La. Admin. Code tit. 67 § V-6955

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-6955 - Procedures
A. Initial Application
1. New buildings shall be non-institutional in design and appearance and physically harmonious with the neighborhood in which they are located, considering such issues as scale, appearance, density and population. A child residential facility shall not occupy any portion of a building licensed by another agency.
2. Before beginning operation, it is mandatory to obtain a license from the Department of Social Services, Bureau of Licensing. The following steps should be followed.
a. Prior to purchasing, leasing, etc., carefully check all local zoning and building ordinances for the area in which you are planning to locate. Guidelines from the Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services; the Office of State Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement and Building Safety; and the city fire department (if applicable) should be obtained.
b. After securing property, obtain an application form issued by:

Department of Social Services

Bureau of Licensing

P.O. Box 3078

Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3078

Phone: (225) 922-0015

Fax: (225) 922-0014

c. After the facility's location has been established, complete and return the application form. It is necessary to contact the following offices prior to building or renovating a facility:
i. Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services;
ii. Office of State Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement and Building Safety;
iii. office of city fire department (if applicable);
iv. zoning department (if applicable); and
v. city or parish building permit office.
d. Upon receipt of the facility's application by the Bureau of Licensing, a request will be made to the Office of State Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement and Building Safety; office of city fire department (if applicable); Office of Public Health and any known required local agencies to inspect the location as per their standards. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these inspections and approvals. A licensing specialist shall visit the facility to conduct a licensing inspection.
e. A license will be issued on an initial application when the following requirements have been met and verification is received by the Bureau of Licensing:
i. approval by the Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services;
ii. approval by the Office of State Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement and Building Safety;
iii. approval by the city fire department (if applicable);
iv. approval by the city or parish zoning (if applicable);
v. approval by the city or parish building permit (if applicable);
vi. a completed licensure inspection verifying compliance with these standards;
vii. full license fee paid; and
viii. any owner/owners of a residential facility shall provide documentation of a satisfactory criminal record check, as required through the FBI as noted in section 6966.A and/or 6966.B, as applicable and required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1.
3. When a facility changes location, it is considered a new operation and a new application and fee for licensure shall be submitted. All items listed in §7955.A.2.e shall be in compliance for the new location.
4. When a facility changes ownership, a new application and fee shall be submitted. All approvals listed in §7955.A.2.e shall be current. Documentation is required from the previous owner assuring change of ownership; e.g., letter from previous owner, copy of bill of sale or a lease agreement.
5. All new construction or renovation of a facility requires approval from agencies listed in §7955A.2.c and the Bureau of Licensing.
6. The department is authorized to determine the period during which the license shall be effective. A license is valid for the period for which it is issued unless it is revoked for the facility's failure to maintain compliance with minimum standards.
7. A license is not transferable to another person or location.
8. If an administrator or member of his immediate family has had a previous license revoked, refused or denied, upon reapplication, the applicant shall provide written evidence that the reason for such revocation, refusal or denial no longer exists. A licensing survey will then be conducted to verify that the reasons for revocation, refusal or denial have been corrected and the administrator/facility is in substantial compliance with all minimum standards.
B. Fees
1. An initial application fee of $25 shall be submitted with all initial license applications. This fee will be applied toward the license fee when the facility is licensed. This fee is to be paid by all initial and change of location providers. The full licensure fee shall be paid on all changes of ownership. All fees shall be paid by certified check or money order only and are nonrefundable.
2. License fees are required prior to issuance or renewal of a license. However, Class "B" child care facilities or agencies owned or operated by a church or religious organization are exempt from license fees. Fee schedules (based on licensed capacity) are listed below:
a. 4 to 6 children - $400;
b. 7 to 15 children - $500; and
c. 16 or more children - $600.
3. Other licensure fees include:
a. replacement fee of $25 for replacing a license when changes are requested, i.e., change in capacity, name change, age range, etc. (There is no replacement charge when the request coincides with the regular renewal of a license.); and
b. processing fee of $5 for issuing a duplicate license with no changes.
C. Renewal of the License
1. A license shall be renewed on an annual basis prior to the last day of the anniversary month of the license.
2. The provider shall submit, prior to its license expiration date, a completed renewal application form, applicable fee, and required documents. The following documentation shall be submitted with the renewal application form:
a. Office of Fire Marshal approval for occupancy;
b. Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval;
c. city fire department approval, if applicable;
d. copy of proof of current general liability and property insurance for facility;
e. copy of proof of current insurance for vehicle(s) used to transport residents;
f. copy of a satisfactory fingerprint-based criminal record check through the FBI as noted in §6966.A and/or §6966 B, as applicable and required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1 for all owners and §6966.C and/or §6966 D, as applicable for program directors as required by R.S.46:51.2 and 15:587.1; and
g. copy of current state central registry clearance forms for all owners and program directors/administrators.
