Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XVII-3333 - Operating ReportsA. The operator shall submit quarterly operation reports to the Office of Conservation. Reports are due no later than 15 days following the end of the reporting period.B. Quarterly reports shall be submitted electronically on the appropriate form (Form UIC-50 r successor) and reference the operator name, well name, well number, well state serial number, salt dome name, and contain the following minimum information acquired weekly during the reporting quarter:1. maximum wellhead pressures (PSIG) on the injection string;2. maximum wellhead pressure (PSIG) on the blanket material annulus;3. volume in barrels of injected material;4. results of any monitoring program required by permit or compliance action;5. summary of any test of the solution-mining well or cavern;6. summary of any workover performed during the month including minor well maintenance;7. pressure releases from inactive caverns;8. description of any event resulting in noncompliance with these rules which triggers an alarm or shutdown device and the response taken;9. description of any event that exceeds operating parameters for annulus pressure or injection pressure as may be specified in the permit.La. Admin. Code tit. 43, § XVII-3333
Promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 40:339 (February 2014), Amended LR 482315 (9/1/2022).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:4 et seq.