La. Admin. Code tit. 50 § XXI-723

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXI-723 - Provider Reimbursement
A. Cost Determination Definitions

Base Rate-calculated in accordance with §723.B 5, plus any base rate adjustments granted in accordance with §723.B.7 which are in effect at the time of calculation of new rates or adjustments.

Index Factor-computed by dividing the value of the index for December of the year preceding the rate year by the value of the index one year earlier (December of the second preceding year).


a.CPI, All Items-the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers-South Region (all items line) as published by the United States Department of Labor.
b.CPI, Medical Services-the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers-South Region (medical services line) as published by the United States Department of Labor.

Rate Component-the rate is the summation of the following:

a. direct care;
b. care related costs;
c. administrative and operating costs;
d. property costs; and
e. transportation costs.
B. Rate Determination
1. The base rate is calculated based on the most recent audited or desk reviewed cost for all ADHC providers filing acceptable full year cost reports. The rates are based on cost components appropriate for an economic and efficient ADHC providing quality service. The participant per quarter hour rates represent the best judgment of the state to provide reasonable and adequate reimbursement required to cover the costs of economic and efficient ADHC.
2. For rate periods between rebasing, the rates will be trended forward using the index factor contingent upon appropriation by the legislature.
3. The median costs for each component are multiplied in accordance with §723.B.4 then by the appropriate index factors for each successive year to determine base rate components. For subsequent years, the components thus computed become the base rate components to be multiplied by the appropriate index factors, unless they are adjusted as provided in §723.B.6 below. Application of an inflationary adjustment to reimbursement rates in non-rebasing years shall apply only when the state legislature allocates funds for this purpose. The inflationary adjustment shall be made prorating allocated funds based on the weight of the rate components.
4. The inflated median shall be increased to establish the base rate median component as follows.
a. The inflated direct care median shall be multiplied times 115 percent to establish the direct care base rate component.
b. The inflated care related median shall be multiplied times 105 percent to establish the care related base rate component.
c. The administrative and operating median shall be multiplied times 105 percent to establish the administrative and operating base rate component.
5. At least every three years, audited and desk reviewed cost report items will be compared to the rate components calculated for the cost report year to insure that the rates remain reasonably related to costs.
6. Formulae. Each median cost component shall be calculated as follows.
a. Direct Care Cost Component. Direct care allowable quarter hour costs from all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, shall be arrayed from lowest to highest. The cost at the midpoint of the array shall be the median cost. Should there be an even number of arrayed cost, an average of the two midpoint centers shall be the median cost. The median cost shall be trended forward by dividing the value of the consumer price index-medical services (south region) index for December of the year preceding the rate year by the value of the index for the December of the year preceding the cost report year. The direct care rate component shall be set at 115 percent of the inflated median.
b. Care Related Cost Component. Care related allowable quarter hour costs from all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, shall be arrayed from lowest to highest. The cost of the center at the midpoint of the array shall be the median cost. Should there be an even number of arrayed cost, an average of the two midpoint centers shall be the median cost. The median cost shall be trended forward by the value of the consumer price index-all items (south region) index for December of the year preceding the rate year by the value of the index for the December of the year preceding the cost report year. The care related rate component shall be set at 105 percent of the inflated median.
c. Administrative and Operating Cost Component. Administrative and operating allowable quarter hour cost from all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, shall be arrayed from lowest to highest. The cost of the midpoint of the array shall be the median cost. Should there be an even number of arrayed cost, an average of the two midpoint centers shall be the median cost. The median cost shall be trended forward by dividing the value of the CPI-all items (south region) index for December of the year preceding the base rate year by the value of the index for the December of the year preceding the cost report year. The administrative and operating rate component shall be set at 105 percent of the inflated median.
d. Property Cost Component. The property allowable quarter hour costs from all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, shall be arrayed from lowest to highest. The cost at the midpoint of the array shall be the median cost. Should there be an even number of arrayed cost, an average of the two midpoint centers shall be the median cost. This will be the rate component. Inflation will not be added to property costs.
e. Transportation Cost Component. The transportation allowable quarter hour costs from all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, will be calculated on a provider by provider basis. Should a provider not have filed an acceptable full year cost report, the provider's transportation cost will be reimbursed as follows.
i. New provider, as described in §723.E 1, will be reimbursed in an amount equal to the statewide allowable quarter hour median transportation costs.
(a). In order to calculate the statewide allowable quarter hour median transportation costs, all acceptable full year cost reports, except those for which an audit disclaimer has been issued, shall be arrayed from lowest to highest. The cost at the midpoint of the array shall be the median cost. Should there be an even number of arrayed cost, an average of the two midpoint centers shall be the median cost. This will be the rate component. Inflation will not be added to transportation costs.
ii. Providers that have gone through a change of ownership (CHOW), as described in §723.E 2, will be reimbursed for transportation costs based upon the previous owner's specific allowable quarter hour transportation costs for the period of time between the effective date of the CHOW and the first succeeding base year in which the new owner could possibly file an allowable 12-month cost report. Thereafter, the new owner's data will be used to determine the provider's rate following the procedures specified in this Rule.
