Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section VII-509 - Permit System [Formerly section 511, section 315.E and F, and section 513.F.5-7]A. Scope 1. A permit shall be secured by any person who processes and/or disposes of solid waste, with the exception of those wastes or processing and disposal facilities described in LAC 33:VII.301, 303, and 305. Facilities (existing and proposed) subject to the permitting requirements detailed in these regulations are defined in LAC 33:VII.115 and categorized in LAC 33:VII.405.A.2. Generators that are not processors or disposers of solid waste are not required to secure a permit. Generators of industrial solid waste shall notify the Office of Environmental Services in accordance with LAC 33:VII.501.B. Generators of industrial solid waste are subject to the applicable standards provided in LAC 33:VII.501.3. Transporters that are not processors or disposers of solid waste are not required to secure a permit. Transporters of solid waste shall notify the Office of Environmental Services in accordance with LAC 33:VII.401.A and B. Transporters of solid waste are subject to the applicable standards provided in LAC 33:VII.505.4. Collection facilities and non-processing transfer stations at which no solid waste is processed or disposed of are not required to secure a permit. Non-processing transfer stations and collection facilities are subject to the standards found in LAC 33:VII.503, 507, and 508 and shall notify the Office of Environmental Services in accordance with LAC 33:VII.401.A and B.5. No new permitted solid waste facilities shall be constructed or operated without approval issued by the administrative authority in accordance with these regulations.B. Types of Permits 1. Temporary Permit a. A temporary permit allows continued operation of an existing facility that becomes subject to regulations in accordance with an interim operational plan, but does not allow the expansion or modification of the facility without prior approval of the administrative authority. The administrative authority may issue a temporary permit in the following situations: i. to allow operations to continue at an existing facility while a standard permit application is being processed;ii. to allow operations to continue at an existing facility while a closure plan or closure permit application is being processed or while a facility is being closed in accordance with an approved closure plan; oriii. to allow an applicant for a permit for a proposed facility to begin construction on a limited basis while an application for a proposed facility is being processed for good cause shown.b. Temporary permits that may have been issued in the form of administrative orders, compliance orders to upgrade, orders to upgrade, compliance orders to close, orders to close, and settlement agreements prior to February 20, 1993, may remain in effect until otherwise determined by the administrative authority.c. Temporary permit holders who do not have financial assurance meeting the requirements of LAC 33:VII.Chapter 13 shall submit financial assurance meeting the requirements of LAC 33:VII.Chapter 13 within 120 days of November 20, 2011.2. Standard Permit. Standard permits may be issued by the administrative authority to applicants for solid waste processing and/or disposal facilities that have successfully completed the standard permit application process for a site specific permit.3. General Permit. General permits may be issued to facilities with operations that are similar in nature and shall provide conditions that each facility that is authorized to operate under the general permit shall follow. Issuance of a general permit shall follow the procedures of a standard permit regarding draft decisions, public notice, and final decisions.4. Regulatory Permit. Regulatory permits may be issued by the administrative authority when it is determined to be appropriate considering the type of operations or facilities that would be covered. Regulatory permits shall be promulgated in accordance with the procedures provided in R.S. 30:2019.5. Closure Permit. Closure permits may be issued to allow closure activities to occur in accordance with an approved closure plan.6. All permits, regardless of type, issued on or after February 20, 1993, shall correspond to the facility categories set forth in LAC 33:VII.405.A (Type I, Type I-A, Type II, Type II-A, and Type III).C. Existing Facilities Not Previously Classified or Not Presently Operating Under a Standard Permit 1. Only those existing facilities that the administrative authority classifies for upgrading may apply for a standard permit. The person notifying the Office of Environmental Services shall be issued a temporary permit and may continue operations in accordance with an interim operational plan, pending a decision on the standard permit application.2. A facility classified for closure shall be issued a temporary permit. That permit may allow operations to continue in accordance with an interim operational plan until closure activities are accomplished and may require that closure and/or post-closure activities be conducted in accordance with an approved closure plan or permit.D. Duration of Permit1. Temporary permits are issued for a period not to exceed three years.2. Standard, closure, and general permits issued to facilities other than landfills are issued for a period not to exceed 10 years, and may be issued for a period of less than 10 years. a. Processing and/or disposal facilities with an effective standard permit shall submit to the Office of Environmental Services a new permit application, following the application process in LAC 33:VII.513 and 519, at least 365 calendar days before the expiration date of the standard permit, unless written permission for later filing is granted by the administrative authority. If the renewal application is submitted on or before the deadline above, and the administrative authority does not issue a final decision on the renewal application on or before the