La. Admin. Code tit. 40 § IV-347

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section IV-347 - Transfer of Experience-Rating Record to Successor Where Segregable and Identifiable Part or Portion of the Business Is Acquired
A. The transfer of experience-rating records to employers who acquired a segregable and identifiable portion of a predecessor's business within the meaning of R.S. 23:1539 shall be affected on the following basis.
1. Where the business or unit acquired can be completely segregated and identified during the entire period of its existence, the total payroll and experience-rating record attributable thereto shall be transferred to the successor. In this event the only payroll and experience rating records subject to transfer to the successor are those which are actually segregated and identified.
a. If the business or unit acquired cannot be segregated and identified during the entire period of its existence, the predecessor and/or the partial successor will provide to the administrator the percentage of the operation that was transferred to the partial successor. The percentage must be agreed upon by both the predecessor and the partial successor. This percentage may be determined by dividing the taxable payroll attributed to the portion acquired for three complete fiscal years prior to the acquisition or the number of years the predecessor was in operation prior to acquisition up to three years, by the total payroll attributed to the predecessor operation for the same period of time.
b. The percentage will be applied to the predecessor's total taxable payroll and reserve to determine the taxable payroll and reserve that will be transferred to the partial successor.
c. The names and Social Security numbers of the individuals transferred to the successor, including any employees terminated at the time of the acquisition, must be provided to the administrator and agreed upon by both the predecessor and partial successor.
d. If any of the above agreements are not received in writing within 90 days from the date of the partial acquisition, the requirements for partial transfer of payroll records to the partial successor have not been met, and none will be transferred.
3. Determining the Tax Rates for Partial Successors When the Information Is Received on a Timely Basis, within 90 Days from the Date of Acquisition. If the successor was not an employer at the time of acquisition, his rate for the balance of the then current contribution year shall be the same as that assigned to his predecessor for said year. If the successor was an employer prior to the date of acquisition, his rate of contribution for the period from such date to the end of the then current contribution year shall be the same as his rate with respect to the period immediately preceding the date of acquisition.
4. Determining the Tax Rates for Partial Successors When the Information Has Not Been Provided on a Timely Basis within 90 Days from Date of Acquisition
a. If the partial successor was not a subject employer at the time of acquisition, his rate for the balance of the then current contribution year shall be the new employer rate or the predecessor rate, whichever is higher.
b. If the partial successor was an employer prior to date of acquisition, his rate of contribution for the period from such date to the end of the then current contribution year shall be the same as his rate with respect to the period immediately preceding the date of acquisition.
5. If an employer has more than one partial succession in a calendar year, the aforementioned procedure will be applied in each case.
6. Partial successors who have not been assigned a tax rate prior to acquisition will be assigned the new employer tax rate or the predecessor's tax rate, whichever is higher, during the 90-day period subsequent to the partial acquisition. Once the proper tax rate is determined, however, it will be applied retroactively.
7. The agency may perform an audit to determine the percentage of taxable payroll and reserve that will be transferred to the partial successor if the administrator finds it necessary to do so.
8. In determining whether or not the unit, or portion of the business acquired by the successor, is segregable and identifiable, each case should be separately considered and analyzed. If the payroll and experience-rating records of the unit, or portion of the business acquired, can be broken down and segregated to permit the proper crediting of wages, contribution of payments and the charging of benefits, as provided in this regulation, the requirements of the law shall be considered as having been fully met. The employer will be required to furnish such additional analysis of his payroll records as may be required in order that proper segregation may be made.

La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § IV-347

Promulgated by the Department of Labor, Office of Employment Security, LR 15:493 (June 1989), amended by the Department of Employment and Training, Office of Employment Security, LR 17:45 (January 1991).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 23:1471-1713.