Abuse-the infliction of physical or mental injury or the causing of the deterioration of an individual by means including, but not limited to, sexual abuse, or exploitation of funds or other things of value to such an extent that his health or mental or emotional well-being is endangered. Injury may include, but is not limited to: physical injury, mental disorientation, or emotional harm, whether it is caused by physical action or verbal statement or any other act or omission classified as abuse by Louisiana law, including, but not limited to, the Louisiana Childrens Code.
Accredited-the process of review and acceptance by an accreditation body.
Active Client-a client that is being treated for addictive disorders at least every 90 days or a client that is being treated for mental health disorders at least every 180 days.
Addictionologist-a licensed physician who is either of the following:
Addiction Counselor-any person who is licensed, certified, or registered in accordance with state statute and procedures established by the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority and who, by means of his special knowledge acquired through formal education or practical experience, is qualified to provide addiction counseling services to those individuals afflicted with or suffering from an addictive disorder or certain co-occurring disorders.
Addictive Disorder-the repeated pathological use of substances including but not limited to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, or repeated pathological compulsive behaviors including but limited to gambling, which cause physical, psychological, emotional, economic, legal, social, or other harms to the individual afflicted with the addiction or to others affected by the individual's affliction. Addiction disorder includes instances where withdrawal from or tolerance to the substance or behaviors are present, and also instances involving use and abuse of substances.
Addiction Outpatient Treatment Services (ASAM Level 1)-an outpatient program that offers comprehensive, coordinated, professionally directed and defined addiction treatment services that may vary in level of intensity and may be delivered in a wide variety of settings. Services are provided in regularly scheduled sessions of fewer than nine contact hours a week.
Administrative Procedure Act (APA )-R.S. 49:950 et seq.
Admission-the formal acceptance of an individual for assessment and/or therapeutic services provided by the BHS provider.
Adolescent-an individual 13 through 17 years of age.
ADRA-Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority.
Adult-an individual 18 years of age or older.
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)-a licensed health care practitioner who is acting within the scope of practice of his/her respective licensing boards(s) and/or certifications.
Ambulatory Detoxification with Extended on-site Monitoring (ASAM Level II-D)-an organized outpatient addiction treatment service that may be delivered in an office setting or health care or behavioral health services provider by trained clinicians who provide medically supervised evaluation, detoxification and referral services. The services are designed to treat the clients level of clinical severity to achieve safe and comfortable withdrawal from mood-altering chemicals and to effectively facilitate the clients entry into ongoing treatment and recovery. The services are provided in conjunction with intensive outpatient treatment services (level II.1).
Alternate Service Delivery Area-an area that is not contiguous to the geographic service area of the licensed BHS parent location and/or is in an LDH region where a BHS provider may be allowed to provide Homebuilders services when the provider has less than three staff providing such services in that region.
Ambulatory Withdrawal Management with Extended on site Monitoring (ASAM Level 2-WM)-an organized outpatient addiction treatment service that may be delivered in an office setting or health care or behavioral health services provider by trained clinicians who provide medically supervised evaluation, withdrawal management and referral services. The services are designed to treat the client's level of clinical severity to achieve safe and comfortable withdrawal from mood-altering chemicals and to effectively facilitate the client's entry into ongoing treatment and recovery. The services are provided in conjunction with intensive outpatient treatment services (level 2.1).
ASAM-American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Authorized Licensed Prescriber-a physician, PA, nurse practitioner, or medical psychologist (MP) licensed in the state of Louisiana and with full prescriptive authority who is authorized by the BHS provider to prescribe treatment to clients of the specific BHS provider at which he/she practices.
Behavioral Health Service (BHS) Provider or Provider a facility, agency, institution, person, society, corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, group, or other legal entity that provides behavioral health services, presents itself to the public as a provider of behavioral health services.
Behavioral Health Services-mental health services, substance use/addiction treatment services, or a combination of such services, for adults, adolescents and children. Such services may be provided in a residential setting, in a clinic setting on an outpatient basis, or in a home or community setting.
Building and Construction Guidelines-structural and design requirements applicable to the BHS provider which does not include occupancy requirements.
