La. Admin. Code tit. 50 § XXI-711

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXI-711 - Cost Reporting
A. Cost Centers Components
1. Direct Care Costs. This component reimburses for in-house and contractual direct care staffing, social services, and activities (excluding the activities director) and fringe benefits and direct care supplies.
2. Care Related Costs. This component reimburses for in-house and contractual salaries and fringe benefits for supervisory and dietary staff, raw food costs, and care related supplies.
3. Administrative and Operating Costs. This component reimburses for in-house or contractual salaries and related benefits for administrative, housekeeping, laundry, and maintenance staff. Also included are:
a. utilities;
b. accounting;
c. dietary supplies;
d. housekeeping and maintenance supplies; and
e. all other administrative and operating type expenditures.
4. Property. This component reimburses for depreciation, interest on capital assets, lease expenses, property taxes, and other expenses related to capital assets, excluding property costs related to participant transportation.
5. Transportation. This component reimburses for inhouse and contractual driver salaries and related benefits, non-emergency medical transportation, vehicle maintenance, and supply expense, motor vehicle depreciation, interest expense related to vehicles, vehicle insurance, and auto leases.
B. Providers of ADHC services are required to file acceptable annual cost reports of all reasonable and allowable costs. An acceptable cost report is one that is prepared in accordance with the requirements of this Section and for which the provider has supporting documentation necessary for completion of a desk review or audit. The annual cost reports are the basis for determining reimbursement rates. A copy of all reports and statistical data must be retained by the center for no less than five years following the date cost reports are submitted to the bureau. A chart of accounts and an accounting system on the accrual basis or converted to the accrual basis at year end are required in the cost report preparation process. The bureau or its designee will perform desk reviews of the cost reports. In addition to the desk review, a representative number of the centers shall be subject to a full-scope, annual on-site audit. All ADHC cost reports shall be filed with a fiscal year from July 1 through June 30.
1. When a provider ceases to participate as an ADHC provider the provider must file a cost report covering a period under this program up to the effective date of cessation of participation in the program. Depending on the circumstances involved in the preparation of the provider's final cost report, the provider may file the cost report for a period of not less than one month or not more than 13 months.
C. The cost reporting forms and instructions developed by the Bureau must be used by all ADHC centers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program. Hospital based and other provider based ADHC which use Medicare forms for step down in completing their ADHC Medicaid cost reports must submit copies of the applicable Medicare cost report forms also. All amounts must be rounded to the nearest dollar and must foot and cross foot. Only per diem cost amounts will not be rounded. Cost reports submitted that have not been rounded in accordance with this policy will be returned and will not be considered as received until they are resubmitted.
D. Annual Reporting. Cost reports are to be filed on or before the last day of September following the close of the cost reporting period. Should the due date fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or an official state or federal holiday, the due date shall be the following business day. The cost report forms and schedules must be filed with one copy of the following documents:
1. a cost report grouping schedule. This schedule should include all trial balance accounts grouped by cost report line item. All subtotals should agree to a specific line item on the cost report. This grouping schedule should be done for the balance sheet, income statement, and expenses;
2. a depreciation schedule. The depreciation schedule which reconciles to the depreciation expense reported on the cost report must be submitted. If the center files a home office cost report, copies of the home office depreciation schedules must also be submitted with the home office cost report. All hospital based centers must submit a copy of a depreciation schedule that clearly shows and totals assets that are hospital only, ADHC only and shared assets;
3. an amortization schedule(s), if applicable;
4. a schedule of adjustment and reclassification entries;
5. a narrative description of purchased management services and a copy of contracts for managed services, if applicable;
6. for management services provided by a related party or home office, a description of the basis used to allocate the costs to providers in the group and to nonprovider activities and copies of the cost allocation worksheet, if applicable. Costs of related management/home offices must be reported on a separate cost report that includes an allocation schedule; and
7. all allocation worksheets must be submitted by hospital-based centers. The Medicare worksheets that must be attached by centers using the Medicare forms for allocation are:
a. A;
b. A-6;
c. A-7 parts I, II and III;
d. A-8;
e. A-8-1;
f. B part 1; and
g. B-1.
E. Each copy of the cost report must have the original signatures of an officer or center administrator on the certification. The cost report and related documents must be submitted to the address indicated on the cost report instruction form. In order to avoid a penalty for delinquency, cost reports must be postmarked on or before the due date.
F. When it is determined, upon initial review for completeness, that an incomplete or improperly completed cost report has been submitted, the provider will be notified. The provider will be allowed a specified amount of time to submit the requested information without incurring the penalty for a delinquent cost report. For cost reports that are submitted by the due date, 10 working days from the date of the provider's receipt of the request for additional information will be allowed for the submission of the additional information. For cost reports that are submitted after the due date, five working days from the date of the provider's receipt of the request for additional information will be allowed for the submission of the additional information. An exception exists in the event that the due date comes after the specified number of days for submission of the requested information. In these cases, the provider will be allowed to submit the additional requested information on or before the due date of the cost report. If requested additional information has not been submitted by the specified date, a second request for the information will be made. Requested information not received after the second request may not be subsequently submitted and shall not be considered for reimbursement purposes. An appeal of the disallowance of the costs associated with the requested information may not be made. Allowable costs will be adjusted to disallow any expenses for which requested information is not submitted.
