La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5073

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section I-5073 - Operational Requirements for ADC Facilities
A. The client/staff ratio in an ADC facility shall be a minimum of one staff person per eight client's, unless additional staff coverage is needed to meet the needs of the client, as specified in the service plan.
B. Staff Training
1. ADC Staff in supervisory positions shall have annual training in supervisory and management techniques.
2. Each ADC facility shall have a training supervisor who shall receive at least 15 hours of annual vocational and/or community-based employment training.
3. Once the training supervisor receives all of the required training, he/she shall be responsible for ensuring that direct care staff receives training on vocational and/or community-based employment training.
C. Food and Nutrition
1. If meals are prepared by the facility or contracted from an outside source, the following conditions shall be met:
a. menus shall be written in advance and shall provide for a variety of nutritional foods from which a client may choose;
b. records of menus, as served, shall be filed and maintained for at least 30 days;
c. modified diets shall be prescribed by a physician;
d. only food and drink of safe quality shall be purchased;
e. storage, preparation, and serving techniques shall be provided to ensure nutrients are retained and spoilage is prevented;
f. food preparation areas and utensils shall be kept clean and sanitary;
g. there shall be an adequate area for eating; and
h. the facility shall designate one staff member who shall be responsible for meal preparation/serving if meals are prepared in the facility.
2. When meals are not prepared by the facility, the following conditions shall be met:
a. provisions shall be made for obtaining food for clients who do not bring their lunch; and
b. there shall be an adequate area for eating.
3. Drinking water shall be readily available. If a water fountain is not available, single-use disposable cups shall be used.
4. Dining areas shall be adequately equipped with tables, chairs, eating utensils and dishes designed to meet the functional needs of client's. client's shall have choice of where and with whom to eat within the ADC facility.
5. Adequate refrigeration of food shall be maintained.
D. General Safety Practices
1. A facility shall not maintain any firearms or chemical weapons at any time.
2. A facility shall ensure that all poisonous, toxic and flammable materials are safely secured and stored in appropriate containers and labeled as to the contents. Such materials shall be maintained only as necessary and shall be used in such a manner as to ensure the safety of clients, staff and visitors.
3. Sufficient supervision/training shall be provided where potentially harmful materials such as cleaning solvents and/or detergents are used.
4. A facility shall ensure that a first aid kit is available in the facility and in all vehicles used to transport clients.
5. Medication shall be locked in a secure storage area or cabinet.
6. Fire drills shall be performed at least once a quarter. Documentation of performance shall be maintained.
E. Physical Environment
1. The ADC building shall be constructed, equipped and maintained to ensure the safety of all individuals. The building shall be maintained in good repair and kept free from hazards such as those created by any damage or defective parts of the building.
2. The provider shall maintain all areas of the facility that are accessible to individuals, and ensure that all structures on the ground of the facility are in good repair and kept free from any reasonable foreseeable hazards to health or safety.
3. The facility shall be accessible to and functional for those cared for, the staff and the public. All necessary accommodations shall be made to meet the needs of clients. Training or supports shall be provided to help clients effectively negotiate their environments.
4. There shall be a minimum of 35 square feet of space per client. Kitchens, bathrooms and halls used as passageways, and other spaces not directly associated with program activities, shall not be considered as floor space available to clients.
5. There shall be storage space, as needed by the program, for training and vocational materials, office supplies, and client's personal belongings.
6. Rooms used for recipient activities shall be well ventilated and lighted.
7. Chairs and tables shall be adequate in number to serve the clients.
8. Bathrooms and lavatories shall be accessible, operable and equipped with toilet paper, soap and paper towels or hand drying machines.
a. The ratio of bathrooms to number of client's shall meet the requirements in accordance with applicable state and/or federal laws, rules and regulations.
b. Individuals shall be ensured privacy when using bathroom facilities.
c. Every bathroom door shall be designed to permit opening of the locked door from the outside, in an emergency, and the opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff.
9. Stairways shall be kept free of obstruction and fire exit doors shall be maintained in working order. All stairways shall be equipped with handrails.
10. There shall be a telephone available and accessible to all clients.
11. The ADC shall be equipped with a functional air conditioning and heating unit(s) which maintains an ambient temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the ADC or in accordance with industry standards, if applicable.
12. The building in which the ADC is located shall meet the requirements of the OSFM in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
F. Employment of Clients
1. The provider shall meet all of the state and federal wage and hour regulations regarding employment of clients who are admitted to the agency.
a. The provider shall maintain full financial records of client's earnings if the facility pays the client.
b. The provider shall have written assurance that the conditions and compensation of work are in compliance with applicable state and federal employment regulations.
c. The provider shall have a current U.S. Department of Labor sub-minimum wage certificate if the provider pays sub-minimum wage.
2. Clients shall not be required to perform any kind of work involving the operation or maintenance of the facility without compensation in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor sub-minimum standard.
3. client's shall be directly supervised when operating any type of power driven equipment such as lawn mowers or electrical saws, unless:
a. the ID team has determined that direct supervision is not necessary;
b. equipment has safety guards or devices; and c. adequate training is given to the recipient and the training is documented.
c. sufficient training is given to the recipient and the training is documented.
4. Clients shall be provided with the necessary safety apparel and safety devices to perform the job.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5073

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:85 (January 2012), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432517 (12/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.