Administrative Procedure Act-the Louisiana Administrative Procedure Act under R.S. 49:950 et seq.
Bar Pilot or Pilot-a bar pilot for the Port of New Orleans, as designated in RS. 34:943.
Board of Examiners or Board-the Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans, established in R.S. 34:942.
Services of a Bar Pilot-any advice or assistance with respect to pilotage by the commissioned bar pilot or by his authorized representative, including but not limited to advice concerning weather, channel conditions, or other navigational conditions.
Waterways-the entrance into and out of the Mississippi River and into and out of the entrances of all other waterways connecting the Port of New Orleans with the outside waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including the entrance of the New Orleans Tidewater Channel at the western shore of the Chandeleur sound off Point Chicot.
La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § LXX-303