Business Location or Primary Business Office Location- the physical location/address that is designated by the provider as the main or primary business office location; there shall be only one designation of the main or primary business office location per provider; the main or primary business office location may be a licensed residential location, a licensed outpatient clinic, or other office location within the geographic service area authorized by the license.
Campus-for purposes of this Chapter, a location where BHS services are provided that is within the geographic service area as the licensed BHS provider. A campus may have multiple buildings/multiple addresses as long as those buildings are contiguous and not separated by public streets, and are within the same geographic service area as the licensed BHS provider.
Case Management-the coordination of services, agencies, resources, or people within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of goals established in the treatment plan that may involve liaison activities and collateral contracts with other providers.
Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)-pursuant to R.S. 37:3387.1, any person who, by means of his specific knowledge acquired through formal education and practical experience, is qualified to provide addictive disorder counseling services and is certified by the ADRA as a CAC. The CAC shall not practice independently and shall not render a diagnostic impression.
Certified Clinical Supervisor- any person holding the necessary credential of licensed, certified, or registered addiction counselor or any person who holds a specialty substance use credential in another professional discipline in a human services field at the master's level or higher; and who has satisfied the requirements established by the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority (ADRA) to provide clinical supervision.
Cessation of Business-provider is non-operational and/or has stopped offering or providing services to the community.
Change of Ownership (CHOW)-the addiction, substitution, or removal, whether by sale, transfer, lease, gift or otherwise, of a licensed health care provider subject to this rule by a person, corporation, or other entity, which results in a change of controlling interest of assets or other equity interests of the licensed entity may constitute a CHOW of the licensed entity. An example of an action that constitutes a CHOW includes, but is not limited to, the leasing of the licensed entity.
Child-an individual under the age of 13.
Client-any person who seeks and receives treatment or services, including but not limited to rehabilitation services or addiction counseling services, furnished by a provider licensed pursuant to this Chapter.
Client Education-information that is provided to clients and groups concerning alcoholism and other drug abuse, positive lifestyle changes, mental health promotion, suicide prevention and intervention, safety, recovery, relapse prevention, self-care, parenting, and the available services and resources. Educational group size is not restricted and may be offered as an outreach program.
Client Record-a single complete record kept by the provider which documents all treatment provided to the client and actions taken by the provider on behalf of the client. The record may be electronic, paper, magnetic material, film or other media.
Clinical Services-treatment services that include screening, assessment, treatment planning, counseling, crisis mitigation and education.
Clinically Managed High-Intensity Residential Treatment Services (ASAM Level 3.5)-a residential program that offers continuous observation, monitoring, and treatment by clinical staff designed to treat clients experiencing substance-related disorders who have clinically-relevant social and psychological problems, such as criminal activity, impaired functioning and disaffiliation from mainstream values, with the goal of promoting abstinence from substance use and antisocial behavior and affecting a global change in clients' lifestyles, attitudes and values.
Clinically Managed Low Intensity Residential Treatment Services (ASAM Level 3.1)-a residential program that offers at least five hours a week of a combination of low-intensity clinical and recovery-focused services for substance-related disorders. Services may include individual, group and family therapy, medication management and medication education, and treatment is directed toward applying recovery skills, preventing relapse, improving emotional functioning, promoting personal responsibility and reintegrating the client into the worlds of work, education and family life (e.g., halfway house).
Clinically Managed Population Specific High-Intensity Residential Treatment Services (ASAM Level 3.3)-a residential program that offers at least 20 hours per week of a combination of medium-intensity clinical and recovery-focused services in a structured recovery environment to support recovery from substance-related disorders; is frequently referred to as extended or long term care.
Clinically Managed Residential Withdrawal Management (Social) (ASAM LEVEL 3.2-WM)-an organized residential program utilizing 24 hour active programming and containment provided in a non-medical setting that provides relatively extended, sub-acute treatments, medication monitoring observation, and support in a supervised environment for a client experiencing non-life threatening withdrawal symptoms from the effects of alcohol/drugs and impaired functioning and who is able to participate in daily residential activities.