3. Prior to renewing the residential home license, an on-site inspection shall be conducted to ensure compliance with all licensing laws, standards, and any other required statutes, ordinances, or regulations. A license may be issued for a period of up to one year as determined by the department. If the provider is not found to be in compliance during the timeframe for which the license is issued, the department may proceed with adverse action.
4. Upon rule promulgation, providers with licenses that expire prior to the last day of their anniversary month may be issued a license with an expiration date which coincides with the last day of their anniversary month unless the license is pending adverse action.
D. Denial, Revocation, or Non-Renewal of License
1. An application for a license may be denied for any of the following reasons:
a. failure to meet any of the minimum standards for licensure; or
b. conviction of a felony by any of these persons, as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction:
i. the applicant;
ii. any members or officers if the applicant is a firm or corporation; or
iii. any staff providing care, supervision, or treatment to a resident of the facility.
2. A license may be revoked or renewal denied for any of the following reasons:
a. cruelty or indifference to the welfare of the children in care;
b. violation of any provision of the minimum standards, rules, regulations, or orders of the Department of Social Services;
c. disapproval from any agency whose approval is required for licensure;
d. nonpayment of licensure fee or failure to submit a licensure application;
e. any validated instance of child abuse, corporal punishment, physical punishment, or cruel, severe or unusual punishment may result in revocation, denial or nonrenewal of the license if the owner is responsible or if the staff member who is responsible remains in the employment of the licensee;
f. the facility is closed with no plans for reopening and no means of verifying compliance with minimum standards for licensure;
g. any act of fraud such as falsifying or altering documents required for licensure;
h. any validated instance of abuse and/or neglect as noted by inclusion on the state central registry if the owners name appears on the registry, or if the staff members name appears on the registry and remains in the employment of the licensee;
i. knowingly permit an individual with a justified (valid) finding of child abuse and/or neglect to be on the premises without being directly supervised by another paid employee of the facility, who has not disclosed that their name appears with a justified (valid) finding prior to receipt of the official notification from Child Welfare that the individual is listed on the state central registry;
j. have a criminal background, as evidenced by the employment or ownership or continued employment or ownership of or by any individual (paid or unpaid staff) who has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, any offense included in R.S. 15:587.1, or to any offense involving a juvenile victim;
k. own a child residential business and have been convicted of or have pled guilty or nolo contender to any crime in which an act of fraud or intent to defraud is an element of the offense;
l. have knowledge that a convicted sex offender is on the premises of the child care facility and fail to notify law enforcement and licensing management staff immediately upon receipt of such knowledge;
m. have knowledge that a convicted sex offender is physically present within 1,000 feet of the child care facility and fail to notify law enforcement immediately upon receipt of such knowledge; or
n. permit an individual to be on the premises or to have access to children/youth when listed on the state central registry.
E. Appeal Procedure
1. If a license is denied or revoked because a facility does not meet the minimum requirements for licensure, the Department of Social Services shall notify the licensee or applicant in writing of the denial or revocation, of the reasons for the denial or revocation, and of the right to appeal the agency action.
2. The administrator or owner may appeal this decision by submitting a written request for a fair hearing, together with the reasons he/she believes the decision to be incorrect, to the Department of Social Services Appeals Bureau, P.O. Box 2994, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. The written request must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of notice of the department's notice, in the case of a revocation or non-renewal, or within 30 days of receipt of the notice of denial of a new application for an initial license.
3. A fair hearing shall be conducted by an administrative law judge within 30 days of filing the request for hearing.
4. Following the hearing, the administrative law judge shall render a decision within 90 days and shall notify the appellant in writing of the decision, either affirming or reversing the department's original action. If the department's action is upheld, the revocation or denial shall be effective immediately.
5. If a facility continues to operate without a license following a decision upholding revocation the department may file suit in the district court in the parish in which the facility is located seeking injunctive relief and statutory fines of not less than $75 per day nor more than $250 per day for each day the facility has operated without a license.
F. Posting of Notices of Revocation
1. The notice of revocation of the license shall be prominently posted.
a. The Department of Social Services shall prominently post a notice of revocation action at each public entrance of the child residential care facility within one business day of such action. This notice must remain visible to the general public, other placing agencies, parents, guardians, and other interested parties of children who attend the child care facility.
b. It shall be a violation of these rules for a provider to permit the obliteration or removal of a notice of revocation that has been posted by the department. The provider shall ensure that the notice continues to be visible to the general public, other placing agencies, parents, guardians, and other interested parties throughout the pendency of any appeals of the revocation.
c. The provider shall notify the department's child residential licensing in writing immediately if the notice is removed or obliterated.
d. Failure to maintain the posted notice of revocation required under these rules shall be grounds for denial, revocation or non-renewal of any future license.
G. Disqualification from Application
1. Definitions, as used in Section 6955 G:


