La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5285

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5285 - General Requirements
A. The standards in this Subchapter I shall apply to newly constructed PDHC facilities and alterations, additions, or renovations to an existing PDHC facility and to an existing building to create a PDHC facility.
B. Plan Review
1. A PDHC facility must submit architectural plans and specifications to the department's Division of Engineering and Architectural Services and any other documents as the division so requires.
2. A PDHC facility must also submit plans and specifications to the Office of the State Fire Marshal, and any other documents as the OSFM requires.
3. Plans and specifications must be prepared by or under the direction of a licensed architect or qualified engineer and shall include scaled architectural plans stamped by an architect.
4. Approval of such plans by the DHH Division of Engineering and Architectural Services and the OSFM shall be submitted to the Health Standards Section with all new applications for a PDHC facility or with any alterations, additions, or renovations to an existing PDHC facility or to an existing building that will be used to create a new PDHC facility.
5. All PDHC facilities shall comply with the rules, sanitary code and enforcement policies as promulgated by the Office of Public Health. It shall be the primary responsibility of the OPH to determine if applicants are complying with those requirements.
6. The PDHC facility shall have approval for occupancy from the OPH and the OSFM which shall be submitted to the Health Standards Section as part of the application packet. It shall be the responsibility of the PDHC facility to contact the OPH and the OSFM to schedule an onsite visit for each of these offices to verify and grant approval of occupancy.
C. Design Criteria. The project shall be designed in accordance with:
1. the current edition of NFPA 101 Life Safety Code;
2. Part XIV (Plumbing) of the Louisiana State Sanitary Code;
3. the American's with Disabilities Act/Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; and
4. the department's licensing regulations for PDHC facilities.
D. Interior Spaces
1. The PDHC facility shall consist of a building(s) suitable for the purpose intended, and shall have a minimum of 50 square feet of space per child exclusive of kitchen, toilet facilities, storage areas, hallways, stairways, basements and attics.
2. If rooms are used exclusively for dining or sleeping the space shall not be included in the licensed capacity.
3. The PDHC facility shall have sufficient rooms to accommodate and segregate the different age groups being served by the facility.
4. As the child ages, the PDHC facility shall make privacy accommodations for the PDHC facility staff to attend to the personal care needs of the child.
5. The PDHC facility shall have a kitchen or food preparation area designated for the preparation of meals, snacks or prescribed nourishments which shall be maintained in accordance with state and local sanitation and safe food handling standards.
6. Toileting facilities shall be appropriately accessible to persons with disabilities and age appropriate in design and shall contain hand-washing stations.
7. The PDHC facility shall have separate toilet facilities for PDHC staff.
8. There shall be a hand-washing station in each play area, classroom and therapy room or area.
9. The PDHC facility shall have individual labeled space available for each child's personal belongings.
10. There shall be a designated secure area for the storage and preparation of medications.
11. The PDHC facility shall have secure clean storage areas for supplies and equipment.
12. The PDHC facility shall have separate storage areas for clean and soiled linen.
13. The PDHC facility shall have a secure room for the safe storage of janitorial supplies and equipment, poisonous materials, and toxic materials.
a. Poisonous and toxic materials shall be so labeled and identified and placed in cabinets which are used for no other purpose.
14. Areas determined to be unsafe for the child or family shall be secured and locked. These areas would include high voltage areas, equipment rooms, etc.
15. The PDHC facility shall have an area for the safe and secure maintenance and storage of medical records and other facility files, records, and manuals.
16. Garbage, rubbish and trash shall be stored in areas separate from those used for the preparation and storage of food and shall be removed from the premises regularly. Containers shall be cleaned regularly.
E. Exterior Spaces
1. The PDHC facility shall have a covered entry. Such roof overhang or canopy shall extend as far as practicable to the face of the driveway or curb of the passenger access door of the passenger vehicle.
2. The PDHC facility shall provide for an outdoor play space with a direct exit from the center into the outdoor play yard.
3. A PDHC facility shall ensure that the structures and the grounds of the facility that are accessible to children are maintained in good repair and are free from hazards to health and safety.
4. Areas determined to be unsafe, including but not limited to steep grades, cliffs, open pits, swimming pools, high voltage boosters, high voltage equipment or high speed roads shall be fenced off or have natural barriers to protect children.
5. Fences shall be in good repair.
6. Garbage, rubbish and trash that is stored outside shall be stored securely in covered containers. Trash collection receptacles and incinerators shall be separate from outdoor recreational space and located as to avoid being a nuisance.
