La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § IX-305

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IX-305 - Definitions

Case Management-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(4), a department mechanism for linking, coordinating, and developing segments of a Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Services System to insure appropriate residential living options or mental retardation and developmental disabilities services or both to meet a recipient's needs to the greatest extent possible, including those recipients who are served by multiple agencies or regional service center. Such case management services shall be conducted in accordance with established department procedures.

Center-Based Program-a therapies and habilitation program conducted in an out-of-home setting at a school, center or clinic.

Criterion-Referenced Assessment-a checklist of behaviors which can be directly measured, are reduced into incremental behavioral components, and include motor, communication, self-care, social and cognitive skills.

DHHR-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(9), Department of Health and Human Resources.

Diagnosable Condition-a state of health such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, seizure disorder, autism, or a congenital disease or abnormality which is identified by a physician.

Evaluation-pursuant to LSDE Bulletin 1508, a systematic process of review, examination, and interpretation of intervention efforts, tests results, interviews, observations and other assessment information relative to predetermined criteria.

Generic Service Plan-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(24), a plan developed by a case manager, multidisciplinary evaluation team coordinator, and the individual following receipt of the recommendations of a multidisciplinary evaluation report enumerating those mental retardation and developmental disabilities services or residential living options or both that a mentally retarded or developmentally disabled individual is eligible for and should receive, if available.

Handicapped Infant-pursuant to LSDE Bulletin 1508, one who is from birth to three years of age and has a serious handicapping condition which, without intervention, will become progressively more difficult for intervention at school age.

Home Training Program-a parent training program designed to teach the parents the skills necessary to provide therapies and habilitation to their handicapped infant at home. The training can take place in the home or at a school or center.

IHP-individualized habilitation plan. This is a written plan developed by the Infant Intervention Program after the infant is admitted to the program. Such a plan shall include goals, objectives, anticipated duration of services and other requirements as specified in Section 317 of these standards.

Individualized Training-a specific program based on assessment of an infant's needs for therapies and habilitation services in accordance with the IHP.

Infant Intervention Program-therapies and habilitation services program for handicapped infants which:

1. provides individualized training in a center-based setting;

2. provides individualized training in a home training setting; and

3. provides parent training to the parents.

Infant Intervention Services-pursuant to R. S. 28:381(8), services for handicapped infants from birth to three years provided either through a center-based or home training program including, but not limited to language stimulation and development, motor development, socialization and self-help skills development, cognitive development, behavior management, parent training and other services as appropriate to individual needs.

Infant Interventionist-an individual certified by the LSDE to teach or train in such areas as handicapped infant, noncategorical preschool handicapped, mental retardation, orthopedically handicapped, severe-profound, elementary education; or a nurse, speech therapist, physical therapist, or occupational therapist licensed in Louisiana and certified by LSDE to work in an educational setting; or a related field, who is enrolled in an approved professional plan for certification.

Infant Specialist-an employee of the Regional Service Center assigned to coordinate the Infant Intervention Services in that region.

Integrated Evaluation Report-pursuant to LSDE Bulletin 1508, the final written report following the evaluation which:

1. shall be a compilation of the data gathered during the individual evaluation;

2. shall be integrated and written in language that is clear to the individuals who will use it; and

3. shall contain all items pursuant to LSDE Bulletin 1508, Section III.

I. 1-3.

LSDE-Louisiana State Department of Education.

LEA-local education agency.

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Services-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(22), programs and assistance for mentally retarded or developmentally disabled persons which include, but are not limited to, information and referral services, case management services, diagnosis and evaluation services, generic service plan development services, family support services, health services, educational services, therapies and habilitation services, vocational services, transportation services, recreation and leisure services, Special Olympics services, respite services, infant intervention services, and adult day services.

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Services System-pursuant to R.S. 28:400, the combination of private and public mental retardation and developmental disabilities services and residential living options and the process by which a mentally retarded or developmentally disabled individual is admitted, transferred, or discharged within this system which is administered by the Office through the regional service centers. Components are pursuant to R.S. 28:401.

Multidisciplinary Evaluation-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(33), an assessment of need for mental retardation and developmental disabilities services or residential living options or both, and a determination that a person is mentally retarded or developmentally disabled by a group of professionals meeting together conducting their respective evaluations on an individual who is mentally retarded or developmentally disabled or suspected of being mentally retarded or developmentally disabled. The multidisciplinary evaluation process shall be coordinated by an evaluation coordinator who shall be responsible for developing an integrated evaluation report following a group meeting with those professionals who conducted the multidisciplinary evaluation. Another purpose of the multidisciplinary evaluation is to diagnose mental retardation or developmental disabilities as defined herein.

OMR/DD-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(34), the Office of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities of DHHR.

Paraprofessional Training-a person at least 18 years of age, who possesses a certificate of good health signed by a physician, who has received paraprofessional training, and who assists in the delivery of infant intervention services under the supervision of an infant interventionist.

Paraprofessional Training Unit-a training model that may be used for the self-help skill training (toilet training, dressing skills, grooming skills, feeding skills, and preacademic readiness activities) of infant, preschool, or severely and profoundly handicapped children. The unit, made up of not more than four paraprofessionals, must be supervised directly by an infant interventionist. Each paraprofessional must have a full quota of students (three) before an additional paraprofessional can be added to the unit.

Parent Training-teaching parents the skills necessary to assist their handicapped infant in therapies and habilitation services.

Regional Service Center-pursuant to R. S. 28:381(38), an administrative unit of the Office of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities under its administration, supervision, and control through which the office administers and coordinates the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Services System in any given region. The center is responsible for regional planning, stimulation of the development of needed services from private or public providers; presentation of budget information to the office for all residential living options and mental retardation and developmental disabilities services or both in the region and, as appropriate, request funding for such services through normal budgetary channels; dispersal of appropriations made to the region through the office; and administration of the state schools assigned to its geographic area. The regional center shall utilize existing private and public resources to the maximum extent possible. The relationship between a private provider and a regional service center shall be defined by written agreement or contract as specified in R. S. 28:380(C) to allow for maximum permissible fiscal and administrative autonomy.

Screening-pursuant to LSDE Bulletin 1508, a process of collecting and reviewing information about the physical, developmental, or behavioral characteristics of an infant for the purpose of identifying those who are suspected of having a serious handicapping condition.

Therapies and Habilitation Services-pursuant to R.S. 28:381(46), behavioral intervention, communication training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, community living skills training, self-help skills training, socialization skills training, infant intervention training, and other related therapies and habilitation services.

Unit of Service-a minimum of three hours of planned activities a day in a center-based Infant Intervention Program, or one hour of planned activities in a home training Infant Intervention Program.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § IX-305

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities, LR 13:246 (April 1987).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R. S. 28:380 et seq.