La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § XLVII-4505

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 6, June 20, 2024
Section XLVII-4505 - Definitions

Accrediting Agency - an organization which establishes and maintains standards for professional nursing or nursing related programs and recognizes those programs that meet these standards.

Advanced Practice Certification-certification by a nationally recognized certifying body approved by the board.

Advanced Practice Nursing Education Program- a program whose purpose is to prepare advanced practitioners of nursing with a graduate degree or post-graduate certification/award by an academic institution accredited or awarded pre-approval, pre-accreditation status by a nursing or nursing-related accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and whose graduates are eligible for certification as an advanced practice registered nurse.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)-a registered nurse:

1. who has completed an accredited graduate-level education program preparing him/her for one of the four recognized APRN roles in addition to a population focus;

2. who has passed a national certification examination that measures APRN role and population-focused competencies and who maintains continued competence as evidenced by recertification in the role and population through the national certification program;

3. who has acquired advanced clinical knowledge and skills preparing him/her to provide direct care to patients;

4. whose practice builds on the competencies of registered nurses (RNs) by demonstrating a greater depth and breadth of knowledge, a greater synthesis of data, increased complexity of skills and interventions, and greater role autonomy;

5. who is educationally prepared to assume responsibility and accountability for health promotion and/or maintenance as well as the assessment, diagnosis, and management of patient problems, which includes the use and prescription of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions;

6. who has clinical experience of sufficient depth and breadth to reflect the intended license;

7. who has obtained a license to practice as an APRN;

8. who is expected to practice within established standards and is accountable for the quality of advanced nursing care rendered, for recognizing limits of knowledge and experience, planning for the management of situations beyond one's expertise; and for consulting with or referring patients to other health care providers as appropriate.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Student- Repealed.

Advanced Practice Registered Nursing- nursing by a certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or nurse practitioner which is based on knowledge and skills acquired in a basic nursing education program, licensure as a registered nurse, and a minimum of a graduate degree with a concentration in one or more respective advanced practice nursing role and population focus which includes both didactic and clinical components, advanced knowledge in nursing theory, physical and psychosocial assessment, nursing interventions, and management of health care.

Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Role- a designated area of advanced practice in which the registered nurse holds a graduate degree with a concentration in the respective area of practice that includes both the didactic and clinical components, advanced knowledge in nursing theory, physical and psychosocial assessment, nursing interventions, pharmacotherapeutics, and management of health care and also prepares the APRN for national certification. For the purpose of this part, the area of practice is defined within the context of the role and population focus of advanced practice nursing. The four APRN roles include: certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse midwife, clinical nurse specialist, and nurse practitioner.

Alternate Collaborating Physician (ACP)- a physician designated by a collaborating physician (CP) with whom an APRN has been previously approved to collaborate by the board, who agrees to serve in this capacity, and is available to the APRN for consultation and collaboration as delineated in the collaborative practice agreement signed by the CP The ACP shall be a physician actively engaged in clinical practice and the provision of direct patient care in Louisiana who holds a current and valid medical license issued by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. The ACP shall be engaged in clinical practice in the same or a practice comparable in scope, specialty or expertise to that of the APRN. Physicians otherwise authorized to practice in the state of Louisiana under provisions of federal law may be considered to serve as an ACP Retired physicians are not eligible to serve as an ACP The ACP shall collaborate with the APRN at a practice site(s) previously submitted to the board that is affiliated with the CP who formally designates the ACP The ACP is not approved directly through processes of the board.

Approval- Repealed.

Approved Program- Repealed.

Assessment Studies- diagnostic studies including, but not limited to laboratory testing, radiologic studies, electrocardiograms, pulmonary function tests, and pharmaceutical diagnostic testing.

Attestation of APRN Collaborative Practice-a form provided by the board and required to be submitted to the board for review and approval as indicated in rules and procedures to validate that an APRN possesses and retains a collaborative practice agreement with a specified CP or dentist and signed by the APRN and the specified CP or dentist that is associated with a practice site submitted to the board.

Board- the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.

Clinical Practice Guidelines- refers to written or electronic documents, jointly agreed upon by the collaborating professionals that describe a specific plan, arrangement, or sequence of orders, steps, or procedures to be followed or carried out in providing patient care in various clinical situations. These may include textbooks, reference manuals, electronic communications, and internet sources. Clinical practice guidelines must be commensurate with the APRN's knowledge, skills and abilities; in accordance with current standards of care and evidence-based practice for the APRN role and population focus; address types or categories or schedules of drugs for prescription; be specific to the practice setting; and be maintained on site.

Collaborating Physician- Repealed.

Collaborating Physician (CP)-a physician with whom an APRN has been approved to collaborate by the board, who is actively engaged in clinical practice and the provision of direct patient care in Louisiana, with whom the APRN has developed and signed a collaborative practice agreement for prescriptive and distributing authority, who holds a current and valid medical license issued by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners (LSBME), and practices in accordance with rules of the LSBME. The CP shall be engaged in clinical practice in the same or a practice comparable in scope, specialty or expertise to that of the APRN. Physicians otherwise authorized to practice in the state of Louisiana under provisions of federal law may be considered to serve as a CP Retired physicians are not eligible to serve as a CP

Collaboration- a cooperative working relationship with licensed physicians, dentists, or other health care providers to jointly contribute to providing patient care and may include but not be limited to discussion of a patient's diagnosis and cooperation in the management and delivery of health care with each provider performing those activities that he is legally authorized to perform.

Collaborative Practice- the joint management of the health care of a patient by an advanced practice registered nurse performing advanced practice registered nursing and one or more consulting physicians or dentists. Except as otherwise provided in R.S. 37:930, acts of medical diagnosis and prescription by an advanced practice registered nurse shall be in accordance with a collaborative practice agreement.

