requirements);5. railroad crossing permit (see Section entitled Railroad Crossings);6. copies of permits obtained for access and building rights from local authorities;7. permanent signing and pavement marking plans which conform to DOTD standards and the most current edition of the manual on uniform traffic control devices;8. detailed plans of required or proposed mitigation (turn lanes, etc.);9. additional information, drawings, or documents as required by the district engineer administrator or his/her designee.La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § I-1513
Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, LR 37:348 (January 2011), amended by the Office of Engineering, LR 40:1011 (May 2014).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 48:344.