Co-Occurring Disorder-a disorder in which an individual has at least one psychiatric disorder as well as an addictive disorder.
Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST)- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Medicaid mental health rehabilitation services designed to reduce disability from mental illness, restore functional skills of daily living, build natural supports, and achieve identified person-centered goals or objectives through counseling, clinical psycho-education, and ongoing monitoring needs as set forth in an individualized treatment plan.
Compulsive Gambling-persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior that disrupts personal, family, community, or vocational pursuits, and is so designated by a court, or diagnosed by a licensed physician or LMHP.
Controlled Dangerous Substance-any substance defined, enumerated, or included in federal or state statute or regulations or any substance which may hereafter be designated as a controlled dangerous substance by amendment of supplementation of such regulations or statute. The term shall not include distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, or tobacco.
Core Services-the essential and necessary elements required of every BHS provider, when indicated, including assessment, orientation, client education, consultation with professionals, counseling services, referral, crisis mitigation, medication management, rehabilitation services, and treatment.
Counselor in Training (CIT)-any person who has not yet met the qualification to become a licensed, certified, or registered counselor, but who has made application to the ADRA in accordance with state statute and procedures established by the ADRA. The CIT shall not practice independently and shall only work under the direct supervision of a licensed addiction counselor (LAC), CAC, or registered addiction counselor; or in the absence of a licensed, certified, or registered addiction counselor, under the direction of a qualified mental health professional.
Counselor in Training (CIT)-a person currently registered with the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority (ADRA) and pursuing a course of training in substance abuse/addiction treatment counseling which includes educational hours, practicum hours, and direct, on-site supervision.
Crime of Violence-an offense listed as a crime of violence in R.S. 14:2.
Crisis Intervention-face to face intervention provided to a client who is experiencing a psychiatric crisis. The services are designed to interrupt and/or ameliorate a crisis experience, via a preliminary assessment, immediate crisis resolution and de-escalation with referral and linkage to appropriate community services to avoid more restrictive levels of treatment.
Crisis Mitigation Services-a BHS providers assistance to clients during a crisis that provides 24-hour on call telephone assistance to prevent relapse or harm to self or others, to provide referral to other services, and to provide support during related crises. Referral to 911 or a hospitals emergency department alone does not constitute crisis mitigation services.
Deemed Status-following the issuance of an initial license, the departments acceptance of the BHS providers accreditation as compliance with this Chapter in lieu of on-site licensing surveys.
Department-the LDH or any office or agency thereof designated by the secretary to administer the provisions of this Chapter.
Dependent Children-any child/adolescent under the age of 18 that relies on the care of a parent or legal guardian.
DHH Authorized Accreditation Organization-Repealed.
Diagnosis-the act of identifying a disease or behavioral health disorder as defined by the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). A diagnosis is determined by a qualified LMHP or physician based on comprehensive assessment of physical evidence (if related to diagnosis), signs and symptoms, clinical and psycho-social evidence, and individual/family history.
Direct Care Staff-any member of the staff, including an employee, contractor or volunteer, that provides the services delineated in the comprehensive treatment plan. Food services, maintenance, and clerical staff are not considered as direct care staff.
Disaster or Emergency-a local, community-wide, regional or statewide declared health crisis or event.
Dispense or Dispensing-the interpretation, evaluation, and implementation of a prescription drug order, including the preparation and delivery of a drug or device to a patient or patient's agent in a suitable container appropriately labeled for subsequent administration to, or use by, a patient. Dispense necessarily includes a transfer of possession of a drug or device to the patient or the patient's agent.
Dispensing Physician-any physician in the state of Louisiana who is registered as a dispensing physician with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners (LSBME) and who dispenses to his/her patients any drug, chemical, or medication, except a bona fide medication sample.
Dispensing Physician-any physician in the state of Louisiana who is registered as a dispensing physician with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners and who dispenses to his/her patients any drug, chemical, or medication, except a bona fide medication sample.
Division of Administrative Law (DAL)-the Louisiana Department of State Civil Service, Division of Administrative Law or its successor.
Exploitation-act or process to use (either directly or indirectly) the labor or resources of an individual or organization for monetary or personal benefit, profit, or gain.