Collaborative Practice Agreement-

1. a formal written statement/document addressing the parameters of the collaborative practice which are mutually agreed upon by the advanced practice registered nurse and one or more collaborating physicians or dentists. Dentists shall be given consideration to serve as a collaborating professional within a collaborative practice agreement only with CRNAs for services relative to anesthesia care. The collaborative practice agreement shall include but not be limited to the following provisions:

a. availability of the CP or dentist for consultation or referral, or both;

b. methods of management of the collaborative practice which shall include clinical practice guidelines;

c. coverage of the health care needs of a patient during any absence of the advanced practice registered nurse, physician, or dentist;

2. the APRN retains the collaborative practice agreement on site and attests to possessing and retaining such document by submitting an attestation to the board as required in rules and procedures.

3. coverage of the health care needs of a patient during any absence of the advanced practice registered nurse, physician, or dentist.

Contact Hour- a unit of measurement that describes 60 minutes of participation in an educational activity, which meets the board's continuing education criteria. Ten contact hours equal one continuing education unit (CEU).

Controlled Substance- any substance defined, enumerated, or included in federal or state statute or regulations 21 CFR §1308 . 11-15 or R.S. 40:964, or any substance which may hereafter be designed as a controlled substance by amendment of supplementation or such regulations and statute.

Cooperating Agency-Repealed.



Distance Education-Repealed.

Distance Education Technology-Repealed.

Distribute, Distribution or Distributed-the issuing of free samples and other gratuitous medications supplied by drug manufacturers, as defined by clinical practice guidelines contained in a collaborative practice agreement for prescriptive authority.

Electronic Transmission-transmission of information in electronic form or the transmission of the exact visual image of a document by way of electronic equipment.


Functional Role-the advanced practice role for which a master's in nursing program prepares its graduates. The categories of functional roles for advanced practice licensure include nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners.

Goals- Repealed.

Gratuitous Medications-the medications provided by the manufacturer to be distributed to indigent populations and/or HIV and STD patients free of charge.

Lapsed APRN License-inactive APRN licensure status due to failure to renew or to request inactive licensure status.

Major Change in Curriculum-Repealed.

Medical Therapeutic Device-any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, or other similar or related article, including any component part of accessory, which is required under federal law to bear the label "Rx only". The medical device or appliance shall be within the scope of practice of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.

National Nursing Accrediting Body-Repealed.

NationalProfessionalAccrediting -Repealed.

Nationally Recognized Certifying Body-a national certification organization which certifies qualified licensed registered nurses as advanced practice registered nurses and which establishes and requires certain eligibility criteria related to education and practice, offers an examination in an advanced practice nursing role and population which meets current psychometric guidelines and tests, and is approved by the board.



Parent Institution-Repealed.


Population Focus-term referenced in the National Council for State Boards of Nursings document entitled "Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure Accreditation, Certification, and Education" which refers to one of the areas of concentrated study and practice provided to a collection of specified individuals who have characteristics in common. A broad, population-based focus of study encompasses common problems and aspects of that group of patients and the likely co-morbidities, interventions, and responses to those problems. Examples include, but are not limited to neonatal, pediatric, womens health, adult, family, mental health, etc. A population focus is not defined as a specific disease/health problem or specific intervention.

Practice Site or Site-for the purposes of clarifying prescriptive authority and collaborative practices, including but not limited to the provisions for CPs and ACPs, practice site or site refers to a location identified in documentation submitted by the APRN to the board at which an APRN exercises prescriptive authority or otherwise engages in advanced practice registered nursing including but not limited to direct and indirect care of patients. A hospital and its clinics, ambulatory surgery center, nursing home, any facility or office licensed and regulated by the Department of Health, as well as a group or solo practice, which have more than one physical location shall be considered a site when the organizational policies and provisions provided by the managing entity are applicable to all affected locations including the policies delineated in §4513. D.1.f Business entities that contract with facilities to provide services such as those provided by APRNs, may be considered a practice site separate from the facility depending upon the roles and responsibilities and agreements of the parties.

Preceptorship Experience- Repealed.

Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)-a system for the monitoring of controlled substances and other drugs of concern dispensed in the state or dispensed to an address within the state as established in R.S. 40:1001-1014.

Prescribe-to direct, order, or designate the preparation, use of or manner of using by spoken or written words or by electronic means.

Prescription or Prescription Drug Order-an order from a practitioner authorized by law to prescribe for a drug or device that is patient specific and is communicated by any means to a pharmacist in a permitted pharmacy, and is preserved on file as required by law or regulation. R.S. 37:14.1164 (44).

Program Head (Administrative Director)-Repealed.

Published Professional Standards-level of performance that advanced practice registered nurses, within their specific role and population focus, are required to achieve and maintain in their practice; represents the criteria against which the performance of all advanced practice registered nurses within the role and population focus is considered as published by the relevant professional nursing organizations.

Recommendations- statements focusing on areas where there are factors which may impinge on maintenance of standards.


Role-the advanced practice area for which a graduate level nursing program prepares its graduates. The four roles for advanced practice registered nurse licensure include certified nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse practitioners.

Samples-a unit of prescription drug, which is not intended to be sold and is intended to promote the sale of the drug.

Shall-a term used to denote a requirement which must be met.

Should- a term used to denote a suggested method of meeting a requirement.

Standard- a criterion by which performance is measured.


Under the Guidance of an Approved Preceptor-guidance by a licensed APRN, physician, dentist, or person approved by the board within the same or related practice specialty or functional role must be accessible but not physically present.

La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § XLVII-4505

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Nursing, LR 27:724 (May 2001), amended LR 31:2013 (August 2005), LR 40:60 (January 2014), Amended by the Department of Health, Board of Nursing, LR 44275 (2/1/2018).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:918.