La. Admin. Code tit. 61 § V-3517

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-3517 - Tulane University-Reporting and Valuation Procedure
A. With respect to all Tulane University properties, all tax assessors, boards of review, and related governmental entities shall operate according to the following administrative procedures and time line.
1. On or before June 30 of each year, Tulane University shall deliver, in writing, to the commission and the tax assessor for each municipal district/parish in which Tulane University owns non-exempt property a report on each non-exempt property on Louisiana Tax Commission Form TC-TU01-A.
2. Each year, on or before the date the roll opens for public review and inspection, each tax assessor shall complete, sign and deliver to Tulane University and the Commission, Louisiana Tax Commission Form TC-TU01-B for each property submitted on Louisiana Tax Commission Form TC-TU01-A and each property in such tax assessor's jurisdiction that the tax assessor intends to assess as non-exempt property, showing the proposed fair market value and assessed value of the land and of the improvements for each such property. The tax assessor shall determine one assessed value for the land and one assessed value for the improvements.
3. Should Tulane University agree with the fair market value and assessed value of each land parcel and the fair market value and assessed value of each improvement proposed by the tax assessor, then Tulane University shall sign each form and forward it to the commission and each respective tax assessor. Should Tulane University disagree with the Fair Market Value and Assessed Value of each Land Parcel and the fair market value and assessed value of each improvement proposed by the tax assessor, then Tulane University shall note its objection on each form and forward it to the commission and each respective tax assessor.
4. All tax assessors may make reasonable inquiry of Tulane University in an effort to determine all property owned by Tulane University within the tax assessor's jurisdiction.
5. All tax assessors shall list all non-exempt property as exempt and indicate the tax assessor's proposed fair market value of each property in the tax rolls, until the allocation formula is applied and approved by the commission and the tax assessor receives a change order from the commission.
6. In each board of review certification to the commission, the board of review shall list all non-exempt property as exempt and indicate the board of review's recommended fair market value of each property in the tax rolls, until the allocation formula is applied and approved by the commission and the tax assessor receives a change order from the commission.
7. All board of review decisions on appeals of the proposed assessments by the tax assessor shall be delivered to the commission according to standard procedures and deadlines as the board of review's recommended assessment.
a. On the Tulane hearing date of each year, the commission shall:
i. hold all appeal hearings involving non-exempt property;
ii. decide each appeal and issue written reasons for decisions on all such appeals; and
iii. allocate the Tulane exemption across all non-exempt property according to the allocation formula, and LTC Form TC-TU02, then order issuance of all supplements and change orders of the tax rolls to each reporting municipal district/parish, establishing the land parcel assessed value after exemption and the improvement assessed value after exemption for each non-exempt property.
b. Upon receipt of said change orders, the tax assessor shall adjust the tax rolls to reflect the commission's change orders.
9. Nothing in these regulations shall alter or diminish in any way Tulane University's right to appeal a proposed or actual assessment by any tax assessor or any decision or ruling of any board of review or the commission under the administrative and judicial remedies available to all taxpayers. The proposed assessment by the tax assessor, the board of review's recommended assessment, and the commission's determination shall be treated in the same manner as if the property were not marked exempt on the tax rolls and the proposed assessment was the tax assessor's final assessment on the tax rolls, the board of review's recommended assessment and/or the commission's determination was its final assessment decision.
10. Nothing in these regulations shall alter or diminish in any way Tulane University's right or any tax assessor's right to appeal, by all available administrative and judicial remedies the commission's allocation of the Tulane exemption.
11. After allocation of the Tulane exemption and issuance of the requisite supplements and change orders by the commission, the total amount of the Tulane exemption allocated to each property (as shown in the column entitled "FMV Reduction by Exemption" of the Louisiana Tax Commission Form TC-TU02) shall remain unchanged thereafter and not be later readjusted, regardless of the outcome of subsequent appeals of valuation of assessments for that tax year.

La. Admin. Code tit. 61, § V-3517

Promulgated by the Department of Revenue, Tax Commission, LR 31:725 (March 2005), amended LR 33:504 (March 2007).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 47:1837 and R.S. 47:1856.