La. Admin. Code tit. 43 § XVII-3723

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XVII-3723 - Monitoring Requirements
A. Pressure Gauges, Pressure Sensors, Flow Sensors
1. Pressure gauges or pressure sensors/transmitters that show pressure on the fluid injection string, fluid withdrawal string, and any other string in the well shall be installed at each wellhead. Gauges or pressure sensors/transmitters shall be designed to read gauge pressure in 25 PSIG increments. All gauges or pressure sensors/transmitters shall be properly calibrated and shall always be maintained in good working order. The pressure valves onto which the pressure gauges are affixed shall have 1/2 inch female fittings.
2. Pressure sensors designed to actuate the automatic closure of all emergency shutdown valves in response to a preset pressure (high/low) shall be installed and properly maintained for all fluid injection, withdrawal, and any other appropriate string in the well.
3. Flow sensors designed to actuate the automatic closure of all emergency shutdown valves in response to abnormal changes in cavern injection and withdrawal flow rates shall be installed and properly maintained on each storage well.
B. Continuous Recording Instruments. Continuous recording instrumentation shall be installed and properly maintained for each storage well. Continuous recordings may consist of circular charts, digital recordings, or similar type. Unless otherwise specified by the commissioner, digital instruments shall record the required information at no greater than one minute intervals. Mechanical charts shall not exceed a clock period of 24-hour duration. The chart shall be selected such that its scaling is of sufficient sensitivity to record all fluctuations of pressure or any other parameter being monitored. The chart shall be scaled such that the parameter being recorded is 30 percent to 70 percent of full scale. Instruments shall be housed in weatherproof enclosures when located in areas exposed to climatic conditions. All fluid volumes shall be determined by metering or an alternate method approved by the Office of Conservation. Minimum data recorded shall include the following:
1. wellhead pressures on the fluid injection, fluid withdrawal, and any other string in the well;
2. volume and flow rate of fluid injected;
3. volume of fluid withdrawn.
C. Casing Inspection
1. A casing inspection log or approved alternative method of evaluation shall be run on the entire length of the innermost cemented casing in each well at least once every 10 years, with the exception of that which is provided in §3739 for Class V storage caverns. Casing inspection logs shall be submitted to the Office of Conservation and shall include an interpretive report.
2. Equivalent alternate monitoring programs to ensure the integrity of the innermost, cemented casing may be approved by the Office of Conservation in place of §3723.C.1
D. Vapor Detection. Unless specifically exempted by the commissioner, the operator shall develop a robust monitoring plan designed to detect the presence of a buildup of combustible gases or any potentially ignitable substances in the atmosphere resulting from the Class V storage operation. Variations in surface topography, atmospheric conditions typical to the area, characteristics of the stored product, proximity of the facility to homes, schools, commercial establishments, other wells or injection wells, etc., should be considered in developing the monitoring plan. The plan shall be submitted as part of the permit application and updated as needed but no less than every five years, and may be included within the submittal required in §3709.K The monitoring plan should include provisions for strategic placement of stationary detection devices at various areas of the facility, portable monitoring devices, downhole monitoring devices, or any other appropriate system acceptable to the commissioner.
1. Any stationary detection devices or systems identified in the monitoring plan shall include their integration into the facility's automatic alarm system.
2. Detection of a buildup of combustible gases or any potentially ignitable substances in the atmosphere or system alarm shall cause an immediate investigation by the operator for reason of and correction of the detection.
E. Subsidence Monitoring and Frequency. The owner or operator shall prepare and carry out a plan approved by the commissioner to monitor ground subsidence at and in the vicinity of the storage cavern(s). A monitoring report shall be prepared and submitted to the Office of Conservation after completion of each monitoring event.
1. The frequency of conducting subsidencemonitoring surveys for storage caverns shall be scheduled to occur annually during the same period each year. If there are multiple operators on the same salt dome, a collaborative effort to conduct a joint subsidence survey is required.
F. Wind Sock. At least one windsock shall be installed at all storage cavern facilities. The windsock shall be visible from any normal work location within the facility.
G. Monitor Wells. Quarterly monitoring of any monitor wells required by §3717.A.2.a

La. Admin. Code tit. 43, § XVII-3723

Promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 482339 (9/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:4 et seq. and R.S. 30:23 et seq.