La. Admin. Code tit. 42 § III-304

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section III-304 - Self-Exclusion
A. Pursuant to R.S. 27:27.1, the Louisiana Gaming Control Board hereby provides for the establishment of a list of persons who, at his or her request, are to be excluded or ejected from all casino gaming establishments licensed or operating pursuant to Chapters 4, 5, 7, and 10 of the Louisiana Gaming Control Law, R.S. 27:1 et seq.
B. Definitions
1. The following words and terms, when used in this Section, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

Casino Gaming Establishment-any room, premises, or designated gaming area of any establishment where gaming is conducted pursuant to Chapters 4, 5, 7, and 10 of the Louisiana Gaming Control Law and all sports wagering platforms pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Louisiana Gaming Control Law.

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Self-Exclusion List-a list of names of persons who have voluntarily agreed to be excluded from all gaming activities and to be prohibited from collecting any winnings or recovering any losses at or from all casino gaming establishments.

C. Request for Self-Exclusion
1. Any person may have his or her name placed on the self-exclusion list by submitting a request for self-exclusion in the form and manner required by this Section.
2. Any person requesting placement on the Self-Exclusion List shall submit, in person, a completed request for self-exclusion as required in Paragraph C.4 below. The request shall be delivered to an Office of State Police, Casino Gaming Division. Any person submitting a self-exclusion request shall be required to present valid identification credentials. Any person requesting self-exclusion pursuant to this Section shall be required to have his or her photograph taken by a division agent upon submission of the request.
3. No person placed on the self-exclusion list may request removal for a period of five years from the date the person is placed on the self-exclusion list.
4. A request for self-exclusion shall be in a form prescribed by the board. Such form shall include:
a. identifying information concerning the person submitting the request for self-exclusion, as follows:
i. name, including any known aliases or nicknames;
ii. date of birth, driver's license or state identification number, if available;
iii. current home, business, and electronic mailing address;
iv. telephone number of current residence;
v. Social Security number, which information is voluntarily provided in accordance with Section 7 of the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552(a); and
vi. a physical description of the person, including height, weight, gender, hair color, eye color, and any other physical or distinguishing characteristics that may assist in the identification of the person;
vii. the date of exclusion;
b. a waiver and release which shall release, forever discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the state of Louisiana, the Louisiana Gaming Control Board ("Board"), the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of State Police ("State Police"), the Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General ("Attorney General's Office"), all licensees and their members, agents, and employees, from any liability to the person requesting Self-Exclusion and his or her heirs, administrators, executors and assigns for any harm, monetary or otherwise, which may arise out of or by reason of any act or omission relating to the request for self-exclusion, request for removal from the self-exclusion list, or removal from the self-exclusion list, including:
i. processing or enforcement of the request for self-exclusion, request for removal or removal from the Self-Exclusion List;
ii. the failure of a licensee to withhold gaming privileges from, or restore gaming privileges to, a selfexcluded person;
iii. permitting a self-excluded person to engage in gaming activity in or on a casino gaming establishment while on the list of self-excluded persons; and
iv. disclosure of the information contained in the self-exclusion request or list, except for a willful unlawful disclosure of such information;
c. the following statement signed by the person submitting the request for self-exclusion:

"I understand and read the English language or have had an interpreter read and explain this form. I am voluntarily requesting exclusion from all gaming activities at or on all Louisiana casino gaming establishments (which includes sports wagering platforms) because I am a compulsive and/or problem gambler. I certify that the information that I have provided above is true and accurate, and that I have read, understand, and agree to the waiver and release included with this request for self-exclusion. I am aware that my signature below authorizes the Board or the State Police to direct all Louisiana licensees, including the casino operator, casino manager, sports wagering licensee, and sports wagering platform providers, to restrict my gaming activities and access to casino gaming establishments for a minimum period of five years from the date of exclusion. During such period of time, I will not attempt to enter any casino gaming establishment or attempt to participate in gaming activity on a sports wagering platform. I further understand that my name will remain on the Self-Exclusion List until 1) I submit a written request to the Board to terminate my self-exclusion; 2) a hearing is held; and 3) there is a written decision of the Board determining that there is no longer a basis for me to be maintained on the list. I am aware that I cannot request removal from the list before five years have elapsed from the date of exclusion. I am aware and agree that during any period of self-exclusion, I shall not collect in any manner or proceeding any winnings or recover any losses resulting from any gaming activity at any casino gaming establishment or on a sports wagering platform and that any money or thing of value obtained by me from, or owed to me by, the sports wagering licensee, sports wagering platform provider, casino operator, casino manager, or a licensee as a result of wagers made by me while on the Self-Exclusion List shall be withheld and remitted to the state of Louisiana."

