La. Admin. Code tit. 50 § I-4149

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section I-4149 - Scope of a Violation
A. Violations may be imputed in the following manner.
1. The conduct of a provider-in-fact is always attributable to the provider. The conduct of a managing employee is always attributable to the provider and provider-in-fact.
2. The conduct of an agent of the provider, billing agent, or affiliate of the provider may be imputed to the provider or provider-in-fact if the conduct was performed within the course of his duties for the provider or was effectuated by him with the knowledge or approval of the provider or provider-in-fact.
3. The conduct of any person or entity operating on behalf of a provider may be imputed to the provider or provider-in-fact.
4. The provider and provider-in-fact are responsible for the conduct of any and all officers, employees, contractors, or agents of the provider. The conduct of these persons or entities may be imputed to the provider or provider-in-fact.
5. A violation under one Medicaid number may be extended to any and all Medicaid numbers held by the provider or provider-in-fact or which may be obtained by the provider or provider-in-fact.
6. Recoupments or recoveries may be made from any payments or reimbursement made under any and all provider numbers held by or obtained by the provider or provider-in-fact.
7. Any sanctions, including recovery or recoupment, imposed on a provider or provider-in-fact shall remain in effect until its terms have been satisfied. Any person or entity who purchases, merges or otherwise consolidates with a provider or employs or affiliates a provider-in-fact, agent of the provider or affiliate of a provider who has had sanctions imposed on it under this regulation assumes liability for those sanctions, if the person or entity knew or should have known about the existence of the sanctions, and may be subject to additional sanctions based on the purchase, merger, consolidation, affiliation or employment of the sanctioned provider or provider-in-fact.
8. A provider or provider-in-fact who refers a recipient to another for the purpose of providing a good, service, or supply to a recipient may be held responsible for any or all over-billing by the person to whom the recipient was referred provided the referring provider or person knew or should have known that such over-billing was likely to occur.
9. Providers which are legal entities, i.e., clinics, corporations, HMOs, PPOs, etc., may be held jointly liable for the repayment or recoupment of any person within that legal entity if it can be shown that the entity received any economic benefit related to the overpayment.
10. Withholdings of payments imposed on a provider may be extended to any or all provider numbers held or obtained by that provider or any provider-in-fact of that provider.
11. A recoupment, fine, recovery or penalty, which is owed to the department by a provider or provider-in-fact, can be imputed to a group and/or entity to which the provider or provider-in-fact is linked.
B. Attributing, imputing, extension or imposing under this provision shall be done on a case-by-case basis with written reasons for same.

La. Admin. Code tit. 50, § I-4149

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 25:1637 (September 1999), repromulgated LR 29:596 (April 2003), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38: 2783 (November 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254, 46:437.4 and 46:437.1-46:440.3 (Medical Assistance Program Integrity Law).