La. Admin. Code tit. 51 § XII-327

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XII-327 - Ground Water Supplies [formerly paragraph 12:008-1]
A. All potable ground water supplies shall comply with the following requirements.
1. [formerly paragraph 12:008-2 Exclusion of Surface Water from Site] The ground surface within a safe horizontal distance of the source in all directions shall not be subject to flooding (as defined in Footnote 4 of §327. A.2 below) and shall be so graded and drained as to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water. This horizontal distance shall in no case be less than 50 feet for potable water supplies.
2. [formerly paragraph 12:008-3 Distances to Sources of Contamination] Every potable water well, and the immediate appurtenances thereto that comprise the well, shall be located at a safe distance from all possible sources of contamination, including but not limited to, privies, cesspools, septic tanks, subsurface tile systems, sewers, drains, barnyards and pits below the ground surface. The horizontal distance from any such possible source of pollution shall be as great as possible, but in no case less than the following minimum distances, except as otherwise approved by the state health officer.


Distance in Feet

Septic tanks


Storm or sanitary sewer


Cesspools, outdoor privies, oxidation ponds, subsurface absorption fields, pits, mechanical sewage treatment plants, etc.


Another water-well


Sanitary landfills, feed lots, manure piles, solid waste dumps and similar installations


Drainage canal, ditch or stream


1 This distance may be reduced to 30 feet if the sewer is of cast iron with leaded joints or Schedule 40 plastic pipe with water-tight joints.

2 For a private water well this distance may be reduced to 50 feet.

3 This minimum distance requirement does not take into consideration the effects of interference from pumping nearby wells in the same aquifer.

4 Horizontally measured from the water's edge to the well at the highest water level which may have occurred in a 10-year period.

3. [formerly paragraph 12:008-4 Leakage from Toilets and Sewers] No toilet, sewer, soil pipe or drain shall be located above or where leakage therefrom can reach any water storage basin, reservoir or source of water supply.
4. [formerly paragraph 12:008-5 Pits Near Water Supply] There shall be no unauthorized pits or unfilled spaces below level of ground surface, any part of which is within 50 feet of such water supply, except properly constructed well, pump, or valve pits as covered under §329. A.4 of this Part.
5. [formerly paragraph 12:008-6 Satisfactory Earth Formation above the Water Bearing Stratum] The earth formations above the water-bearing stratum shall be of such character and depth as to exclude contamination of the source of supply by seepage from the surface of the ground.
6. [formerly paragraph 12:008-7 Minimum Depth of Casings and Curbings] All well and spring basin casings or curbings shall extend a safe distance below the ground surface. The minimum depth of casings or curbings shall not be less than 50 feet in the case of public water supplies and not less than 10 feet in the case of private water supplies.
7. [formerly paragraph 12:008-8 Height of Casings and Curbings] In wells with pipe casings, the casings shall project at least 12 inches above ground level or the top of the cover or floor, and the cover or floor shall slope away from the well casing or suction pipe in all directions. Dug well linings shall extend at least 12 inches above the ground surface and cover installed thereon. The cover shall be watertight, and its edges shall overlap and extend downward at least 2 inches over the walls or curbings of such wells. In flood-prone areas the top of the casing shall be at least 2 feet above the highest flood level which may have occurred in a 10-year period, but in no case less than 2 feet above the ground surface.
8. [formerly paragraph 12:008-9 Grouting] The annular space between the well casing and the bore hole shall be sealed with cement-bentonite slurry or neat cement. Community public supply wells shall be cemented to their full depth from the top of the producing aquifer to the ground surface; noncommunity public supply wells shall be cemented from a minimum depth of 50 feet to the ground surface; and private supply wells shall be cemented from a minimum depth of 10 feet to the ground surface.
9. [formerly paragraph 12:008-10 Cover or Floors] Every dug well, spring, or other structure used as a source of potable water, or for the storage of potable water, shall be provided with a watertight cover. Covers and every pump room floor shall be constructed of concrete or similar impervious material, and shall be elevated above the adjacent ground level and sloped to facilitate the rapid removal of water so as to provide drainage from the cover or floor and prevent contamination of the water supply. Such cover or floor shall be constructed so that there are no copings, parapets, or other features which may prevent proper drainage, or by which water can be held on the cover. Concrete floors or cover slabs shall be of such thickness and so reinforced as to carry the load which may be imposed upon it, but in no case less than 4 inches thick.
10. [formerly paragraph 12:008-11 Potable Water Well Seals and Covers] Every potable water well shall be provided with a watertight sanitary well seal at the top of the casing or pipe sleeve. For wells with solid pedestal foundations, the well casing shall project at least 1 inch above the level of the foundation, and a seal between the well casing and the opening in the pump base plate shall be used to effectively seal the base plate to the well casing.
11. [formerly paragraph 12:008-12 Potable Water Well Casing Vents] All potable water well casings shall be vented to atmosphere as provided in §327. A 12 below, with the exception that no vent will be required when single-pipe jet pumps are used.
12. [formerly paragraph 12:008-13 Potable Water Well Vents] All potable water well vents shall be so constructed and installed as to prevent the entrance of contamination. All vent openings shall be piped water tight to a point not less than 24 inches above the highest flood level which may have occurred in a 10-year period, but in no case less than 24 inches above the ground surface. Such vent openings and extensions thereof shall be not less than 1/2 inch in diameter, with extension pipe firmly attached thereto. The openings of the vent pipes shall face downward and shall be screened to prevent the entrance of foreign matter.
13. [formerly paragraph 12:008-14 Manholes] Manholes may be provided on dug wells, reservoirs, tanks, and other similar water supply structures. Every such manhole shall be fitted with a watertight collar or frame having edges which project at least 2 inches above the level of the surrounding surface, and shall be provided with a solid watertight cover having edges which overlap and project downward at least 2 inches around the outside of the frame. The cover shall be kept locked at all times, except when it is necessary to open the manhole.
14. [formerly paragraph 12:008-15 Well Construction Standards] All wells constructed to serve a potable water supply shall be constructed in accordance with Louisiana Water Well Rules, Regulations, and Standards. Drillers of wells to serve a potable water supply will comply with the requirements for licensing of water well drillers under state Act No. 715 of 1980 (R.S. 38:2226, 38:3098-3098.8) which is administered by the Louisiana Office of Public Works.
15. [formerly paragraph 12:008-16 Sampling Tap] All potable water supply wells shall be provided with a readily accessible faucet or tap on the well discharge line at the well for the collection of water samples. The faucet or tap shall be of the smooth nozzle type, shall be upstream of the well discharge line check valve and shall terminate in a downward direction.
16. [formerly paragraph 12:008-17 Disinfection of Wells] All new wells or existing wells on which repair work has been done shall be disinfected before being put into use as prescribed in §353. A of this Part.

La. Admin. Code tit. 51, § XII-327

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, LR 28:1322 (June 2002).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:4 (A)(6)(8) and R.S. 40:5 (3)(5)(6)(9)(17)(20).