i. with respect to a partnership, each partner thereof;
ii. with respect to a corporation, each officer, director and stockholder thereof;
iii. with respect to a natural person:
(a). that person and any individual related by blood, marriage, or adoption within the third degree of kinship to that person;
(b). any partnership, together with any or all its partners, in which that person is a partner; and
(c). any corporation in which that person an officer, director or stockholder, or holds, directly or indirectly, a controlling interest;
iv. with respect to any of the above, any mandatory, agent, or representative or any other person, natural or juridical acting at the direction of or on behalf of the licensee or applicant; or
v. director of any such child residential care home.

Disqualification Period-the prescriptive period during which the department shall not accept an application from a provider. Any unlicensed operation during the disqualification period shall interrupt running of prescription until the department has verified that the unlicensed operation has ceased.

Effective Date-of a revocation, denial, or non-renewal of a license shall be the last day for applying to appeal the action, if the action is not appealed.


i. any license issued by the department to operate any child care facility or child-placing agency as defined in R.S. 46:1403; or
ii. any license issued by the Department of Health and Hospitals to operate any facility providing services under Title XIX or XX of the Social Security Act; or
iii. any license issued by the Department of Health and Hospitals (or formerly issued by the Department of Social Services) to operate any adult residential care facility.

Provider-all owners or operators of a facility, including the director of such facility. If the owner is a corporate entity, the owners are the officers, directors, and shareholders of the facility.

Unlicensed Operation-operation of any child care facility or child-placing agency, adult residential care facility, or transitional youth residence, at any location, without a valid, current license issued by the department.

2. Disqualification of Facility and Provider
a. If a facility's license is revoked or not renewed due to failure to comply with state statutes and licensing rules, the department shall not accept a subsequent application from the provider for that facility or any new facility for a minimum period of two years after the effective date of revocation or non-renewal or a minimum period of two years after all appeal rights have been exhausted, whichever is later (the disqualification period). Any pending application by the same provider shall be treated as an application for a new facility for purposes of this Section and shall be denied and subject to the disqualification period. Any subsequent application for a license shall be reviewed by the secretary or their designee prior to a decision being made to grant a license. The department reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether to issue any subsequent license.
b. Any voluntary surrender of a license by a facility facing the possibility of adverse action against its license (revocation or non-renewal) shall be deemed to be a revocation for purposes of this rule, and shall trigger the same disqualification period as if the license had actually been revoked.
c. In addition, if the applicant has had a substantial history of non-compliance, including but not limited to revocation of a previous license, operation without a license, or denial of one or more previous applications for licensure, the department may refuse to accept a subsequent application from that applicant for a minimum period of two years after the effective date of denial.
d. With respect to an application in connection with the revoked, denied, or not renewed facility, the disqualification period provided in this Section shall include any affiliate of the provider.

La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-6955

Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Licensing, LR 27:1565 (September 2001), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary Bureau of Residential Licensing, LR 33:2740 (December 2007), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services, LR 35:1617 (August 2009), amended LR 36:331 (February 2010), LR 36:836, 842 (April 2010), repromulgated LR 36:1032 (May 2010), repromulgated LR 36:1277 (June 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Child Welfare Section, LR 36:1463 (July 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Child Welfare Section and Economic Stability and Self-Sufficiency Section, LR 36:2522 (November 2010), repromulgated LR 36:2838 (December 2010), amended by the Department of Children and family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:971 (April 2012), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 45508 (4/1/2019), effective 5/1/2019, Amended LR 46687 (5/1/2020), effective 6/1/2020, Amended LR 482537, Amended LR 49440, Amended LR 49847 (5/1/2023), effective 6/1/2023.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:477, R.S. 46:1410 et seq., R.S.46:1401-1424 and R.S. 46:1414.1.