La. Admin. Code tit. 49 § I-1165

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section I-1165 - Prescription Drugs List [Formerly 49:4.0320]
A. The following drugs in therapeutically effective proportions are considered dangerous for use otherwise than on the prescription of a duly qualified physician, dentist, or veterinarian licensed by law to administer drugs:
1. Acetanilid (where dosage provides a total daily intake of more than 5 grains or more than 2 1/2 grains during any 3 hour period);
2. Acetophenetidln (where daily dosage provides more than 15 grains);
3. Aconite (for internal use);
4. Aminopyrine;
5. Antipyrine (where daily dosage provides more than 15 grains);
6. Barbiturate;
7. Benzedrine sulphate (for internal use);
8. Bromides (where dosage involves consumption of more than 30 grains per day or more than 15 grains during any 3 hour period;
9. Bromide-Acetanilid combinations (where dosage provides more than a total daily dose of 15 grains of sodium bromide and 5 grains of acetanilid or more than 7 1/2 grains of sodium bromide and 2 1/2 grains of acetanilid during any 3 hour period. Comparable amounts of other bromide preparations are subject to the same restrictions);
10. Cantharides (for internal use);
11. Causaline Sedormide;
12. Chrysarobin or goa powder
13. Chrysophanic acid;
14. Cincophen, Neocincopene and other cincophen derivatives;
15. Colchicine;
16. Colchicum;
17. Digitalis;
18. Emetine;
19. Epinephrine (in solution of 1 percent or stronger);
20. Ipecac (in daily dosage greater than 10 grains)
21. Phosphides;
22. Phosphorus;
23. Radium and radio-active drugs;
24. Squill;
25. Strophanthus;
26. Strychnine (in daily dosage greater than 1/20 grain);
27. Sulfanilamide;
28. Sulfapyradine and other related "sulfa" drugs;
29. Sulfathiazole (for internal use);
30. Tansy, Tansy Oil;
31. Thiocyanates;
32. Thyroid;
33. the "anthelmintic" drugs:
a. carbon tetrachloride;
b. tetrachlorethylene;
c. male fern (aspidium);
d. santonin;
e. wormseed oil (chenopodiurn oil);
f. thymol.
B. Where the legend: "Caution-to be used only by or on the prescription of a Physician (Dentist, or Veterinarian)" appears on a packaged drug instead of directions for use, the retailer shall observe the injunction that the article be dispensed only upon prescription.

La. Admin. Code tit. 49, § I-1165

Adopted by the Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Preventive and Public Health Services, September 1968.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Title 40, as amended.