Facility Need Approval (FNA)-the letter of approval from the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) which is required for licensure applicants for opioid treatment programs prior to applying for a BHS provider license or the letter of approval from the Facility Need Review (FNR) Committee within the department which is required for licensure applicants for psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR) or CPST services prior to applying for a BHS provider license.
FDA-the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Financial Viability-the provider seeking licensure is able to provide verification and continuous maintenance of all of the following pursuant to R.S. 40:2153:
NOTE: the LDH-HSS shall specifically be identified as the certificate holder on any policies and any certificates of insurance issued as proof of insurance by the insurer or producer (agent).
Geographic Service Area-the geographic service location for a public or private behavioral health services provider licensed pursuant to this Part shall be defined to include all of the following:
Grievance-a formal or informal written or verbal complaint that is made to the provider by a client or the clients family or representative regarding the clients care, abuse or neglect when the complaint is not resolved by staff present at the time of the complaint.
Health Standards Section (HSS)-the licensing and certification section of the LDH.
High Risk Behavior-includes substance use, gambling, violence, academic failure, delinquency behavior, and mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations.
Human Services District or Authority-an existing or newly created local governmental entity with local accountability and management of behavioral health and developmental disabilities services as well as any public health or other services contracted to the district by the department.
Human Services Field-an academic program with a curriculum content in which at least 70 percent of the required courses are in the study of behavioral health or human behavior.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Services (ASAM Level 2.1)-professionally directed assessment, diagnosis, treatment and recovery services provided in an organized non-residential treatment setting, including individual, group, family counseling and psycho-education on recovery as well as monitoring of drug use, medication management, medical and psychiatric examinations, crisis mitigation coverage and orientation to community-based support groups. Services may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, in the evening or on a weekend, and the program shall provide nine or more hours of structured programming per week for adults and six or more hours of structured programming per week for children/adolescents.
LDH Authorized Accreditation Organization-any organization authorized by LDH to accredit behavioral health providers.
Level of Care-intensity of services provided by the provider
Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC)-any person who, by means of his specific knowledge, acquired through formal education and practical experience, is qualified to provide addiction counseling services and is licensed by the ADRA as a licensed addiction counsel or pursuant to R.S. 37:3387.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)-a person duly licensed to independently practice clinical social work under R.S. 37:2702 et seq.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)-a person to whom a license has been issued and who is licensed to perform the professional application of psychotherapeutic and family systems theories and techniques in the assessment and treatment of individuals, couples and families. An LMFT is not permitted to diagnose a behavioral health disorder under his/her scope of practice under state law.
Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP)-an individual who is currently licensed and in good standing in the state of Louisiana to practice within the scope of all applicable state laws, practice acts and the individual's professional license, as one of the following:
Licensed Professional Counselor-any person who holds himself out to the public for a fee or other personal gain, by any title or description of services incorporating the words "licensed professional counselor" or any similar term, and who offers to render professional mental health counseling services denoting a client-counselor relationship in which the counselor assumes responsibility for knowledge, skill and ethical considerations needed to assist individuals, groups, organizations, or the general public, and who implies that he is licensed to practice mental health counseling.
Licensed Psychologist-any person licensed as a psychologist pursuant to R.S. 37:2352.
Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC)-any person who holds himself out to the public, for a fee or other personal gain, by any title or description of services incorporating the words "licensed professional vocational rehabilitation counselor" or any similar terms, and who offers to render professional rehabilitation counseling services denoting a client-counselor relationship in which the counselor assumes responsibility for knowledge, skill, and ethical considerations needed to assist individuals, groups, organizations, or the general public, and who implies that he is licensed to engage in the practice of rehabilitation counseling. An LRC is also known as a licensed professional vocational rehabilitation counselor. An LRC is not permitted to provide assessment or treatment services for substance use/addiction, mental health or co-occurring disorders under his/her scope of practice under state law.
Masters-Prepared-an individual who has completed a masters degree in social work or counseling, but has not met the requirements for licensing by the appropriate state board.
