La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § LXXXVI-703

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section LXXXVI-703 - Requirements
A. The board shall issue a license to each applicant who files an application upon a form designated by the board and in such a manner as the board prescribes, accompanied by such fee required by R.S. 37:3447 and who furnishes satisfactory evidence to the board that he:
1. is at least 21 years of age;
2. is of good moral character;
3. is not in violation of any of the provisions of R.S. 31:3441-3452 and the rules and regulations adopted herein;
4. has declared special competencies and demonstrated professional competence by successfully passing the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Examination offered by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification, and forwarding such documentation to the board. As an alternative to the CRC Exam, the LRC Board of Examiners has instituted an exam to be administered to all applicants beginning after July 1, 1993, who have completed procedural and eligibility requirements. The exam is to be administered by the board of examiners at least twice each year. Those sitting for the exam will be required to pass the exam with a score determined by the board of examiners;
5. has received a master's degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling or related field and two years of experience under the direct supervision of a licensed vocational rehabilitation counselor. Such two year period of supervision must be completed within three years of the date the written proposal for such supervision is submitted to the board in accordance with §703. B 15. An applicant may subtract one year of the required professional experience for successfully completing Ph.D. requirements in a rehabilitation counseling program acceptable to the board. In order to meet the requirements of licensure, one must have a degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling or an approved related degree as listed in Section A below.

Section A

Clinical or Counseling Psychology

Professional Guidance and Counseling

Rehabilitation Studies (O.T. and P.T. excluded)

Special Education (as determined by the board)

a. The board will consider as a feasible alternative to a vocational rehabilitation degree, a related degree as listed in Section A which includes 42 hours of qualifying courses from an accredited college or university which meet the academic and training content established by the board and listed in Section B below. Both Section A and Section B are at the discretion of the board.

Section B


Orientation of Vocational Rehabilitation




Medical and/or Psycho-Social Terminology of Disabilities Relative to Vocational Performance


Psychological and Social Effects of Disabilities


Tests and Measurements


Occupational Information and/or Job Placement and Job Development


Analysis of the Individual


Theories of Personality


Theories and Techniques of Counseling


Demonstrations and Practice of Counseling


Field Work or Practicums


Psychiatric Disorders and/or Substance Abuse


Vocational Analysis or Assessment of Persons with Disabilities


Introduction to Psychology


Abnormal Psychology


Introduction to Sociology


Developmental Psychology (Adult or Adolescent)