d. the type of identification credentials examined containing the signature of the person requesting self-exclusion, and whether the credentials included a photograph of the person; and
e. the signature of a board or division member, agent, or employee authorized to accept such request, indicating that the signature of the person on the request for self-exclusion appears to agree with that contained on his or her identification credentials and that any photograph or physical description of the person appears to agree with his or her actual appearance.
5. Upon receipt and acceptance of the request for self-exclusion and completion and submission of all required information and documentation the requesting party shall be placed on the Self-Exclusion List by the division.
D Self-Exclusion List
1. The board shall maintain a list of persons who, at his or her request, are excluded and are to be ejected from all casino gaming establishments.
2. The list shall not be open to public inspection.
3. The list shall be distributed by the division to the casino operator or casino manager and each licensee who shall acknowledge receipt of the list in writing. The division shall notify the casino operator, casino manager and all licensees of the addition of new names and removal of names from the Self-Exclusion List within two business days of the effective date of such action.
4. Each licensee shall maintain a copy of the Self-Exclusion list and shall establish procedures to ensure that the self-exclusion list is updated and that all appropriate members, employees and agents of each licensee are notified of any addition to or deletion from the list within five business days after receipt of the notice from the division. Appropriate members, employees, and agents of each licensee are those whose duties and functions require access to such information, and include its respective contracted sports wagering platform provider. The notice provided by the division shall include the name and date of birth of any person whose name shall be removed from the Self-Exclusion list and the following information concerning any person whose name shall be added to the self-exclusion list:
a. name, including any known aliases or nicknames;
b. date of birth;
c. address of current residence and electronic mail;
d. telephone number of current residence;
e. Social Security number, if voluntarily provided by the person requesting self-exclusion;
f. driver's license or state identification number;
g. a physical description of the person, including height, weight, gender, hair color, eye color and any other physical or distinguishing characteristic that may assist in the identification of the person; and
h. a copy of the photograph taken by the division.
5. Information furnished to or obtained by the board and division pursuant to this Section shall be deemed confidential and not be disclosed pursuant to R.S. 27:27.1.
a. Except as otherwise provided herein, no licensee, employee, or agent thereof shall disclose the self-exclusion list or the name of, or any information about, any person who has requested self-exclusion to anyone other than employees and agents of the licensee whose duties and functions require access to such information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each licensee may disclose the name of and information about a self-excluded person to appropriate employees of other licensees in Louisiana for the purpose of alerting other casinos that a self-excluded person has tried to gamble or otherwise obtain gaming related privileges or benefits in a casino gaming establishment. Each licensee may contract with an entity who provides identification services or who assists in identifying selfexcluded persons in order to exclude the person from gaming, and may distribute the self-exclusion list to the contracted entity in accordance with internal controls. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the licensee from disclosing the identity of self-excluded persons to affiliated entities in Louisiana and other gaming jurisdictions for the limited purpose of assisting in the proper administration of compulsive and problem gaming programs operated by such affiliated entities.
b. A licensee may release the names and identifying information of those persons on the self-excluded list to contracted service providers that provide patron identification services, or check cashing, marketing, credit evaluations, automated teller machines, cash advances, or other financial services provided:
i. the identifying information shall be limited to the address, driver's license or state issued identification number, photograph, and physical description;
ii. only the name and identifying information may be disclosed to the contracted service provider. The licensee shall neither disclose the reasons for providing the name and identifying information nor shall it be disclosed that the person is on the self-excluded list;
iii. the licensee shall require by written contract that the contracted service provider implement measures designed to ensure the confidentiality of the names and identifying information and to prohibit the release of the names and identifying information to any other person or entity;
