La. Admin. Code tit. 43 § XIX-2705

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XIX-2705 - Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to complete and produce wells without the use of tubing may be obtained from the district manager without the necessity of a public hearing in the absence of protests, and upon strict compliance with the procedure set forth herein.
B. No permission to complete and produce wells without the use of tubing will be granted without a public hearing unless and until the data and information required by the district manager shall have been filed in his office; said filings to be made in duplicate and to include the following information.


IN THE ___________________ FIELD.

Date:__________________Serial No.:__________________

Field Name:________ Parish:________ Dept. Dist:________

Operator:__________ Lease:_______ Well No.:__________

1. This application is for:
a. A proposed well
b. A well now being drilled
c. A well now drilled to total depth
2. The following facts are submitted:
a. Name of reservoir:
b. Approximate top of pay section:
c. Approximate bottom of pay section:
d. Approximate perforations:
e. Type of production (oil or gas):
f. Reservoir pressure: _______ psig at __________ feet subsea.
g. Reservoir pressure gradient: _____ psi per foot (from above).
h. Anticipated method of production following initial completion (flowing or artificial lift):
i. Electric Log does not indicate any commercial productive sand above proposed top of cement.
3. The following are attached:
a. Diagrammatic sketch of proposed tubingless completion installation.
b. Plat showing location of well.
4. Has the district manager of the Office of Conservation granted tubingless completion in this field prior to this application? _________
5. Does all geological and engineering data now available indicate that this well and/or pool contains limited reserves to the extent that a normal completion is not feasible from the standpoint of economics? ________
6. List all other operators in the field where this well is located together with correct mailing address of each and evidence that each such operator has approved the tubingless completion applied for.
7. Is the fluid to be produced conducive to corrosion to the extent that any resulting corrosion will destroy the effective seal of the production casing during the producing life of this well?
8. If the answer to Item 7 above is Yes, what steps are proposed to combat or circumvent this corrosion problem?



By _____________________________

Date Approved: __________ ______________________

District Manager


This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in this application is true and correct.





C. If an applicant for a tubingless completion installation is unable to obtain the approval of all of the other operators in the field then such an applicant must apply for a public hearing following the usual 10-day advertisement period after furnishing a list of all known parties, including operators and royalty owners, affected by the application, all in accordance with Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended.
D. All approved applications shall be subject to the applicant's conforming with the following requirements.
1. Conductor Pipe. The use and removal of conductor pipe during the drilling of any oil or gas well shall be at the option of the operator. Conductor pipe is that pipe ordinarily used for the purpose of supporting unconsolidated surface deposits.
2. Surface and Intermediate Casing. All fresh water sands shall be cased off by the surface or first intermediate casing in accordance with provisions of Part XIX, Subpart 1.
3. Producing Oil String
a. Producing or oil string is that casing used for the purpose of segregating the horizon from which production is obtained and affording a means of communication between such horizon and the surface.
b. The producing string of casing shall consist of new or reconditioned casing tested at mill tent pressure or at 1.25 times the maximum anticipated bottomhole pressure, whichever is greater. The producing string of casing shall be set at a sufficient depth to cut off all gas formations above the oil-saturated horizon in which the well is to be completed. The position of the oil horizon shall be determined by coring, testing or electrical logging, or other satisfactory method, and the producing string of casing shall be bottomed and cemented at a point below the gas/oil contact, if determinable and practicable. The producing string of casing shall be of sufficient size and completed with the proper amount of tension so as to allow the running of conventional bottomhole pressure bombs, temperature survey units and all instruments of similar nature to the depth of the producing horizon.
c. Cement shall be by the pump and plug method, or another method approved by the office. Sufficient cement shall be used to fill the calculated annular space behind the casing to such a point as, in the opinion of the district manager, local conditions require to protect the producing formations and all other oil and gas formations occurring above, but in every case, no less cement shall be used than the calculated amount necessary to fill the annular space to a point 500 feet above the top producing zone. The calculated amount of cement required shall be determined by a hole caliper survey or 1.5 times the theoretical volume required to fill this annular area.
d. The amount of cement to be left remaining in the casing, until the requirements of §2705. D.3.e below have been met, shall be not less than 20 feet. This shall be accomplished through the use of a float collar or other approved or practicable means, unless a full-hole cementer, or its equivalent, is used.
e. Cement shall be allowed to stand a minimum of 12 hours under pressure and a minimum total of 24 hours before initiating test or drilling plug in the producing or oil string. Under pressure is complied with if one or more float valves are employed and are shown to be holding the cement in place, or when other means of holding pressure are used. When an operator elects to perforate and squeeze or to cement around the shoe, he may proceed with such work after 12 hours have elapsed after placing the first cement.
f. Before drilling the plug in the producing string of casing in wells drilled to 3,000 feet or less, the casing shall be tested with a pressure equivalent to 1,500 psi surface pressure applied with water in the casing, and in wells drilled deeper than 3,000 feet, the casing shall be tested with a pressure equivalent to 3,000 psi surface pressure applied with water in the casing. If, at the end of 30 minutes, the pressure gauge shows a drop of 10 percent of the test pressure or more, the operator shall be required to take such corrective measures as will insure that the producing string of casing is so set and cemented that it will hold said pressure for 30 minutes without a drop of more than 10 percent of the test pressure on the gauge.
g. If the commissioner's agent is not present at the time designated by the operator for inspection of the casing tests of the producing string, the operator shall have such tests witnessed, preferably by an offset operator. An affidavit of the test, on the form prescribed by the Office of Conservation, signed by the operator and witness, shall be furnished to the district office of the Office of Conservation shown that the test conformed satisfactorily to the above mentioned regulations before proceeding with the completion. If test is satisfactory, normal operations may be resumed immediately.
h. If the test is unsatisfactory, the operator shall not proceed with the completion of the well until a satisfactory test has been obtained.
i. A temperature survey shall be run in the producing string prior to perforating if returns were lost during cementing or unusual circumstances were noted during the primary cementing operation to assure all interested parties that the cement has been displaced a sufficient height outside the producing casing.
j. If a kill string is recommended by the district manager for the prevention of underground waste and the operator does not concur, such requirement pertaining to the installation of a kill string shall be resolved by the conservation commissioner and his staff after due consideration and review. The conservation commissioner and his staff shall also determine the minimum setting depth, size, and quality of the kill string, if required.
k. No permit to make a tubingless completion in a corrosive or extreme pressure (gradient in excess of 0.5 psi per foot of depth or surface tubing pressure in excess of 4,500 psig) field shall be granted unless preventive measures for the corrosion or extreme pressure problems have been resolved and approved by the district manager.
E. This order shall be cumulative of and in addition to all Statewide Orders, rules and regulations affecting the drilling and production of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons heretofore promulgated, and when anything in this order is in conflict therewith, then the provisions of this order shall govern. In case of conflict between this order and any special orders issued on specific fields, said special orders on specific fields shall govern.

La. Admin. Code tit. 43, § XIX-2705

Adopted by the Department of Conservation March 1, 1961, amended May 1, 1963, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:777 (June 1993).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.30:4 et seq.