La. Admin. Code tit. 50 § XXI-2503

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXI-2503 - Admission Denial or Discharge Criteria
A. Admission shall be denied or the participant shall be discharged from the ADHC Waiver Program if any of the following conditions are determined.
1. The individual does not meet the target population criteria as specified in the federally approved waiver document.
2. The individual does not meet the criteria for Medicaid eligibility.
3. The individual does not meet the criteria for nursing facility level of care.
4. The individual resides in another state or the participant has a change of residence to another state.
5. Continuity of services is interrupted as a result of the participant not receiving and/or refusing ADHC waiver services (exclusive of support coordination services) for a period of 30 consecutive days.
a. Exceptions may be granted by OAAS to delay discharge if interruption is due to an acute care hospital, rehabilitation hospital, or nursing facility admission.
6. The health, safety and welfare of the individual cannot be assured through the provision of ADHC waiver services.
7. The individual/participant fails to cooperate in the eligibility determination process, POC development, or in the performance of the POC.
8. It is not cost effective or appropriate to serve the individual in the ADHC Waiver.
9. The participant fails to attend the ADHC center for a minimum of 36 days per calendar quarter.
10. The participant fails to maintain a safe and legal home environment.

La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § XXI-2503

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 34:2163 (October 2008), repromulgated LR 34:2568 (December 2008), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 37:2625 (September 2011), LR 39:2496 (September 2013), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 442165 (12/1/2018).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act.