La. Admin. Code tit. 61 § III-2701

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section III-2701 - Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers
A. This Section is applicable to all persons or persons employed by or representing an entity engaged in the sale or brokerage of motion picture investor tax credits which are granted, issued or authorized by the state pursuant to R.S. 47:6007. Every person who meets any of the below-provided requirements shall be subject to the requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7).
B. Definitions

Actively Participate-any person or person employed by or representing an entity in a sale/brokerage of motion picture tax credits when the person:

a. holds himself/herself out to be engaged in the business of selling or brokering motion picture investor tax credits either on their own behalf or on behalf of the entity; or
b. has a history of frequent, regular, and repeated sales of motion picture investor tax credits either on their own behalf or on behalf of the entity; or
c. did not purchase the credits at issue for his/her/its own personal use. Any person failing to meet any of the above-mentioned criteria shall be presumed a non-seller or non-broker and thus not subject to the requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7).

Broker-any person or person employed by or representing an entity which facilitates the sale of a tax credit issued pursuant to R.S. 47:6007 between a transferor and a transferee in exchange for consideration. However, the term "broker" shall be limited to and include only those persons who actively participate, as defined herein, in the marketing or sale of motion picture investor tax credits and shall not include:

a. the entity which earns the motion picture investor credit pursuant to R.S. 47:6007, its affiliates or taxpayer members who receive tax credits via allocation, as verified by department Form R-6135 and R-6140; or
b. a tax return preparer or an employee of a partner affiliated with the tax return preparer, who facilitates the sale of tax credits for the benefit of his or her client.

Department-Louisiana Department of Revenue

Secretary-the secretary of the Department of Revenue.

Seller-any person or person employed by or representing an entity which transfers title or ownership of a tax credit issued pursuant to R.S. 47:6007 to a transferor in exchange for consideration. The term "seller" shall be limited to those persons who actively participate, as defined herein, in the marketing, sale, or acquisition for resale of motion picture investor tax credits and shall not include the entity which earns the motion picture investor credit pursuant to R.S. 47:6007, its affiliates or taxpayer members who receive tax credits via allocation, as verified by department Form R-6135 and R-6140.

Tax Return Preparer-any person who prepares for compensation, or who employs one or more persons to prepare for compensation, all or a substantial portion of any return of tax or any claim for refund of tax under the Internal Revenue Code or the Louisiana Revised Statutes.

C. Initial Registration. Beginning January 1, 2016, all sellers or brokers of motion picture investor tax credits shall apply for the registry and be deemed qualified after meeting the requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(aa)-(cc) and undergoing a criminal history background examination by the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information as provided for in R.S. 15:587(A)(1)(h) at the expense of the applicant. Applicants for the registry shall follow the procedure for registration as provided below in Subsection D. However, no seller or broker shall be prevented from transferring motion picture investor tax credits until the effective date of this regulation.
1. Any person deemed qualified to sell or broker motion picture investor tax credit shall be included in the public registry of motion picture investor tax credit brokers, which shall be maintained by the department and made available on its website,
2. No person may sell or broker motion picture investor tax credits on or after the effective date of this regulation without first qualifying for and being included on the public registry of motion picture investor tax credit brokers. All transfers made on or after the effective date of this regulation by a person subject to the requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7) who is not listed on the public registry of motion picture investor tax credits shall be inoperable and of no legal effect and any such transfers shall be deemed ineligible for registration in the Louisiana tax credit registry established pursuant to R.S. 47:1524. Further, failure to so qualify and register with the department prior to selling or brokering tax credits issued pursuant to R.S. 47:6007 shall be punishable by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisonment at hard labor for not more than five years, or both. In addition to the foregoing penalties, a person convicted under the provisions of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7) shall be ordered to make full restitution to any person who has suffered a financial loss as a result of this offense. If a person ordered to make restitution is found to be indigent and therefore unable to make restitution in full at the time of conviction, the court shall order a periodic payment plan consistent with the persons ability to pay.
3. Any person who is determined to no longer be in compliance with the requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7) and LAC 61:III.2701.C after initial qualification may be removed from the public registry of motion picture investor tax credit brokers and prohibited from thereafter engaging in the transfer, sale or brokerage of motion picture investor tax credits.
D. Procedure for Registration. Applicants seeking to register with the public registry of motion picture tax credit brokers must follow the below procedures.
1. Submit a completed Form R-6130, Public Registry of Motion Picture Tax Credit Brokers, from the LDR website via either e-mail to or mail to:

Louisiana Department of Revenue

Attn: Tax Credit Registry

P.O. Box 1071

Baton Rouge, LA 70821

2. Upon receipt of a completed Form R-6130, the LDR will send the applicant an LDR completed Louisiana State Police (LSP) authorization form and rap disclosure form to the applicant provided e-mail or address. The bottom portion of both forms should be completed and signed by the applicant. Both forms and payment must be presented to LSP when requesting a background check in person or via mail.
3. Applicants seeking registration have two options for obtaining the required fingerprint-based background check. They are as follows:
a. electronically submit fingerprints at the Louisiana State Police Headquarters facility located at 7919 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Applicants must present the following for completion of the background check:
i. payment of all applicable fees, including fingerprint fee and processing fee, via credit card, business check, cashiers check, or money order. Contact the LSP for details;
ii. a completed LSP authorization form;
iii. a completed LSP rap disclosure form;

NOTE: A response from the LSP is typically generated in 3-5 business days. Upon receipt of this information, a final determination from the LDR is typically generated in an additional 3-5 business days.

b. obtain fingerprint cards from one of the listed law enforcement locations and mail the request for background check with all completed documents and fees to the below address:

Louisiana State Police

Criminal Records

P.O. Box 66614

Baton Rouge, LA 70896

c. the request must contain the following items:
i. two sets of original fingerprints with all required information fields completed on the card;
ii. payment of all applicable fees, including fingerprint fee and processing fee, via credit card, business check, cashiers check, or money order. Contact the LSP for details;
iii. a completed LSP authorization form;
iv. a completed LSP rap disclosure form.

NOTE: A response from the LSP is typically generated in 15-21 business days from the date payment is entered into the LSP receipt system. Upon receipt of this information, a final determination from the LDR is typically generated in an additional 3-5 business days.

La. Admin. Code tit. 61, § III-2701

Promulgated by the Department of Revenue, Policy Services Division, LR 43342 (2/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 15:587(1)(h), R.S. 47:6007 and R.S. 47:1511.