iv. the licensee shall immediately report to the Division all instances of a self-excluded person accessing or attempting to access the services provided by the contracted service providers and investigate the incident as required by LAC 42:III.304(E).
c. Administrative hearings regarding or related to self-excluded persons shall be closed to the public and any record created or evidence introduced in conjunction with such hearings shall be maintained confidential and not made available for public inspection.
E. Duties of the Licensee
1. Each licensee shall establish procedures that are designed, to the greatest extent practicable, to:
a. permit appropriate employees of the licensee to identify a self-excluded person when present on or in the casino gaming establishment and, upon such identification, immediately notify:
i. those employees of the licensee designated to monitor the presence of self-excluded persons; and
ii. appropriate representatives of the board and division;
b. refuse wagers from and deny any gaming privileges to any self-excluded person;
c. deny casino credit, check cashing privileges, player club membership, direct mail and marketing services complimentary goods and services, junket participation and other similar privileges and benefits to any self-excluded person;
d. enforce the provisions of LAC 42:III.304.D.6.
2. Each licensee shall distribute a packet of written materials approved by the division to any person inquiring or requesting information concerning the board's self-exclusion program.
3. The casino operator or casino manager and each casino licensee shall submit to the board for approval a copy of its procedures established pursuant to LAC 42:III.304.D.4 and E.1 above within 120 days from the date this rule becomes effective. Any amendments to said procedures shall be submitted to the board and approved prior to implementation.
a. If a self-excluded person enters, attempts to enter, or is in or on the casino gaming establishment and is discovered by the licensee, the licensee shall immediately notify the division of such fact and, unless otherwise directed by the division, immediately eject such excluded person from the casino gaming establishment.
b. If a self-excluded person gains access to a sports wagering platform, the licensee shall immediately exclude the person from the platform and promptly notify the division.
5. Upon discovery of a self-excluded person on or in the casino gaming establishment, both the security and surveillance departments, or the departments responsible for sports wagering platform security, of the licensees shall initiate a joint investigation, unless otherwise directed by the division to determine:
a. responsibility of employees of the gaming establishment or licensee for allowing an excluded person to gain access to the casino gaming establishment; and
b. the net amount of winnings or losses attributable to the excluded person.
6. Each licensee shall provide a written report of the results of the joint investigation to the division.
7. Each licensee shall ensure that no winnings or losses arising as a result of prohibited gaming activity are paid or recovered by a self-excluded person.
F. Sanctions
1. Any licensee who willfully fails to exclude a selfexcluded person from the casino gaming establishment shall be in violation of these rules and may be subject to administrative action pursuant to R.S. 27:27.1.J and this Section.
2. The penalty for violation of LAC 42:III.304.F.1 shall be $25,000 or administrative action including but not limited to suspension or revocation.
G. Removal from Self-Exclusion List
1. Any self-excluded person may, upon the expiration of five years from the date of exclusion, submit a written request to the board for a hearing to have his or her name removed from the self-exclusion list. Such request shall be in writing and state with specificity the reason for the request.
2. The request shall include a written recommendation from a qualified mental health professional as to the self-excluded person's capacity to participate in gaming activities without adverse risks or consequences. The person seeking removal from the self-exclusion list may be required to obtain a separate and independent recommendation from a qualified mental health professional, approved by the hearing officer, as to the self-excluded person's capacity to participate in gaming activities without adverse risks or consequences.
3. If the hearing officer determines that there is no longer a basis for the person seeking removal to be maintained on the self-exclusion list, the person's name shall be removed from the self-exclusion list and his or her exclusion shall be terminated. The division shall notify all licensees of the determination. The licensee may continue to deny gaming privileges to persons who have been removed from the list.

La. Admin. Code tit. 42, § III-304

Promulgated by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Gaming Control Board, LR 28:1990 (September 2002), amended LR 30:2493 (November 2004), LR 35:2199 (October 2009), Amended LR 481858 (7/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 27:15 and 24.