La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-8549

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-8549 - Individual Service Plan
A. Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP). An ICF/DD shall ensure that the QMRP, who is an appropriately qualified professional, is assigned to each individual and given responsibility for and authority over:
1. supervision of the implementation of the individual's service plan;
2. integration of the various aspects of the individual's program;
3. recording of the individual's progress as measured by objective indicators;
4. reviewing the individual's service plan, on a quarterly basis;
5. ensuring the timely release, whenever appropriate, of the individual to a less restrictive setting;
6. monitoring any extraordinary restriction of the individual's freedom including use of any form of restraint, any special restriction on an individual's communication with others and any potentially harmful treatment or behavior management techniques applied to the individual; and
7. ensuring the coordination of all care and services.
B. The Service Plan
1. An ICF/DD shall, within 30 days of admitting an individual, ensure that a comprehensive written psychological, social, and as appropriate, educational assessment of the individual has been completed and, based on this assessment, shall develop a comprehensive, time-limited, goal-oriented individual service plan addressing the needs identified by the assessment.
2. The assessment shall identify the individual's strengths and needs, establish priorities to assist in the development of an appropriate plan and conclude with recommendations concerning approaches and techniques to be used.
3. All methods used in assessing an individual shall be appropriate considering the individual's age, cultural background and dominant language or mode of communication.
4. Individual service plans shall be developed by an interdisciplinary team including the QMRP, representatives of the direct service staff working with the individual on a daily basis and other professionals, as indicated.
5. The ICF/DD shall document that, where applicable, the designated representative of DHH and, where appropriate, the legally responsible person have been invited to participate in the planning process and when they do not participate, shall document the reasons, if known, for non-participation.
6. Unless it is clearly not feasible to do so, an ICF/DD shall ensure that the service plan and any subsequent revisions are explained to the individual and, where appropriate, the legally responsible person, in a language or method understandable to the individual.
7. An ICF/DD shall ensure that the service plan for each individual includes the following components:
a. the findings of the assessment;
b. a statement of goals to be achieved or worked towards for the individual and his/her family;
c. a plan for fostering positive family relationships for the individual, when appropriate;
d. specifications for the daily activities, including training, education and recreation, to be pursued by the program staff and the individual in order to attempt achieve the stated goals;
e. specification of any specialized services that will be provided directly or arranged for, and measures for ensuring their proper integration with the individual's ongoing program activities;
f. specification of time-limited targets in relation to overall goals and specific objectives;
g. methods for evaluating the individual's progress;
h. goals and preliminary plans for discharge and aftercare;
i. identification of all persons responsible for implementing or coordinating implementation of the plan; and
j. the completed service plan shall be signed by all team participants.
8. An ICF/DD shall review each service plan at least annually and evaluate the degree to which the goals have been achieved.
9. An ICF/DD shall continuously monitor the individual's service plan and provide revisions as necessary.
10. The ICF/DD shall prepare quarterly status reports on the progress of the individual relative to the goals and objectives of the service plan. These reports shall be prepared by designated staff and reviewed and approved by the QMRP.
11. An ICF/DD shall ensure that all persons working directly with the individual are appropriately informed of the service plan.
C. Education
1. An ICF/DD shall ensure that each individual has access to appropriate educational services consistent with the individual's abilities and needs, taking into account his/her age and level of functioning.
2. All individuals of school age must either be enrolled in a school system or a program approved by the Department of Education.
D. Reports. When the individual is a minor, the administrator of a ICF/DD or his/her designee shall report in writing to the legally responsible person of the individual at least annually, or as otherwise required by law, with regard to the individual's progress with reference to the goals and objectives in the service plan. This report shall include a description of the individual's medical condition.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-8549

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:3193 (December 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2180-2180.5.