Medical Psychologist-a licensed psychological practitioner who has undergone specialized training in clinical psychopharmacology and has passed a national proficiency examination in psychopharmacology approved by the LSBME.
Medically Monitored Inpatient Withdrawal Management (Medically Supported) (ASAM Level 3.7-WM)-a residential program that provides 24-hour observation, monitoring and treatment delivered by medical and nursing professionals to clients whose withdrawal signs and symptoms are moderate to severe and thus require residential care, but do not need the full resources of an acute care hospital.
Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Treatment Services (Co-occurring) (ASAM Level 3.7)-a residential program that provides a planned regimen of 24-hour professionally directed evaluation, observation, medical monitoring and addiction treatment to clients with cooccurring psychiatric and substance disorders whose disorders are so severe that they require a residential level of care but do not need the full resources of an acute care hospital. The program provides 24 hours of structured treatment activities per week, including, but not limited to, psychiatric and substance use assessments, diagnosis treatment, and habilitative and rehabilitation services.
Medication Administration-preparation and/or giving of a legally prescribed individual dose of medication to a client by qualified staff including observation and monitoring of a clients response to medication.
Mental Health Clinic-an entity through which outpatient behavioral health services are provided, including screening, diagnosis, management or treatment of a mental disorder, mental illness, or other psychological or psychiatric condition or problem, mental health intensive outpatient services, and 24-hour emergency services that are provided either directly or through formal affiliation with other agencies by an interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals and subordinates in accordance with a plan of treatment or under the direction of a psychiatrist or another qualified physician with psychiatric consultation.
Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Programs (MH IOPs)-professionally directed assessment, diagnosis, and treatment provided in an organized non-residential treatment setting, including individual, group, family counseling and psycho-education as well as, medication management, medical and psychiatric examinations, and crisis mitigation coverage. Services may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, in the evening or on a weekend, and the program shall provide nine or more hours of structured programming per week for adults and six or more hours of structured programming per week for children/adolescents.
Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Program- professionally directed assessment, diagnosis, and treatment provided in an organized non-residential treatment setting, including individual, group, family counseling and psycho-education, as well as medication management, medical and psychiatric examinations, and crisis mitigation coverage. Services may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, in the evening or on a weekend, and the program shall provide 20 or more hours of structured programming per week.
Mental Health Rehabilitation (MHR)-an outpatient healthcare program provider of any PSR, crisis intervention (CI) and/or CPST services that promotes the restoration of community functioning and well-being of an individual diagnosed with a mental health or mental or emotional disorder. The MHR provider utilizes evidence based supports and interventions designed to improve individual and community outcomes.
Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (MHRS)-outpatient services for adults with serious mental illness and children with emotional/behavioral disorders which are medically necessary to reduce the disability resulting from mental illness and assist in the recovery and resiliency of the recipient. These services are home and community-based and are provided on an as needed basis to assist recipients in coping with the symptoms of their illness. The intent of MHRS is to minimize the disabling effects on the individuals capacity for independent living and to prevent or limit the periods of inpatient treatment.
Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT)-unlicensed staff and recognized peer support specialist deploy in teams initially to assess and address a crisis as part of mobile crisis intervention response services, enlisting the assistance of an LMHP if needed. Exceptions to the team deployment may be made by the team leader. One staff person may deploy after the initial assessment, if appropriate as determined by the team leader. Unlicensed individuals work under the supervision of an LMHP or psychiatrist who is acting within the scope of his/her professional license and applicable state law. MCRTs operate under an agency or facility license issued by LDH Health Standards.
Mobile Dosing Unit-a mobile unit that is established as part of, but geographically separate from, an opioid treatment program (OTP) parent facility from which appropriately licensed practitioners may dispense or administer medications for opioid use disorder or collect samples for drug testing or analysis.
Mobile Unit-any trailer or self-propelled unit equipped with a chassis on wheels and intended to provide behavioral health services on a temporary basis at a temporary location. These units shall be maintained and equipped to be moved.
Mothers with Dependent Children Program or Dependent Care Program-a program that is designed to provide substance use/addiction treatment to mothers with dependent children who remain with the parent while the parent is in treatment.
