La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5032

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5032 - Branch Offices and Satellites of HCBS provider's
A. HCBS provider's with branch offices or satellite locations shall meet the following.
1. No branch office or satellite location may be opened without prior written approval from HSS. In order for a branch office or satellite location to be approved, the parent agency shall have maintained a full licensure for the previous 12-month period.
a. The number of any new branch or satellite locations for any provider within a geographic location may be limited at the discretion of HSS.
2. The department may consider the following in making a determination whether to approve a branch office or a satellite location:
a. compliance history of the provider to include the areas of non-compliance of the deficiencies cited within the last 12 months;
b. the nature and severity of any substantiated complaints within the last 12 months;
c. if the parent agency currently has a provisional license;
d. if the parent agency currently is in a settlement agreement with the department;
e. if the parent agency has previously been excluded from participation from the Medicaid program;
f. if the parent agency is currently under license revocation or denial of license renewal;
g. if the parent agency is currently undergoing a change of ownership; and
h. if any adverse action has been taken against the license of other agencies operated by the owner of the parent agency within the previous two-year period.
3. The branch office or satellite location shall be held out to the public as a branch, division, or satellite of the parent agency so that the public will be aware of the identity of the agency operating the branch or satellite.
a. Reference to the name of the parent agency shall be contained in any written documents, signs or other promotional materials relating to the branch or satellite.
4. Original personnel files shall not be maintained or stored at the branch office or satellite location.
5. A branch office or a satellite location is subject to survey, including complaint surveys, by the department at any time to determine compliance with minimum licensing standards.
6. A branch office or a satellite location shall:
a. serve as part of the geographic service area approved for the parent agency;
b. retain an original or a duplicate copy of all clinical records for its client's for a 12-month period at the branch or satellite location;

NOTE: If satellite or branch records are not maintained at the parent agency, such shall be made available as requested by the state surveyor without delaying the survey process;

c. maintain a copy of the agency's policies and procedures manual on-site for staff usage;
d. post and maintain regular office hours in accordance with §5031 B; and
e. staff the branch office or satellite location during regular office hours.
7. Each branch office or satellite location shall:
a. fall under the license of the parent agency and be located in the same LDH region as the parent agency;
b. be assessed the required fee, assessed at the time the license application is made and once a year thereafter for renewal of the branch or satellite license;

NOTE: This fee is non-refundable and is in addition to any other fees that may be assessed in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and standards.

8. Existing branch office or satellite location approvals will be renewed at the time of the parent agency's license renewal, if the parent agency meets the requirements for licensure.
B. Branch Offices of HCBS provider's
1. An HCBS provider who currently provides in-home services such as PCA, respite, MIHC or SIL services may apply to the department for approval to operate a branch office to provide those same services.
a. HCBS provider's are limited in the same LDH region as the parent agency at the discretion of HSS.
C. Satellite Locations of HCBS provider's
1. An HCBS provider who currently provides ADC services or provides center-based respite services may apply to the department for approval to operate a satellite location to provide additional ADC services or center-based respite services at that satellite location.
a. HCBS provider's are limited in the same LDH region as the parent agency at the discretion of the HSS.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5032

Promulgated by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432509 (12/1/2017).

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.

NOTE: The HSS may with good cause consider exceptions to the limit on numbers of satellite and/or branch locations.