La. Admin. Code tit. 42 § VI-307

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section VI-307 - Applications
A. General Authority of Board or Division
1. The securing of a license, permit or approval required under the Act is a prerequisite for conducting, operating, or performing any activity regulated by the Act. Each applicant must file a complete application as prescribed by the board or division.
2. An applicant for a license or permit authorized by the Act is seeking the granting of a privilege, and the burden of proving qualification and suitability to receive the license or permit is at all times on the applicant.
3. Applicants shall demonstrate experience, reputation, competence, and financial responsibility consistent with the best interest of the Louisiana gaming industry and in compliance with the laws of this state.
4. An applicant accepts the risk of adverse public notice, embarrassment, criticism, or other action or financial loss that may result from action with respect to an application and expressly waives any claim for damages as a result thereof, except relating to willful misconduct by the board or division.
5. The filing of an application under the Act or these regulations constitutes a request for a decision upon the applicant's general suitability, character, integrity, and ability to participate or engage in or be associated with a licensee or permittee. By filing an application, the applicant specifically consents to the making of such a decision by the board or division.
6. Any false statement, including improperly notarized documents, contained in any report, disclosure, application, permit form, or any other document required by the Act or these regulations shall be a violation of these regulations and the Act.
7. Incomplete applications, including failure to pay fees may result in a delay or denial of a license.
B. Submission and Filing of Application
1. All original and renewal applications shall be submitted to the division by the United States Postal Service certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, private or commercial interstate carrier, electronic submission in accordance with Chapter 4 of Part III of this Title, hand delivery or other board-approved method of delivery.
2. Each application, including renewal applications, shall be deemed filed with the board or division when the application and fee have been received by the division, as evidenced by the date stamp on the application.
3. Renewal applications for licenses to conduct sports wagering shall be submitted to the division no later than 120 days prior to the expiration of the license.
4. Failure to timely file or submit an application may constitute grounds for delaying consideration of the application or for denial of the application or imposition of a civil penalty.
5. Entities currently licensed under R.S. 27:44, R.S. 27:205, or R.S. 27:353 who are applying for a sports wagering license must submit a sports wagering license application, upon which its application for sports wagering shall be deemed complete for the purposes of the Act. The division reserves the right to request any other submissions that it deems necessary for these entities and their associated persons after the completed application is received.
C. Contents
1. An application is not complete nor is it considered filed with the division unless it is submitted with the required fee, is signed by the applicant, and contains all required information and documentation.
2. The applicant shall notify the division in writing of all changes to any information in the application within 15 business days of the effective date of the change.
3. An application may be amended upon approval of the board or division. A request to amend an application shall be in writing. A request to amend an application may have the effect of establishing the date of such amendment as the filing date of the application with respect to the time requirements for action on the application.
4. All applicants shall disclose any violation of law or regulation from any jurisdiction.
5. Applications shall be in accordance with the board's regulations and shall include all of the following:
a. the name of the applicant;
b. the applicant's primary place of business;
c. the names of all persons listed in, or required to submit to suitability pursuant to, the Act or these regulations including, but not limited to, R.S. 27:28(H)(1) and §2107 of Part III of this Title;
d. the names of employees and persons with substantial control of the applicant;
e. complete information and details with respect to the applicant and associated persons antecedents, habits, character, business activities, financial affairs, criminal history and business associates;
f. audited financial statements from the three most recently completed years;
g. company documents including, but not limited to, articles of organization, amendments, operating agreement, corporate certificates, charters and bylaws, amended &reinstated, meeting minutes, and Louisiana Secretary of State filings;
h. for operator applicants, a certification report from a designated gaming laboratory specified by the division or board indicating the sports wagering platform is in compliance with the Act, these regulations, division technical guidelines, Gaming Laboratories International Standard 33, and internal controls:
i. if an operator applicant does not have the certification report required in Subparagraph h of this Paragraph, an applicant may submit a sports wagering platform certification report from a jurisdiction in the United States where the applicant is currently licensed or permitted. The report must certify the platform to either the GLI 33 V1.1 standard or, at the discretion of the board, a standard deemed to be the equivalent of GLI-33 v1.1. This alternative certification report must include a list of all critical files and associated signatures and an appendix which lists the differences of any controlled items or processes required to be certified in Louisiana which were not certified in the jurisdiction in which the report was issued. Upon review of the certification report, the board will make a determination on whether to accept the certification or require additional information or documentation or testing;
(a). if an applicant submits the alternative certification report from another jurisdiction with its application, the applicant must, upon receipt, submit the certification report required in Subparagraph h of this Paragraph to the division in order to be eligible for licensing or permitting;
ii. additional information, documentation, testing, or certifications may be required by the division prior to operating the sports wagering platform or prior to licensing and permitting;
i. for sports wagering license applications, a detailed plan of design of its sports book lounge and other areas of its establishment where sports wagering mechanisms may be placed. If operating initially out of a temporary sports book lounge, the applicant shall also submit a construction schedule for its sports book lounge; and
j. such other information and details as the board or division may require in order to properly discharge its duties.
