Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-7517 - [Effective until 1/20/2025] Facility ServicesA. Education 1. The provider shall have written policies and procedures, and practices to ensure that each youth has access to the most appropriate educational services consistent with the youth's abilities and needs, taking into account his/her age, and level of functioning.2. The provider shall provide accommodations for educational services to be provided by the local school district in accordance with local school board calendar.3. Prior to the end of the first official school day following admission, the youth shall receive a brief educational history screening with respect to their school status, special education status, and grade level. Staff shall use this information to determine initial placement in the facility educational program.4. The youth shall receive a free and appropriate public education.5. Within three school days of the youth's arrival at the facility, the provider shall request educational records from the youth's previous school.6. The youth shall attend the facility school at the earliest possible time but within three school days of admission to the facility.7. The provider shall ensure youth have access to vocational training, GED programs, and other alternative educational programming if available from the local school district.8. Youth in restricted, disciplinary, or high security units shall receive an education program comparable to youth in other units in the facility consistent with safety needs.9. When youth are suspended from the facility school, the suspension shall comply with local jurisdiction due process requirements.10. Behavior intervention plans shall be developed for a youth whose behavior interferes with their school attendance and progress.11. The provider shall have available reading materials geared to the reading levels, interests, and primary languages of confined youth.12. The school classes shall be held in classrooms/multi-purpose rooms. The provider shall ensure that the educational space is adequate to meet the instructional requirements of each youth.13. The provider shall ensure that youth are available for the minimum minutes in a school day required by law.14. The administrator shall immediately report in writing to the local school district if the facility school is not being staffed adequately to meet state student to teacher ratios for education, including not but not limited to, special education staff and substitute teaching staff.15. The administrator shall immediately report in writing to the local school district if the facility school is not being staffed adequately to meet state student to teacher ratios for education, including not but not limited to, special education staff and substitute teaching staff. If the issue is not resolved within five school days by the local school district, then the administrator shall file a written complaint on the sixth day with BESE and cooperate with any subsequent directives received from BESE.B. Daily Living Services 1. Written schedules of daily routines shall be posted and available to the youth.2. Personal Possessions a. Space shall be provided for secure storage of each youth's personal property.b. A separate locked cabinet or drop safe for money and other valuables shall be provided.3. Clothing and Bedding a. The provider shall maintain an inventory of clothing, and bedding to ensure consistent availability and replacement of items that are lost, destroyed, or worn out.b. The provider shall provide clean underclothing, socks, and outerwear that fit properly.c. The provider shall provide for the thorough cleaning and when necessary, disinfecting of youth's personal clothing.d. The provider shall issue clean bedding and linen, including two sheets, a pillow, pillowcase, a mattress, and sufficient blankets to provide reasonable comfort.e. Linen shall be exchanged weekly and towels exchanged daily.4. Bathing and Personal Hygiene a. Youth shall be given appropriate instructions on hygiene and shall be required to comply with facility rules of personal cleanliness and oral hygiene.b. Youth shall be required to bath or shower daily and/or after strenuous exercise.c. Youth shall have access to adequate personal hygiene and toiletry supplies, such as hairbrushes, toothbrushes including hygiene supplies specific for females, if females are detained in the facility.d. Items that could allow for spread of germs shall not be shared among youth.e. Shaving equipment shall be made available upon request under close supervision on an as needed basis.C. Food Services 1. Food Preparation a. The provider shall develop and implement a written policy and procedure for providing food services. Accurate records shall be maintained of all meals served. All components of the food service operation in the facility shall be in compliance with all applicable public health requirements.b. A staff member experienced in food service management shall supervise food service operations.c. A nutritionist, dietitian, or other qualified professional shall ensure compliance with recommended food allowances and review a system of dietary allowances.d. A different menu shall be followed for each day of the week and the provider shall keep dated records of menus, including substitutions and changes.e. The kitchen, consisting of all food storage, food preparation, food distribution, equipment storage, and layout shall comply with Office of Public Health requirements.2. Nutritional Requirements a. A youth shall receive no fewer than three nutritionally balanced