La. Admin. Code tit. 37 § III-715

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section III-715 - Amount of Surcharges; Form of Coverage; Conversions
A. A health care provider qualified for enrollment by evidence of liability insurance pursuant to §505, or by evidence of participation in an approved self-insurance trust pursuant to §509, shall pay the most recently approved rate which is applicable to his provider type, years enrolled in the fund, and which most closely corresponds to the class and form of coverage of said primary liability insurance or self-insurance trust. The form of coverage provided by the board shall be identical to that provided by the qualifying policy of insurance or self-insurance except where the policy conflicts with applicable law or regulation.
B. A health care provider qualified for enrollment by evidence of self-insurance pursuant to §507 shall pay the most recently approve fund surcharge amount which is applicable to self-insured coverage and to his provider type. The form of coverage provided by the fund shall be self-insured coverage as defined in §109. A of these rules.
1. When a health care provider who had previously purchased claims-made coverage from the board elects to purchase occurrence coverage from or discontinue enrollment in the fund, he shall not have coverage afforded by the fund for any claims arising from acts or omissions occurring during the fund's claims-made coverage but asserted after the termination of the claims- made coverage unless he evidences financial responsibility for those claims either by purchasing an extended reporting endorsement or posting a deposit with the board pursuant to §507 and pays, on or before 45 days following the termination of the claims-made coverage, the surcharge applicable to fund tail coverage for the corresponding claims-made period(s).
2. When a health care provider who had previously purchased claims-made coverage from the board elects to purchase self-insured coverage from the fund, he shall not have coverage afforded for any claims arising from acts or omissions occurring during the fund's claims-made coverage but asserted after the termination of the claims-made coverage, unless he evidences financial responsibility for those claims either by purchasing an extended reporting endorsement or posting a second deposit with the board pursuant to §507 and pays, on or before 45 days following the termination of the claims-made coverage, the surcharge applicable to fund tail coverage for the corresponding claims-made period(s).
3. In special circumstances, the executive director or board may, at its discretion, waive or defer the payment of an additional surcharge and allow tail coverage to a provider without the payment of the applicable surcharge. Each such case requires an individual written request for relief to the board, and will be decided on individual circumstances. The board's criteria for such decisions shall include, but not be limited to:
a. the reason for such request;
b. the length and basis of the provider's enrollment with the fund;
c. the potential claims liability to the fund;
d. the provider's intention to cease or continue to practice in Louisiana; and
e. the potential effects if the fund refuses to allow such relief.
D. When a health care provider who had previously purchased claims-made coverage from the fund permanently retires from the practice of medicine after 10 consecutive years of enrollment, or when an institutional provider and any successors who had previously purchased claims-made coverage from the fund permanently ceases to do business and/or practice medicine after 10 consecutive years of coverage, or when a health care provider who had previously purchased claims-made from the board dies or becomes permanently disabled, then the surcharge to the board for tail coverage for claims occurring during the existence of the fund claims-made coverage shall be considered to have been paid. However, continuous PCF coverage under this rule shall only apply if the affected provider or institution maintains continuous financial responsibility either through insurance coverage or submission of the security required for self-insurance under §507, including underlying insurance tail coverage, for the primary $100,000 for each claim. Further, this rule shall only apply to the successor of an institutional provider to the extent that the predecessor business entity was enrolled, and only to the single business entity which had been previously enrolled. This rule shall not apply to other business entities of the successor provider.

La. Admin. Code tit. 37, § III-715

Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Patients' Compensation Fund Oversight Board, LR 23:69 (January 1997), amended LR 29:347 (March 2003), LR 30:1018 (May 2004), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Patients' Compensation Fund Oversight Board, LR 38:2539 (October 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:1299.44(D)(3).