F. Housekeeping, laundry and maintenance services
1. Housekeeping. The center shall maintain a clean and safe facility. The facility shall be free of unpleasant odors. Odors shall be eliminated at their source by prompt and thorough cleaning of commodes, urinals, bedpans and other sources.
2. Laundry. The PDHC facility shall have a supply of clean linen sufficient to meet the needs of the children. Clean laundry shall be provided by a laundry service either in-house, contracted with another health care facility or in accordance with an outside commercial laundry service. Laundry services shall be provided in compliance with OPH requirements. Linens shall be handled, stored, processed and transported in such a manner as to prevent the spread of infection.
3. Maintenance. The premises shall be well kept and in good repair.
a. The center shall insure that the grounds are well kept and the exterior of the building, including the sidewalks, steps, porches, ramps, and fences are in good repair.
b. The interior of the building including walls, ceilings, floors, windows, window coverings, doors, plumbing and electrical fixtures shall be in good repair.
G. A pest control program shall be in operation and the center's pest control services shall be provided by maintenance personnel of the facility or by contract with a pest control company. If pest control chemicals are stored in the facility, they shall be kept in a locked location.
H. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)/Ventilation.
1. The facility shall provide safe HVAC systems sufficient to maintain comfortable temperatures with a minimum of 65 degrees and a maximum of 80 degrees Fahrenheit in all public and private areas in all seasons of the year. During warm weather conditions the temperature within the facility shall not exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The HVAC system(s) shall be maintained in good repair.
2. All gas heating units shall bear the stamp of approval of the American Gas Association Testing Laboratories, Inc. or other nationally recognized testing agency for enclosed, vented heaters for the type of fuel used.
3. All gas heating units and water heaters shall be vented adequately to carry the products of combustion to the outside atmosphere. Vents shall be constructed and maintained to provide a continuous draft to the outside atmosphere in accordance with the American Gas Association recommended procedures.
4. All heating units shall be provided with a sufficient supply of outside air so as to support combustion without depletion of the air in the occupied room.
5. The use of portable heaters by the PDHC facility is strictly prohibited.
6. Filters for heaters and air conditioners shall be provided as needed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
I. Water Supply.
1. An adequate supply of water, under pressure, shall be provided at all times.
2. When a public water system is available, a connection shall be made thereto. If water from a source other than a public water supply is used, the supply shall meet the requirements set forth under these regulations and OPH.
3. A PDHC facility shall have a plan and policy for an alternative water supply in the event of interruption of water supply and for the prolonged loss of water to the facility.
J. Sewage
1. All sewage shall be disposed of by means of either:
a. a public system where one is accessible within 300 feet; or
b. an approved sewage disposal system that is constructed and operated in conformance with the standards established for such systems by OPH.
K. Signage. The facility's address and name shall be displayed so as to be easily visible from the street.
L. Distinct Part Facilities
1. Physical and Programmatic Separation. A PDHC facility shall be both physically and programmatically distinct from any business to which it is attached or of which it is a part.
2. Physical Separation. If more than one business occupies the same building, premises, or physical location, the PDHC facility shall have its own entrance. This separate entrance shall not be accessed solely through another business or health care provider. This separate entrance shall have appropriate signage and shall be clearly identifiable as belonging to the PDHC facility.
3. All spaces licensed as the PDHC facility shall be contiguous. If a PDHC facility has more than one building, protection from the elements shall be provided.
M. Furnishings and Equipment
1. Each PDHC facility shall maintain an age appropriate and developmentally appropriate environment in each of the areas where services are provided to a child.
2. At a minimum each PDHC facility shall provide or arrange to provide the following:
a. suctioning supplies and equipment to meet the routine or emergency needs of the children;
b. oxygen supplies and equipment to meet the routine or emergency needs of the children;
c. pulse oximeter and supplies; and
d. any supplies or equipment necessary to meet the emergency needs of the children.
3. The PDHC facility shall coordinate with the child and family to ensure that equipment and supplies used by the child are available to the child at the PDHC facility without duplication.
N. Waivers. The secretary of the department may, within his sole discretion, grant waivers to building and construction guidelines.
1. The facility shall submit a waiver request in writing to the Division of Engineering and Architectural Services.
2. The facility shall demonstrate how patient safety and the quality of care offered are not compromised by the waiver.
3. The secretary shall make a written determination of the waiver request.
4. Waivers are not transferrable in an ownership change and are subject to review or revocation upon any change in circumstances to the waiver.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5285

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 35:2779 (December 2009).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:2193-40:2193.4.