meals in a 24 hour period.b. Meals shall be planned and shall provide a well-balanced diet sufficient to meet nutritional needs.c. Youth shall receive snacks in the evenings.3. Modified Diets a. The provider shall provide meals for youth with special dietary requirements, such as youth with allergies or other medical issues, pregnant youth, and youth with dental problems, and youth with religious beliefs that require adherence to religious dietary laws.4. Daily Schedule a. Three meals, two of which shall be hot, shall be provided daily, lasting a minimum of 20 minutes each.b. No more than 14 hours shall elapse between the evening meal and breakfast meal.c. Variations shall be allowed on weekends and holidays.d. Regular meals and/or snacks shall not be withheld for any reason.e. Youth shall not be forced to eat any given food item.f. Provisions shall be made for the feeding of youth admitted after the kitchen has been closed for the day.g. Normal table conversation shall be permitted during mealtimes.h. There shall be a single menu for staff and youth.5. General Issues a. The general population shall not be fed meals in sleeping rooms except under circumstances where safety and security of the building and/or staff would otherwise be jeopardized.D. Health Related Services 1. Health Care a. The provider shall have written policies and procedures and practices to ensure preventive, routine, and emergency medical, mental health and dental care for youth.b. The provider shall have a responsible health authority accountable for health care services pursuant to a contract or job description.c. The provider shall provide health services to youth free of charge.d. Limit sharing of confidential information to those who need the information to provide for the safety, security, health, treatment, and continuity of care for youth, consistent with state and federal law.e. Each provider shall provide an appropriate room or rooms for examinations.2. Medical Care a. The provider shall have availability or access to a physician or local emergency room 24 hours, seven days a week.b. Staff assigned to provide medical care shall be qualified to do so as required by law.c. The youth shall be notified of how and to whom to report complaints about any health related issues or concerns.d. The provider shall ensure that each youth receive medical care if they are injured or abused.e. The provider shall immediately attempt to notify the youth's parent/legal guardian of a youth's illness or injury that requires service from a hospital.f. Youth may request to be seen by a qualified medical professional without disclosing the medical reason and without having non-health care staff evaluate the legitimacy of the request.g. Medical staff shall obtain informed consent from a youth and/or parent/legal guardian as required by law, and shall honor refusals of treatment.h. When medical and/or mental health staff believe that involuntary treatment is necessary, the treatment shall be conducted in a hospital and not at the facility after compliance with legal requirements.i. Staff shall document the youth and/or parent/legal guardian's consent or refusal, including counseling with respect to treatment, in the youth's medical file.j. Pregnant youth shall be provided prenatal care. Any refusal for prenatal care by the pregnant youth shall be documented in their file.k. Youth who are victims of sexual assault shall receive immediate medical treatment, counseling, and other services.l. Files of all medical examinations, follow-ups and services, together with copies of all notices to a parent/legal guardian shall be kept in the youth's medical file.m. Youth placed in medical isolation shall participate in programming as determined by the facility's qualified medical professional.n. Youth placed in medical isolation shall participate in programming as determined by the facility's qualified medical professional.3. Mental Health Care a. The provider shall ensure that 24-hour on-call or emergency mental health services are available for youth.b. Youth shall be appropriately assessed and treated for suicide risk, to include the following principles. i. All staff working with youth shall receive training on recognition of behavioral and verbal cues indicating vulnerability to suicide, and what to do in case of suicide attempts or suicides to include the use of a cut-down tool for youth hanging.ii. Staff shall document the monitoring of youth on suicide watch at the time they conduct the monitoring. The qualified mental health professional shall approve the standard protocol for the maximum amount of time that should lapse between monitoring by a staff member. The qualified mental health professional shall document any deviation from the approved standard protocol for specific cases. Staff shall monitor no less frequently than the recommendations set forth by the mental health professional.iii. Qualified mental health professionals shall determine the level of supervision to be provided.iv. Qualified mental health professionals shall provide clear, current information about the status of youth on suicide watch to staff supervising youth.v. Staff shall not substitute supervision aids, such as closed circuit television or placement with roommates, for in-person one-on-one staff Youth at risk of suicide shall be engaged in social interaction and shall not be isolated. Youth on all levels of suicide precautions shall have an opportunity to participate in school and activities to include the one-on-one staff person.vii. Youth on suicide watch shall not be left naked. Clothing requirements shall