La. Admin. Code tit. 50 § XXI-8307

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXI-8307 - Personal Assistance Services
A. Personal assistance services (PAS) provide assistance and/or supervision necessary for the participant with functional impairments to remain safely in the community. PAS include the following services and supports based on the approved POC:
1. supervision or assistance in performing activities of daily living (ADL);
2. supervision or assistance in performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL);
3. protective supervision provided solely to assure the health and welfare of a participant;
4. supervision or assistance with health related tasks (any health related procedures governed under the Nurse Practice Act) where the direct service worker has received proper training pursuant to R.S. 37:1031-1034;
5. supervision or assistance while escorting/accompanying the participant outside of the home to perform tasks, including instrumental activities of daily living, health maintenance or other needs as identified in the POC and to provide the same supervision or assistance as would be rendered in the home; and
6. extension of therapy services, defined as follows:
a. Licensed therapists may choose to instruct the attendants on the proper way to assist the participant in follow-up therapy sessions. This assistance and support provides reinforcement of instruction and aids in the rehabilitative process.
b. In addition, a registered nurse may instruct an attendant to perform basic interventions with a participant that would increase and optimize functional abilities for maximum independence in performing activities of daily living such as range of motion exercises.
B. PAS is provided in the participant's home or in another location outside of the home if the provision of these services allows the participant to participate in normal life activities pertaining to the ADLs and IADLs cited in the POC. IADLs may not be performed in the participant's home when the participant is absent from the home unless it is approved by OAAS or its designee on a case-by-case basis. There shall be no duplication of services. PAS may not be provided while the participant is admitted to or attending a program which provides in-home assistance with ADLs or IADLs or while attending or admitted to a program or setting where such assistance is provided.
C. The provision of PAS services outside of the participants home does not include trips outside of the borders of the state without prior written approval by OAAS or its designee.
D. PAS may be provided through the "a.m." and "p.m." delivery option defined as follows:
1. a minimum of one hour and a maximum of two hours of PAS provided to assist the participant at the beginning of his/her day, referred to as the "a.m." portion of this PAS delivery method; and
2. a minimum of one hour and a maximum of two hours of PAS provided to assist the participant at the end of his/her day, referred to as the "p.m." portion of this PAS delivery method; and
3. a minimum four hours break between the "a.m." and the "p.m." portions of this PAS delivery method;
4. not to exceed a maximum of four hours of PAS being provided within a calendar day;
5. "a.m. and p.m." PAS cannot be "shared";
6. it is permissible to receive only the "a.m." or "p.m." portion of PAS within a calendar day;
7. "a.m." and/or "p.m." PAS may not be provided on the same calendar day as other PAS delivery methods;
8. PAS providers must be able to provide both regular and "a.m." and "p.m." PAS and cannot refuse to accept a Community Choices Waiver participant solely due to the type of PAS delivery method that is listed on the POC.
E. PAS may be provided by one worker for up to three waiver participants who live together and who have a common direct service provider. Waiver participants may share PAS staff when agreed to by the participants and as long as the health and welfare of each participant can be reasonably assured. Shared PAS is to be reflected in the POC of each participant. Reimbursement rates shall be adjusted accordingly.
F. A home health agency direct service worker who renders PAS must be a qualified home health aide as specified in Louisiana's minimum licensing standards for home health agencies.
G. Every PAS provider shall ensure that each waiver participant who receives PAS has a written individualized back-up staffing plan and agreement for use in the event that the assigned PAS worker is unable to provide support due to unplanned circumstances, including emergencies which arise during a shift.
H. Every PAS provider shall ensure timely completion of the emergency plan for each waiver participant they serve.
I. The following individuals are allowed to provide PAS to a participant:
1. the participant's spouse;
a. when it is determined that the spouse may be the worker due to the participant needing extraordinary care.
2. the participant's curator;
3. the participant's tutor;
4. the participant's legal guardian;
5. the person to whom the participant has given representative and mandate authority (also known as power of attorney).
6. Repealed.
J. The participant's responsible representative is prohibited from being a PAS worker for a participant.
1. Repealed.
K. Participants are not permitted to receive PAS while living in a home or property owned, operated, or controlled by an owner, operator, agent, or employee of a licensed provider of long term care services and providers are prohibited from providing and billing for services under these circumstances. Participants may not live in the home of their direct support worker unless the direct support worker is related to, and it is the choice of, the participant.
1. The provisions of §8307.K may be waived with prior written approval by OAAS or its designee.
L. It is permissible for the PAS allotment to be used flexibly within a prior authorized week in accordance with the participant's preferences and personal schedule, and with proper documentation.

La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § XXI-8307

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 37:3519 (December 2011), amended LR 39:320 (February 2013), LR 39: 1778 (July 2013), LR 40: 791 (April 2014), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 441898 (10/1/2018), Amended by LR 47885 (7/1/2021), Amended LR 482914, Amended LR 49486 (3/1/2023), Amended LR 50785 (6/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.