Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Each provider shall file an annual center cost report and, if applicable, a central office cost report.B. The provider shall be subject to financial and compliance audits.C. All providers who elect to participate in the Medicaid program shall be subject to audit by state or federal regulators or their designees. Audit selection shall be at the discretion of the department.1. The department conducts desk reviews of all of the cost reports received and also conducts on-site audits of provider cost reports.2. The records necessary to verify information submitted to the department on Medicaid cost reports, including related-party transactions, and other business activities engaged in by the provider, must be accessible to the department's audit staff.D. In addition to the adjustments made during desk reviews and on-site audits, the department may exclude or adjust certain expenses in the cost report data base in order to base rates on the reasonable and necessary costs that an economical and efficient provider must incur.E. The center shall retain such records or files as required by the department and shall have them available for inspection for five years from the date of service or until all audit exceptions are resolved, whichever period is longer.F. If a center's audit results in repeat findings and adjustments, the department may: 1. withhold provider's payments until the center submits documentation that the non-compliance has been resolved;2. exclude the provider's cost from the database used for rate setting purposes; and3. impose civil monetary penalties until the center submits documentation that the non-compliance has been resolved.G. If the department's auditors determine that a center's financial and/or census records are unauditable, the provider's payments may be withheld until the center submits auditable records. The provider shall be responsible for costs incurred by the department's auditors when additional services or procedures are performed to complete the audit.H. Provider payments may also be withheld under the following conditions: 1. a center fails to submit corrective action plans in response to financial and compliance audit findings within 15 days after receiving the notification letter from the department; or2. a center fails to respond satisfactorily to the department's request for information within 15 days after receiving the department's notification letter.I. The provider shall cooperate with the audit process by:1. promptly providing all documents needed for review;2. providing adequate space for uninterrupted review of records;3. making persons responsible for center records and cost report preparation available during the audit;4. arranging for all pertinent personnel to attend the closing conference;5. insuring that complete information is maintained in participant's records;6. developing a plan of correction for areas of noncompliance with state and federal regulations immediately after the exit conference time limit of 30 calendar days.La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § XXI-719
Promulgated by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 471120 (8/1/2021).The provisions of this Section were previously located in LAC 50:XXI.2911.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.