Neglect-the failure to provide the proper or necessary medical care, nutrition or other care necessary for a clients well-being or any other act or omission classified as neglect by Louisiana law.
Non-Ambulatory-unable to walk or accomplish mobility without assistance.
Non-Prescription Medication-medication that can be purchased over-the-counter without an order from a licensed practitioner.
Nurse-any registered nurse licensed and in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) or any practical nurse licensed and in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners (LSBPE).
OBH-the LDH Office of Behavioral Health.
Off-Site-a parent facility's alternate location or premises that provides behavioral health services on a routine basis within the geographic service area of the licensed BHS provider that:
OHSEP-Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
Onsite Access-for purposes of §5712 and §5733 of this Rule, the delivery of the treatment to the patient at the location of the substance use disorder facility. For purposes of §5712 and §5733, onsite access shall not mean that the substance use disorder facility is required to maintain stock of the medication-assisted treatment at the facility.
On Call-immediately available for telephone consultation and less than one hour from ability to be on duty.
On Duty-scheduled, present and awake at the site to perform job duties.
OPH-the LDH Office of Public Health.
Opioid Treatment Program-a program that engages in medication-assisted opioid treatment of clients with an opioid agonist treatment medication.
OSFM-the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections (LDPSC), Office of State Fire Marshal (OSM).
OTP Practitioner-a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who is currently licensed and in good standing to prescribe and/or dispense medications for opioid use disorders, and who is acting within the scope of all applicable state and federal laws and the individual's professional license.
Outpatient Clinic-a BHS provider that provides behavioral health services on-site at the providers geographic location but is not a residential provider.
Outpatient Services-behavioral health services offered in an accessible non-residential setting to clients whose physical and emotional status allows them to function in their usual environment.
OTP Practitioner-a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who is currently licensed and in good standing to prescribe and/or dispense medications for opioid use disorders, and who is acting within the scope of all applicable state and federal laws and the individual's professional license.
Partial Hospital Program (PHP-ASAM Level II.5)-an organized outpatient service that delivers treatment to adolescents and adults. This level encompasses services that meet the multidimensional instability and complex needs of people with addiction and co-occurring conditions which do not require 24-hour care.
Parent Facility-the main building or premises of a BHS provider where services are provided on-site and administrative records are maintained.
Partial Hospitalization Services (ASAM Level 2.5)-an organized outpatient service that delivers treatment to adolescents and adults. This level encompasses services that meet the multidimensional instability and complex needs of people with addiction and co-occurring conditions which do not require 24-hour care.
Peer Support Specialist-an individual with personal lived experience with a minimum of 12 consecutive months of recovery from behavioral health conditions and successfully navigating the behavioral health services system. Recognized peer support specialists must successfully complete an OBH-approved peer training program, continuing education requirements, and clinical supervision in order to provide peer support services.
Physical Environment-the BHS providers licensed exterior and interior space where BH services are rendered.
Physician-an individual who is currently licensed and in good standing in the state of Louisiana to practice medicine in Louisiana and who is acting within the scope of all applicable state laws and the individuals professional license.
Physician Assistant-a licensed health care practitioner who is acting within the practice of his/her respective licensing boards(s) and/or certifications.
Plan Review-the process of obtaining approval for construction plans and specifications for the BHS provider.
Prescription Medication-medication that requires an order from a licensed practitioner and that can only be dispensed by a pharmacist on the order of a licensed practitioner or a dispensing physician and requires labeling in accordance with R.S. 37:1161 et seq.
Prevention Specialist-an individual who works with individuals, families and communities to create environments and conditions that support wellness and the ability of individuals to withstand changes. Prevention specialists are trained in needs assessment, planning and evaluation, prevention education and service delivery, communication, community organization, public policy and environmental change. A Prevention specialist is any person who has received credentials from the ADRA to be a licensed, certified, or registered prevention professional.
Prevention Specialist-in-Training-any person who has not yet met the qualifications to become a licensed, certified, or registered prevention professional, but who has made application to the ADRA in accordance with the provisions of state statute and procedures established by the ADRA, and works under the supervision as required by ADRA.