Ethics of Counseling



b. A candidate for licensure must have 42 of the 66 hours enumerated, completing each course with a "C" or better. Any substitutions of similar course work will be limited and at the discretion of the board. As of July 20, 1996, anyone possessing an unrelated degree, not specific in the above text, will not be accepted even if they pursue additional course work. Should they obtain an additional degree in the related areas as specified in Section A above, this will be considered.
6. The board shall issue a license to each applicant who files an application upon a form designated by the board and in such a manner as the board prescribes, accompanied by such fee required by R.S. 37:3447 and who furnishes satisfactory evidence to the board that he has met the requirements of Paragraphs A.1 through A.4 and has a bachelor's degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling or related field as defined in Paragraph 703.A.5 and five years of work experience working under the direct supervision of a licensed vocational rehabilitation counselor which period of supervision began prior to September 1, 2004. Such five year period of supervision must be completed within six years of the date the written proposal for such supervision is submitted to the board in accordance with Paragraph 703.B.15. Except as provided in this Paragraph 703.A.6, after September 1, 2009 no license shall be issued to any applicant not meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 703.A.1-5.
B. Supervision Requirements. Rehabilitation counselors who employ or supervise other professionals or students will facilitate professional development of such individuals. They provide appropriate working conditions, timely evaluations, constructive consultation, and experience opportunities.
1.Supervision is defined as assisting the provisionally licensed counselor in developing expertise in methods of the professional counseling practice and in developing self-appraisal and professional development strategies. Supervision must comply with standards as set by the board. Exact details of supervision are contained in the "Supervisory Work Experience Plan" package published by and available though the LRC Board of Examiners Office.
a. The board recommends one hour of supervision for every week of direct client contact as outlined. Supervision may not take place via mail, telephone, fax, computer, or video. This type of contact with supervisor may be counted under consultation; however, it cannot replace face-to-face supervisions as defined.
2. Acceptable modes for supervision of direct clinical contact are the following.
a. Individual Supervision. The supervisory session is conducted by an approved supervisor with one provisionally licensed counselor present.
b. Group Supervision. The supervisory session is conducted by an approved supervisor with no more than two provisionally licensed counselors present.
c. The LRC supervisor as opposed to the work supervisor may supervise no more than three persons at any one time unless the supervisor has no other caseload responsibilities, in which case he/she may supervise up to five counselors.
3. Most of the provisionally licensed counselor's direct contact with clients must be supervised by an approved supervisor or supervisors as defined below.
a. At least 2/3 of supervision time must be individual supervision as defined above. The remaining 1/3 may be either individual supervision or group supervision as defined above.
4. The counseling activities of the provisionally licensed counselor must be performed pursuant to the supervisor's order, control, oversight, guidance and full professional responsibility. The supervisor must read and cosign all written reports including formal reports and progress reports prepared by the provisionally licensed counselor. The provisionally licensed counselor will remain under the full professional responsibility and supervision of the supervisor until he/she is fully licensed.
5. The process of supervision must encompass multiple strategies of supervision, including regularly scheduled live observation of counseling sessions. The process may also include discussion of the provisionally licensed counselor's self-reports, microtraining, interpersonal process recall, modeling, role-playing, and other supervisory techniques.
6. The supervisor must provide nurturance and support to the provisionally licensed counselor explaining the relationship of theory to practice, suggesting specific actions, assisting the provisionally licensed counselor in exploring various models for practice, and challenging discrepancies in the provisionally licensed counselor's practice.
7. The supervisor must ensure the provisionally licensed counselor familiarity with important literature in the field of rehabilitation.
8. The supervisor must provide training appropriate to the provisionally licensed counselor's intended area of expertise and practice.
9. The supervisor must model effective professional rehabilitation counseling practice.
10. The supervisor must ensure that the vocational rehabilitation counseling and the supervision of the vocational rehabilitation provisionally licensed counselor is completed in an appropriate professional setting.
11. The supervisor and the provisionally licensed counselor must share a similar area of specialty. Also:
a. the provisionally licensed counselor must also have received a letter of supervision approval from the board;
b. the professional setting cannot include private practice in which the provisionally licensed counselor operates or manages;
c. supervisors may employ provisionally licensed counselors in their private practice setting. The supervisor may bill clients for services rendered by the provisionally licensed counselor, however, under no circumstances can the provisionally licensed counselor bill clients directly for services rendered by him/herself.
12. The supervisor must certify to the board that the provisionally licensed counselor has successfully complied with all requirements for supervised counseling experience.
13. Qualifications of a Supervisor
a. Those individuals who may provide supervision to provisionally licensed counselors must meet the following requirements.
i. Licensure Requirements. The supervisor must hold a Louisiana license as a Licensed Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
ii. Rehabilitation Counseling Practice. The supervisor must have been in practice in his/her field for at least five years.
iii. Training in Supervision. Supervisors must have successfully completed either (a) or (b) below.
(a). Graduate-Level Academic Training. At least one graduate-level academic course in counseling supervision. The course must have included at least 45 clock hours (equivalent to a three-credit hour semester course) of supervision training.
(b). Professional Training. A board-approved and sponsored professional training program in supervision is required. The training program must be established by the board and meet presentation standards established by the board. All LRCs choosing to become supervisors must complete supervisor training by January 1, 1995. The first training session will be held October 21, 1993, at the LRA/LARP Professional meeting in New Orleans. The board will conduct additional training sessions each year in other areas of the state at a nominal fee.
iv. One year of documented experience in the supervision of vocational rehabilitation case material.
b. A supervisor may not be a relative of the provisionally licensed counselor. Relative of the provisionally licensed counselor is defined as spouse, parent, child, sibling of the whole-blood or half-blood, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, one who is or has been related by marriage or has any other dual relationship.
c. No person shall serve as a supervisor if his/her license is expired or subject to terms of probation, suspension, or revocation.
14. Responsibility of Applicant under Supervision
a. During the period of supervised counseling experience an applicant will identify him/herself as a provisionally licensed counselor.
b. Each provisionally licensed counselor must provide his/her clients with a disclosure statement that includes:
i. his/her training status; and
ii. the name of his/her supervisor for licensure purposes.
c. A provisionally licensed counselor must comply with all laws and regulations related to the practice of vocational rehabilitation counseling.
d. A provisionally licensed counselor may not initiate a private practice during their period of supervised counseling experience. Provisionally licensed counselors who are employed within their supervisors' private practice setting cannot, under any circumstances, bill clients directly for services they render.
e. Upon completion of the required supervised counseling experience, the provisionally licensed counselor needs to submit an application form for licensure. Any individual who does not apply for licensure within three months after completing the required supervised rehabilitation counseling experience cannot continue to practice professional vocational rehabilitation counseling.
15. Registration of Supervised Experience. Beginning January 1, 1994, all proposed supervision arrangements must be approved by the board prior to the starting date of the supervised experience.
a. The provisionally licensed counselor will:
i. along with his/her supervisor provide the board with a written proposal outlining with as much specificity as possible the nature of the counseling duties to be performed by the provisionally licensed counselor and the nature of the supervision;
ii. submit this written proposal on forms provided by the board at least 60 days prior to the proposed starting date of the supervision;
iii. submit along with the written proposal the appropriate fee determined by the board.
b. Supervised experience rendered by the provisionally licensed counselor in an exempt setting needs to meet the requirements in this rule if that supervised experience is to meet the requirements for licensure.
c. Following the board's review, the provisionally licensed counselor will be informed by letter either that the proposed supervision arrangement has been approved or that it has been rejected. Any rejection letter will outline, with as much specificity as practicable, the reasons for rejection.

La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § LXXXVI-703

Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Licensed Professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Board of Examiners, LR 15:277 (April 1989), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Licensed Professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Board of Examiners, LR 19:1570 (December 1993), LR 22:582 (July 1996), LR 30:800 (April 2004).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:3447.