be determined by a qualified mental health professional.viii. Only a qualified mental health professional shall authorize the release of a youth from suicide watch or lower a youth's level of precautions. Qualified mental health professionals shall return youth to normal activity as soon as possible.ix. A qualified mental health professional shall follow-up with youth during and after the youth is released from suicide watch. The follow-up shall be to the degree and frequency that the qualified mental health professional determines is necessary to meet the youth's mental health needs.x. Suicides or attempts of suicide shall be accurately documented. There shall be an administrative and mental health review and debriefing after each such occurrence.xi. Staff shall immediately notify the parent/legal guardian following any incident of suicidal behavior.xii. Staff shall immediately notify the parent/legal guardian following any incident of self-harm as determined by a qualified mental health professional.4. Medication a. The provider shall ensure that medication is administered by a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or licensed medical physician; by persons with appropriate credentials, training, or expertise in accordance with R.S. 15:911.; or self-administered according to state law. All administration, conditions, and restrictions of medication administration shall be in accordance with R.S. 15:911.b. The administration of all prescription and non-prescription medication shall be documented whether administered by staff or supervised by staff while self-administering. This documentation shall include: iv. medication administered;v. the name of the person administering the medication; andvi. the youth's signature, if self-administered.c. If a youth refuses to take medication, documentation shall include: iv. medication to be administered;v. the name of the person attempting to administer the medication;vii. reason for the refusal; andviii. the youth's signature, if youth is willing to sign.d. Receipt of prescription medication shall be by a qualified medical professional or unlicensed trained personnel and the process shall be as follows. i. When medication arrives at the facility, the qualified medical professional/unlicensed trained personnel shall conduct a count with the name of the person delivering the medication and document the count utilizing a facility form which includes the person delivering medication; the name of youth to whom the medication is prescribed and the amount, physician, and date prescribed for all medication.ii. All medication shall be in the original container and not expired.iii. The qualified medical professional shall prepare a medication administration record for all medications.iv. The qualified medical professional shall place the medication in a locked medication location.e. The qualified medical professional shall identify and confirm the prescription of all medication received at the facility.f. There shall be a system in place to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of prescribed medication available for all youth at all times. i. At shift change, a qualified medical professional or unlicensed trained personnel shall review the medication administration record to ensure that medication was administered as ordered and maintain an inventory of the medication.ii. Any deviation in the medication count shall be reported to the administrator or designee when identified.iii. The qualified medical professional or unlicensed trained personnel shall ensure that any medication given to a youth is in accordance with a physician's order.iv. There shall be a system in place for the documentation of medication errors.g. Standing orders for non-prescription medication, including directions from the physician indicating when they should be contacted, shall be signed by a physician. There shall be no standing orders for prescription medication. The orders shall be reviewed and signed annually.h. Medication shall not be used as a disciplinary measure, for the convenience of staff, or as a substitute for programming.i. The provider shall notify the youth's parent/legal guardian of the potential benefits and side effects of medication prescribed while the youth is in the facility. The youth or the youth's parent/legal guardian must consent to changes to their medication, prior to administration of any new or altered medication.j. The qualified medical professional or unlicensed trained personnel shall ensure that the on call physician is immediately notified of any side effects observed by the youth, or by staff, as well as, any medication errors. Any negative side effects shall be promptly recorded in the youth record. The parent/legal guardian shall be notified verbally or in writing within 24 hours of any such side effects and a notation of such communication shall be documented in the youths file.k. Medication shall be stored under proper conditions of sanitation, temperature, light, moisture, ventilation, and security, as required by manufacturer's guidelines and/or law.l. Discontinued and outdated medication, as well as, medication with damaged containers, or illegible or missing labels shall be properly disposed of according to state law.m. The provider shall maintain an adequate supply of emergency medication and easily accessible information to include the phone number of the poison control center in case of overdoses or toxicological emergencies.5. Dental Care a. The provider shall have a written policy and procedure and practice for providing dental services to all youth to