Professional Board(s)-the entity responsible for licensure or certification for specific professions (e.g., nursing, counselors, social workers, physicians, etc.).
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)-face to face intervention with the client designed to assist with compensating for or eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal and/or environmental barriers associated with his/her mental illness.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) Services-CMS approved Medicaid mental health rehabilitation services designed to assist the individual with compensating for or eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal or environmental barriers associated with mental illness through skill building and supportive interventions to restore and rehabilitate social and interpersonal skills and daily living skills.
Qualifying Experience-experience used to qualify for any position that is counted by using 1 year equals 12 months of full-time work.
Recovery Focused Services-services such as life skills training, job readiness, self-help meetings, parenting skills, training and recreation activities that should be coordinated with clinical services.
Referral-the BHS provider identifies needed services not provided by the provider and assists the client/family to optimally utilize the available support systems and community resources to meet the clients needs.
Registered Addiction Counselor (RAC)-pursuant to R.S. 37:3387.2, any person who, by means of his/her specific knowledge acquired through formal education and practical experience, is qualified to provide addictive disorder counseling services and is registered by the ADRA as a RAC. The RAC shall not practice independently and shall not render a diagnostic impression.
Rehabilitative Services-services intended to promote the maximum reduction of symptoms and/or restoration of the client to his/her best age-appropriate functional level according to an individualized treatment plan.
Residential Treatment Program-a planned regimen of 24-hour professionally-directed evaluation, observation, monitoring and treatment of behavioral health conditions according to a treatment plan.
Secretary-the secretary of the LDH or his/her designee.
Self-Administration-the clients preparation and direct application of a medication to his/her own body by injection, inhalation, ingestion or any other means.
Shelter in Place-a providers decision to stay on-site rather than evacuate during a disaster or emergency.
Site/Premises-a single identifiable geographic location owned, leased, or controlled by a provider where any element of treatment is offered or provided. Multiple buildings may be contained in the license only if they are connected by walkways and not separated by public streets.
Staff-individuals who provide services for the provider including employees, contractors, consultants and volunteers.
State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA)-the agency or other appropriate officials designated by the governor or his/her designee, to exercise the responsibility and authority within the state for governing the treatment of opiate addiction with an opioid drug. The SOTA for the state of Louisiana is the OBH.
Stock Medication-any medication obtained through a pharmacy or pharmacy contract that is not designated for a specific client.
Substance Use/Addiction Treatment Service-a service related to the screening, diagnosis, management, or treatment for the use of or addiction to controlled dangerous substances, drugs or inhalants, alcohol, problem gambling or a combination thereof; may also be referred to as substance use disorder service.
Substance Use Disorder Facilities/Addiction Treatment Service-a service related to the screening, diagnosis, management, or treatment for the use of or addiction to controlled dangerous substances, drugs or inhalants, alcohol, problem gambling or a combination thereof; may also be referred to as substance use disorder service.
Take-Home Dose(s)-a dose of opioid agonist treatment medication dispensed by a dispensing physician or pharmacist to a client for unsupervised use, including for use on Sundays, state and federal holidays, and emergency closures per LDH directive
Therapeutic Counseling Services or Sessions-individual or group therapeutic treatment that teaches skills to assist clients, families, or groups in achieving objectives through exploration of a problem and its ramifications, examination of attitudes and feelings, consideration of alternative solutions and decision making and problem solving. Therapeutic counseling sessions consist of no more than 15 clients and last at least 15 minutes.
Treatment-the application of planned procedures to identify and change patterns of behaviors that are maladaptive, destructive and/or injurious to health; or to restore appropriate levels of physical, psychological and/or social functioning.
Treatment Plan-the providers documentation of the client's issues, needs, ongoing goals and objectives of care based on admission information and updated based on the clients response to treatment.
Unlicensed Professional (UP)-for purposes of this Rule, any unlicensed behavioral health professional who cannot practice independently or without supervision by a LMHP.
This includes but is not limited to CACs, RACs and unlicensed addiction counselors, social workers or psychologists.
Volunteer-an individual who offers services on behalf of the provider for the benefit of the provider willingly and without pay.
La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5603