6. All applications shall contain a certification signed by a duly authorized representative of the applicant wherein the applicant certifies that:
a. the information contained therein is true and correct;
b. the applicant has read the Act and these regulations, and any other informational materials supplied by the division that pertain to sports wagering; and
c. the applicant agrees to comply with these regulations and the Act.
7. All applications shall contain an email address, a telephone number and permanent mailing address for receipt of correspondence and service of documents by the division.
8. A complete ownership chart with ownership percentage equaling 100 percent. Define all shareholders, parent companies, subsidiaries, holding companies, partnerships, and any joint ventures.
9. A corporate structure flow chart illustrating all directors, key officers, positions and title for each person listed on their ownership chart.
D. Associated Persons
1. The provisions of R.S. 27:27 [institutional investors or institutional lenders] and R.S. 27:28 [suitability standards] apply to applicants, licensees, and permittees.
2. Any person who has or controls directly or indirectly 5 percent or more ownership, income, or profit or economic interest in an entity which has or applies for a license or permit pursuant to the provisions of this Title, or who receives 5 percent or more revenue interest in the form of a commission, finder's fee, loan repayment, or any other business expense related to the sports wagering operation, or who has the ability or capacity to exercise significant influence over a licensee, a permittee, or other person required to be found suitable pursuant to the provisions of this Title, shall meet all suitability requirements and qualifications pursuant to the provisions of this Title.
3. In determining whether a person has significant influence for purposes of this Chapter, the board or division may consider, but is not limited to the following: management and decision-making authority; operational control; financial relationship; receipt of gaming revenue or proceeds; financial indebtedness; and gaming related associations.
4. Personal history questionnaires, personal financial questionnaires, and all other required forms shall be submitted for all associated persons along with the application.
5. Submissions will be required by, but not limited to, the following:
a. if the applicant is a corporation, each officer, director, and shareholder having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest;
b. if the applicant is a limited liability company, each officer, managing member, manager and any member having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest;
c. if the applicant is a general partnership or joint venture, each individual partner and co-venturer;
d. if the applicant is a limited partnership, the general partner and each limited partner having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest;
e. if the applicant is a registered limited liability partnership pursuant to R.S. 9:3431 et seq., the managing partner and each partner having a 5 percent or greater ownership interest; and
f. if such shareholder, owner, partner, or member from Paragraphs a through e of this Subsection is a legal entity, each officer, director, manager or managing member and each person with an indirect ownership or economic interest equal to or greater than 5 percent in the applicant.
6. Submissions may be required by any person who in the opinion of the board or division:
a. has significant influence over an applicant, licensee, or permittee;
b. receives or may receive any share or portion of the revenues associated with or generated from sports wagering or generated by gaming activities subject to the limitations provided in R.S. 27:28(H)(2)(b);
c. receives compensation or remuneration as an employee of an applicant, licensee or permittee in exchange for any service or thing provided to the applicant, sports wagering licensee or permittee; or
d. has any contractual agreement with applicant, licensee or permittee.