include the following. i. Youth shall be allowed to brush their teeth at least twice daily.ii. The provider shall provide a dental examination by a physician/dentist, as needed.iii. The provider shall provide emergency dental care, as needed.iv. The qualified medical professional will contact the youth's parents/legal guardian regarding any dental needs identified.v. All dental examinations, follow-ups, and services shall be documented in the youth's medical file.6. Immunizations a. The provider shall have a written policy and procedure and practice regarding the maintenance of immunization records.b. Within seven days of admission, each youth's immunization records shall be requested from the school of record or other resources. If not received in the time specified, staff shall follow-up with school or other resources. Any immunization record received shall be included in the youth's medical file.c. The provider shall provide or make arrangements for needed immunizations, as identified by a qualified medical professional.E. Exercise/Recreation/Other Programming 1. The provider shall have a policy and procedure for approving a program of exercise, recreation, and other programming for all youth. The program will ensure that girls have reasonable opportunities for similar activities, skill development, and an opportunity to participate in programs of comparable quality.2. Youth in the facility, including youth on disciplinary or restricted status, shall receive at least one hour of large muscle exercise daily. This exercise shall be outside, weather permitting.3. Youth in the facility shall receive a minimum of one hour of recreational time per day outside of the youth's sleeping room. Recreational activities shall include a range of activities in dayroom/multipurpose rooms or common areas, including but not limited to reading, listening to the radio, watching television or videos, board games, drawing or painting, listening to or making music, and letter writing.4. The provider shall provide functioning recreational equipment and supplies for physical education activities.5. Youth shall be provided free time. There shall be an adequate supply of games, cards, writing, and art materials for use during recreation time.6. Reading materials appropriate for the age, interests, and literacy levels of youth shall be available in sufficient variety and quantity to the youth. Youth shall be allowed to keep reading materials in their rooms including religious reading material.7. The provider shall offer life and social skill competency development, which helps youth function more responsibly and successfully in everyday life situations. These shall include social skills that specifically address interpersonal relationships, through staff interactions, organized curriculums, or other programming.8. Staff, volunteers, and community groups shall provide additional programming reflecting the interests and needs of various racial and cultural groups within the facility and are gender-responsive. The facility activities may include art, music, drama, writing, health, fitness, meditation/yoga, substance abuse prevention, mentoring, and voluntary religious or spiritual groups.9. The provider shall offer gender-responsive programming, to include topics such as physical and mental abuse, high-risk sexual behavior, mental health, parenting classes, and substance abuse issues.10. The provider shall develop a daily activity schedule, which is posted in each living area and outlines the days and times of each youth activity.F. Transportation 1. The provider shall have written policies and procedures and practices to ensure that each youth is provided with transportation necessary to meet his/her needs and in a safe and secure manner.2. The provider shall ensure proper use of official vehicles and guard against use of a vehicle in an escape attempt.3. Any vehicle used in transporting youth shall be properly licensed and inspected according to state law.4. The driver shall be properly licensed.5. The number of passengers shall not exceed vehicle rated capacity.6. Youth shall not be permitted to drive facility vehicles, unless part of a certified driver's education program and under the supervision of a certified instructor through the state of Louisiana.7. Bodily injury and property damage liability shall be maintained for all vehicles.8. Youth shall not be transported in open truck beds.9. Seat belts shall be worn at all times.10. Doors shall remain locked when in transport.11. Youth shall not be affixed to any part of the vehicle or secured to another youth.12. Mechanical restraints used during routine transportation in a vehicle or movement of a youth from the facility to another location outside the facility shall not be required to be documented as a restraint.13. At least one staff member transporting a youth shall be of the same gender as the youth in transport.14. The driver shall have the ability to communicate to the facility.15. All vehicles used for the transportation of youth shall be maintained in a safe condition and in conformity with all applicable motor vehicle laws.16. The provider shall ensure that an appropriately equipped first aid kit is available in all vehicles used to transport youth.La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-7517
Promulgated by the Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:1575 (July 2012), Amended LR 42399 (3/1/2016), Amended by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of Juvenile Justice, LR 50, exp. 1/20/2025 (Emergency).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 15:1110.