iii. Providers that have been issued an audit disclaimer, or have a non-filer status, as described in §723.E 3, will be reimbursed for transportation costs at a rate equal to the lowest allowable quarter hour transportation cost (excluding providers with no transportation costs) in the state as of the most recent audited and/or desk reviewed rate database.
iv. For rate periods between rebasing years, if a provider discontinues transportation services and reported no transportation costs on the most recently audited or desk reviewed cost report, no center specific transportation rate will be added to the center's total rate for the rate year.
7. Budgetary Constraint Rate Adjustment. Effective for the rate period July 1, 2011 to July 1, 2012, the allowable quarter hour rate components for direct care, care related, administrative and operating, property, and transportation shall be reduced by 10.8563 percent.
8. Interim Adjustments to Rates. If an unanticipated change in conditions occurs that affects the cost of at least 50 percent of the enrolled ADHC providers by an average of 5 percent or more, the rate may be changed. The department will determine whether or not the rates should be changed when requested to do so by 25 percent or more of the enrolled providers, or an organization representing at least 25 percent of the enrolled providers. The burden of proof as to the extent and cost effect of the unanticipated change will rest with the entities requesting the change. The department may initiate a rate change without a request to do so. Changes to the rates may be temporary adjustments or base rate adjustments as described below.
a. Temporary Adjustments. Temporary adjustments do not affect the base rate used to calculate new rates.
i. Changes Reflected in the Economic Indices. Temporary adjustments may be made when changes which will eventually be reflected in the economic indices, such as a change in the minimum wage, a change in FICA or a utility rate change, occur after the end of the period covered by the indices(i.e., after the December preceding the rate calculation). Temporary adjustments are effective only until the next annual base rate calculation.
ii. Lump Sum Adjustments. Lump sum adjustments may be made when the event causing the adjustment requires a substantial financial outlay, such as a change in certification standards mandating additional equipment or furnishings. Such adjustments shall be subject to the bureau's review and approval of costs prior to reimbursement.
b. Base Rate Adjustment. A base rate adjustment will result in a new base rate component value that will be used to calculate the new rate for the next fiscal year. A base rate adjustment may be made when the event causing the adjustment is not one that would be reflected in the indices.
9. Provider Specific Adjustment. When services required by these provisions are not made available to the participant by the provider, the department may adjust the prospective payment rate of that specific provider by an amount that is proportional to the cost of providing the service. This adjustment to the rate will be retroactive to the date that is determined by the department that the provider last provided the service and shall remain in effect until the department validates, and accepts in writing, an affidavit that the provider is then providing the service and will continue to provide that service.
C. Cost Settlement. The direct care cost component shall be subject to cost settlement. The direct care floor shall be equal to 70 percent of the median direct care rate component trended forward for direct care services (plus 70 percent of any direct care incentive added to the rate). The Medicaid Program will recover the difference between the direct care floor and the actual direct care amount expended. If a provider receives an audit disclaimer, the cost settlement for that year will be based on the difference between the direct care floor and the lowest direct care per diem of all centers in the most recent audited and/or desk reviewed database. If the lowest direct care per diem of all centers in the most recent audited and/or desk reviewed database is lower than 50 percent of the direct care rate paid for that year, 50 percent of the direct care rate paid will be used as the provider's direct care per diem for settlement purposes.
D. Support Coordination Services Reimbursement. Support coordination services previously provided by ADHC providers and included in the rate, including the inter RAI Home Care assessment, the social assessment, the nursing assessment, the plan of care (POC) and home visits are no longer the responsibility of the ADHC provider. Support coordination services shall be provided as a separate service covered in the waiver programs. As a result of the change in responsibilities, the rate paid to ADHC providers was adjusted accordingly.
E. New Centers, Changes of Ownership of Existing Centers, and Existing Centers with Disclaimer or Non-Filer Status.
1. New centers are those entities whose beds have not previously been certified to participate, or otherwise have participated, in the Medicaid program. New centers will be reimbursed in accordance with this Rule and receiving the direct care, care related, administrative and operating, property rate components as determined in §723.B 1-6. These new centers will also receive the state-wide average transportation rate component, as calculated in §723.B.6.e.i (a), effective the preceding July 1.
2. A change of ownership exists if the beds of the new owner have previously been certified to participate, or otherwise have participated, in the Medicaid program under the previous owner's provider agreement. Rates paid to centers that have undergone a change in ownership will be based upon the rate paid to the previous owner for all rate components. Thereafter, the new owner's data will be used to determine the center's rate following the procedures in this Rule.
3. Existing providers that have been issued an audit disclaimer, or are a provider who has failed to file a complete cost report in accordance with §711, will be reimbursed based upon the statewide allowable quarter hour median costs for the direct care, care related, administrative and operating, and property rate components as determined in §723.B 1-7. No inflation or median adjustment factor will be included in these components. The transportation component will be reimbursed as described in §723.B.6.e iii.

La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § XXI-723

Promulgated by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 471120 (8/1/2021).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.