7. Failure to submit the documents required by this Section may constitute grounds for delaying consideration of the application or for denying the application.
E. Tax Clearances
1. The applicant and all persons required to submit to suitability pursuant to the Act or this Title shall provide tax clearances from the appropriate state agencies prior to the granting of a license or permit.
2. Failure to provide the tax clearances required by Subsection A of this Section may constitute grounds for delaying consideration or for denial of the application.
F. Fingerprinting
1. An initial application is not complete unless all persons required by the division have submitted to fingerprinting by or at the direction of the division.
2. Failure to submit to fingerprinting may constitute grounds for delaying consideration of the application or for denial of the application.
G. Truth of Information
1. All information included in an application shall be true, correct and a complete, accurate account of the information requested to the best of the applicant's knowledge as of the date submitted.
2. No applicant shall make any untrue statement of material fact in any application, form, statement, report or other document filed with the board or division.
3. An applicant shall not omit any material fact in any application, form, statement, report or other document filed with the board or division. The applicant shall provide all information that is necessary to make the information supplied in an application complete and accurate.
4. No applicant shall make any untrue statement in any written or verbal communication with the board or division.
H. Additional Information
1. All applicants shall provide all additional information requested by the division. If applicants fail to provide all additional information requested by the division, the application shall be considered incomplete.
2. Upon request of the board or division for additional information, the applicant shall provide the requested information within 10 days of receipt of written notice of the request or within such additional time as allowed by the board or division.
I. Application, Fees
1. All costs associated with conducting an investigation for suitability shall be borne by the applicant, licensee or permittee or the person who is the subject of the investigation.
2. An applicant shall pay all fees and costs associated with the application and investigation of the application as may be determined by the board.
3. Application fees for a sports wagering license or permit shall be charged and paid in accordance with the Act.
4. All costs associated with the application for and the investigation, granting, or renewal of licenses and enforcement of this Part shall be paid by the applicant.
J. Renewal Applications
1. The renewal application shall contain a statement made, under oath, by the applicant that any and all changes in the history and financial information provided in the previous application have been disclosed. This statement shall also be provided by each officer or director, each person with a 5 percent or greater economic interest in the applicant, and any person who, in the opinion of the board or division, has the ability to exercise significant influence over the activities of the applicant.
2. Renewal applications shall further contain:
a. a list of all civil lawsuits to which the applicant is a party instituted since the previous application;
b. a current list of all stockholders of the applicant, if the applicant is a corporation, or a list of all partners, if applicant is a partnership or limited partnership, or a list of all members if the applicant is a limited liability company, or a list of persons with a 5 percent or greater economic interest in the applicant. Applicants who are publicly traded corporations need not provide this information for any shareholder owning less than 5 percent of the applicant unless requested by the board or division;
c. a list of all administrative actions instituted or pending in any other jurisdiction against or involving the applicant, parent company of the applicant, or an affiliate related to gaming operations, sports wagering operations, fantasy sports operations, or alleged criminal actions or activities;
d. prior year's corporate or company tax return of the applicant;
e. a list of all charitable and political contributions made by the applicant during the last three years, indicating the recipient and amount contributed.
f. a complete ownership chart with ownership percentage equaling 100 percent. Define all shareholders, parent companies, subsidiaries, holding companies, partnerships, and any joint ventures; and
g. a corporate structure flow chart illustrating all directors, key officers, positions and title for each entity(s) listed on their ownership chart.
K. Withdrawal of Application
1. A request to withdraw an application shall be made in writing to the chairman or division at any time prior to issuance of the determination with respect to the application. The board or division may deny or grant the request.
2. If a request to withdraw an application is granted, any temporary certificate of authority issued to the applicant shall be automatically rescinded without notice or further action of the board or division.

La. Admin. Code tit. 42, § VI-307

Promulgated by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Gaming Control Board, LR 47, Promulgated by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Gaming Control Board, LR 4851 (1/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 27:15 and 24.