G. Accounting Basis. The cost report must be prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. If a center is on a cash basis, it will be necessary to convert from a cash basis to an accrual basis for cost reporting purposes. Particular attention must be given to an accurate accrual of all costs at the yearend for appropriate recordation of costs in the applicable cost reporting period. Care must be given to the proper allocation of costs for contracts to the period covered by such contracts. Amounts earned although not actually received and amounts owed to creditors but not paid must be included in the appropriate cost reporting period.
H. Supporting Information. Providers are required to maintain adequate financial records and statistical data for proper determination of reimbursable costs. Financial and statistical records must be maintained by the center for five years from the date the cost report is submitted to the Bureau. Cost information must be current, accurate and in sufficient detail to support amounts reported in the cost report. This includes all ledgers, journals, records, and original evidences of cost (canceled checks, purchase orders, invoices, vouchers, inventories, time cards, payrolls, bases for apportioning costs, etc.) that pertain to the reported costs. Census data reported on the cost report must be supportable by daily census records. Such information must be adequate and available for auditing.
I. Attendance Records
1. Attendance data reported on the cost report must be supportable by daily attendance records. Such information must be adequate and available for auditing.
2. Daily attendance records should include the time of each participant's arrival and departure from the center. The attendance records should document the presence or absence of each participant on each day the center is open. The center's attendance records should document all admissions and discharges on the attendance records. Attendance records should be kept for all participants that attend the adult day center. This includes Medicaid, Veteran's Administration, insurance, private, waiver, and other participants. The attendance of all participants should be documented regardless of whether a payment is received on behalf of the participant. Supporting documentation such as admission documents, discharge summaries, nurse's progress notes, sign-in/out logs, etc. should be maintained to support services provided to each participant.
J. Employee Record
1. the provider shall retain written verification of hours worked by individual employees:
a. records may be sign-in sheets or time cards, but shall indicate the date and hours worked;
b. records shall include all employees even on a contractual or consultant basis;
2. verification of employee orientation and in-service training; and
3. verification of the employee's communicable disease screening.
K. Billing Records
1. The provider shall maintain billing records in accordance with recognized fiscal and accounting procedures. Individual records shall be maintained for each participant. These records shall meet the following criteria.
a. Records shall clearly detail each charge and each payment made on behalf of the participant.
b. Records shall be current and shall clearly reveal to whom charges were made and for whom payments were received.
c. Records shall itemize each billing entry.
d. Records shall show the amount of each payment received and the date received.
2. The provider shall maintain supporting fiscal documents and other records necessary to ensure that claims are made in accordance with federal and state requirements.
L. Non-Acceptable Descriptions. Miscellaneous, other, and various, without further detailed explanation, are not acceptable descriptions for cost reporting purposes. If any of these are used as descriptions in the cost report, a request for information will not be made and the related line item expense will be automatically disallowed. The provider will not be allowed to submit the proper detail of the expense at a later date, and an appeal of the disallowance of the costs may not be made.
M. Exceptions. Limited exceptions to the cost report filing requirements will be considered on an individual provider basis upon written request from the provider to the Bureau of Health Services Financing, Rate and Audit Review Section. If an exception is allowed, the provider must attach a statement describing fully the nature of the exception for which prior written permission was requested and granted. Exceptions which may be allowed with written approval are as follows.
1. If the center has been purchased or established during the reporting period, a partial year cost report may be filed in lieu of the required 12-month report.
2. If the center experiences unavoidable difficulties in preparing the cost report by the prescribed due date, an extension may be requested prior to the due date. Requests for exception must contain a full statement of the cause of the difficulties that rendered timely preparation of the cost report impossible.
N. Delinquent Cost Report. When an ADHC provider fails to submit a cost report by the last day of September following the close of the cost reporting period, a penalty of 5 percent of the monthly payment for the first month and a progressive penalty of 5 percent of the monthly payment for each succeeding month may be levied and withheld from the ADHC provider's payment for each month that the cost report is due, not extended and not received. The penalty is non-refundable and not subject to an administrative appeal.

La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § XXI-711

Promulgated by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities and the Office of Aging and Adult Services, LR 471114 (8/1/2021).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.