La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § XLVII-307

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 6, June 20, 2024
Section XLVII-307 - Disclosure of Financial Interests and Prohibition on Remuneration for Patient Referrals
A. As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning specified.

Disclose to the Patient- the practical nurse makes known to the patient at the time a referral is made that the practical nurse has a financial or ownership interest in the facility or entity to which the patient is referred. The practical nurse shall also inform the patient of the patient's freedom to choose an alternate provider.

Financial Interest- any ownership or investment interest established through debt, equity, or other means and held by a practical nurse or a member of a practical nurse's immediate family, or any form of direct or indirect remuneration for referral.

Health Care Provider- a person, partnership, corporation, or any other organization licensed by this state to provide health care or professional services, including, but not limited to, providers of clinical laboratory services, diagnostic services, medicinal suppliers, therapeutic services, physicians, chiropractors, podiatrists, optometrists, physical therapists, psychologists, licensed professional counselors, registered or licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, and any officer, employee, or agent thereof acting in the course and scope of his/her employment.

Ownership Interest- the possession of equity in the capital, the stock, or the profits of an entity.

Payment- money or anything of monetary value, including gifts, gratuities, favors, entertainment or loans.

Person- an individual, a corporation, a company, an association, a firm, a partnership, or any other organization.

Practical Nurse- a licensed practical nurse and/or a practical nursing student/graduate.

Referral- the act of prescribing, ordering, directing, re-directing, or recommending to a patient a specific facility or entity which provides a health-related service, test, pharmaceutical appliance or device, by means of prescription, recommended course of treatment, or direction concerning diagnostic or therapeutic treatment or service.

B. Disclosure of Financial Interests
1. Use of Patient Disclosure Forms
a. It is the practical nurse's responsibility to disclose to the patient a financial or ownership interest when making a referral to any health care provider outside the same health care provider as that of the referring practical nurse. Meaningful disclosure shall be given to each patient at the time a referral is made. The disclosure must be made in writing. The board recommends that the disclosure be dated and signed at the time of referral by the practical nurse and the patient, and that the practical nurse maintain written evidence of the disclosure. If the practical nurse delegates the disclosure to another person in the practical nurse's office, the board recommends that the disclosure be written, dated, and signed by the person making the disclosure and by the patient.
b. The memorialization of the disclosure shall be substantially in the following form:

I acknowledge that I have been advised by my practical nurse that he/she has a financial or ownership interest in the facility or entity to which he/she has referred me, and that my practical nurse has advised me that I am free to choose another facility or entity to provide the service, drug, device or equipment recommended.

c. Written evidence shall constitute presumptive evidence that the practical nurse made the required disclosure in an enforcement proceeding before the board. The disclosure to the patient is not the act of the patient signing the form, but is the act of the practical nurse disclosing to the patient the nurse's financial or ownership interest and advising the patient of the patient's freedom of choice.
2. Guidelines for Disclosure. If the patient is a minor, unconscious, of unsound mind, or otherwise incompetent to understand freedom of choice in the selection of a facility or entity, disclosure shall be made to the guardian, spouse, or closest adult next of kin. Disclosure of a practical nurse's interest cannot be accomplished unless the patient is competent to understand his/her freedom of choice. A practical nurse will not be disciplined for failure to disclose if an emergency prevents consulting the patient or the patient's next of kin.
3. Cross-Referral Arrangements. A practical nurse shall not enter into any arrangement or scheme, including cross-referral arrangements, if the practical nurse knows, or should know that the arrangement or scheme has the principal purpose of ensuring referrals by the practical nurse to a particular entity, which referral, if made directly by the practical nurse would be a violation of this Section.
C. Prohibition on Remuneration for Patient Referrals
1. Prohibited Referrals. A practical nurse shall not offer, make, solicit, or receive any form of direct or indirect payment or remuneration or benefit for the referral or solicitation of patients for professional services.
2. Cross-Referral Arrangements. A practical nurse shall not enter into any arrangement or scheme, including cross-referral arrangements, if the practical nurse knows, or should know, that the arrangement or scheme has the principal purpose of ensuring referrals by the practical nurse to a particular entity, which referral, if made directly by the practical nurse would be a violation of this Section.
3. Permissible Contracting Activities
a. A referral of a patient to another person or practitioner within the same health care provider, providing that the practical nurse is not paid on a split-fee basis, is not a violation of this Section.
b. Payments representing a return on investment based upon a percentage of ownership are not considered a direct or indirect payment for the purposes of this Section.
c. Any activity permissible under the corresponding provisions of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act shall not be a violation of this Section.
D. Sanctions and Restitution Provisions
1. Any practical nurse who violates the provisions of this Section shall be subject to the same sanctions as outlined in §306 of this Chapter.
2. Any practical nurse who violates the provisions in this Section shall refund all sums received in payment for the goods and services furnished or rendered without disclosure of financial interests. Such a refund shall be paid to the individual patient, third party, payor, or other entity to whom the payment is entitled.
3. All complaints of conduct alleged to be in violation of this Section shall be received and investigated by or under the direct control and supervision of the board or its counsel pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter as outlined in §306

La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § XLVII-307

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Practical Nurse Examiners, LR 20:665 (June 1994).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:969 and 37:978 and Acts 675 and 827, 1993.