Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-929 - Labeling, Advertising and Displaying of EggsA. Terms, words, phrases, symbols, etc. used in the labeling and advertising of eggs such as fresh, newly laid, and yard eggs shall be applied only to eggs having not less than the minimum quality requirements of U.S.D.A. consumer Grade A or better and which have been so labeled as to grade and size.B. Each carton or sleeve shall have on each individual container the following: 3. the name and address of packer/producer;4. the Louisiana license number issued by the Louisiana Egg Commission (example: La000);5. the phrase "keep refrigerated at 45° F or below";C. Each case, regardless of size, of loose eggs shall have marked on one end: 2. the name and address of packer/producer;4. the Louisiana license number (example: La000);5. the phrase "keep refrigerated at 45° F or below" (this may be placed on the side or top of the case).D. Eggs that are packed on flats (cartons that do not have tops or lids) and are shrink wrapped shall have the above information on a place card no smaller than 5 x 8 inches displayed immediately above the eggs so packed that are being offered for sale to the consumer. It is the responsibility of the retailer to see that such signs are posted.E. License numbers shall have "La" preceding the number (example: La001).F. All eggs advertised or displayed for sale for human consumption shall designate the correct grade and size, and such designation shall also appear on the exterior of the container in which eggs are offered for sale.G. Restaurants, hotels, and other dining places using eggs below Grade A quality shall be required to display a placard of heavy cardboard of not less than 8 x 11 inches, stating the quality and weight of the eggs used by the establishment, in a location where it can easily be seen by the customers, or in lieu thereof, place this information on the menu. If packers, jobbers, or dealer-wholesalers sell eggs below Grade A quality to restaurants, hotels, and other eating establishments, it shall be their responsibility to inform them to post such notices.H. Grade and size of eggs must be identified in ads, papers, circulars, and point-of-sale materials.I. All cartons and containers containing shell eggs that have not been specifically processed to destroy all live Salmonellae prior to distribution for sale to the ultimate consumer shall contain the following statement on each such carton or container: "SAFE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS: To prevent illness from bacteria: keep eggs refrigerated, cook eggs until yolks are firm and cook foods containing eggs thoroughly."
La. Admin. Code tit. 7, § V-929
Adopted by the Department of Agriculture, State Market Commission, May 1969, amended by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Market Commission, LR 19:1123 (September 1993), LR 28:1171 (June 2002).AUTHORITY NOTE: Adopted in accordance with R.S. 3:405.