expiration date of the standard permit, the standard permit shall remain in effect until the administrative authority issues a final decision.b. For permits with expiration dates greater than ten years, upon expiration, the department may, in accordance with rules and regulations, extend or reissue a permit for another time period of up to ten years, or up to 20 years for landfill facilities.3. Standard permits for landfills may be issued for a time period not to exceed 20 years. The administrative authority may issue a permit for a landfill for a lesser time period when the administrative authority determines a lesser time period is warranted based on factors such as the applicant's compliance history, other non-compliance issues, or capacity.E. Public Hearings 1. Public hearings may be held concerning standard permits for facilities at the discretion of the administrative authority.2. Public hearings may be held concerning major modifications of standard permits at the discretion of the administrative authority.3. Public hearings shall not be held concerning mandatory modifications, which are considered an enhancement of a standard permitted facility.4. Public hearings shall be held for all facilities when the administrative authority determines, on the basis of comments received and other information, that a hearing is necessary. Public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the Environmental Quality Act for fact-finding hearings or other hearing procedures developed by the administrative authority and the Administrative Procedure Act (R.S. 49:950 et seq.).5. Public Opportunity to Request a Hearing. Any person may, within 30 days after the date of publication of the draft decision in a newspaper notice (LAC 33:VII.513.G.3), request that the administrative authority consider whether a public hearing is necessary. If the administrative authority determines that the requests warrant it, a public hearing will be scheduled. If the administrative authority determines that the requests do not raise genuine and pertinent issues, the Office of Environmental Services shall send the person(s) requesting the hearing written notification of the determination. The request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall contain the name and affiliation of the person making the request and the comments in support of or in objection to the issuance of a permit.6. Public Notice of a Public Hearing. If the administrative authority determines that a hearing is necessary, notices shall be published at least 20 days before a fact-finding hearing in the official journal of the state and in a major local newspaper of general circulation in the area where the facility is located. The notice shall be published one time as a single classified advertisement in the legal or public notices section of the official journal of the state and a major local newspaper of general circulation in the area where the facility is located. If the facility is in the same parish or area as the official journal of the state, a single classified advertisement in the official journal of the state shall be the only public notice required. Those persons on the Office of Environmental Services mailing list for hearings shall be mailed notice of the hearing at least 20 days before a public hearing. A notice shall also be published at least 20 days before a public hearing in the departmental bulletin, if available, or on the department's internet site in the public notices section.7. Review of Comments Following a Public Hearing. Comments received by the Office of Environmental Services within 30 days after the date of a public hearing shall be reviewed by the Office of Environmental Services.F. Other Requirements 1. The applicant may be required to obtain additional permits from other local state and federal agencies. Typical permits that may be needed include, but are not limited to, the following: a. NPDES/LPDES (Section 402 of the Clean Water Act);b. Louisiana Water Discharge Permit;c. Louisiana Coastal Use Permit (issued by the Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division);d. Louisiana Air Emissions Permit;e. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit (Dredge and Fill, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act); orf. appropriate local permits, licenses, certification, registration, or approval.2. It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify the other applicable permits that may be required. A listing of the permits that the applicant intends to apply for shall be included in the solid waste permit application.3. The applicant shall provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Environmental Services that the proposed use does not violate zoning or other land-use regulations that exist at the time of the submittal of the standard permit application.G. Suspension, Revocation, Modification, or Termination of Permit. The administrative authority may review a permit at any time. After review of a permit, the administrative authority may, for cause, suspend, revoke, or modify a permit in whole or in part in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Administrative Procedure Act. If a permit holder requests termination of a permit, the administrative authority may terminate the permit with or without a review of the permit. Public notice is not required for termination of permits when the permit is terminated at the request of the permit holder.La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § VII-509
Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste Division, LR 19:187 (February 1993), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2518, 2519 (November 2000), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, LR 30:2032 (September 2004), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 31:2488 (October 2005), LR 33:1035 (June 2007), LR 33:2143 (October 2007), LR 37:3236 (November 2011), repromulgated LR 37:3509 (December 2011).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2001 et seq.