La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § V-4999

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-4999 - Appendices-Appendix A, B, C, D, and E

Appendix A. Reserved.

Appendix B. Reserved.

Appendix C. Extraction Procedure (EP) Toxicity Test Method and Structural Integrity Test

(Method 1310B)

[Note: The EP (Method 1310B) is published in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.]

Appendix D. Representative Sampling Methods

The methods and equipment used for sampling waste materials will vary with the form and consistency of the waste materials to be sampled. Samples collected using the sampling protocols listed below, for sampling waste with properties similar to the indicated materials, will be considered by the department to be representative of the waste.

Containerized Liquid Wastes-"COLIWASA."

Extremely Viscous Liquid-ASTM Standard D140-70; Crushed or powdered material-ASTM Standard D346-75; Soil or rock-like material-ASTM Standard D420-69; Soil-like material-ASTM Standard D1452-65.

Fly Ash-Like Material-ASTM Standard D2234-76 (ASTM Standards are available from ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103).

Liquid Waste in Pits, Ponds, Lagoons, and Similar Reservoirs-"Pond Sampler."

NOTE: These protocols are described in Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste Streams, EPA 600/2-80-018, January 1980.

Appendix E. Wastes Excluded under LAC 33:V.105.M

A. Each facility granted a conditional exclusion must comply with the specific conditions for the waste exclusion as listed in Table 1 of this Appendix. Each facility granted a one-time exclusion is listed in Table 2 of this Appendix. Each waste exclusion listed in Table 1 shall begin with a waste description and include details for the following conditions:
1. testing, including organic and/or inorganic constituents, dioxins, furans, etc.;
2. waste holding and handling;
3. delisting levels, including organic and/or inorganic constituents, dioxins, furans, etc.; and
4. changes in operating conditions or feed streams.
B. Each facility granted a conditional exclusion must comply with the following general conditions pertaining to the waste exclusion listed in Table 1 of this Appendix.
1. Data Submittal
a. The facility must notify the department, in writing, at least two weeks prior to initiating the specific testing required for the waste exclusion.
b. All data obtained to fulfill the required testing must be submitted to the Office of Environmental Assessment within 60 days after each sampling event.
c. Records of operating conditions and analytical data from the required testing must be compiled, summarized, and maintained on-site for a minimum of three years. These records and data must be furnished upon request of the department and made available for inspection.
d. Failure to submit the required data within the specified time period or failure to maintain the required records on-site for the specified time shall be considered by the department, at its discretion, sufficient basis to revoke the exclusion.
e. All data must be accompanied by a signed copy of the following certification statement to attest to the truth and accuracy of the data submitted.

"I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this demonstration and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. In the event that any of this information is determined by the department, in its sole discretion, to be false, inaccurate, or incomplete, and upon conveyance of this fact to the company, I recognize and agree that this exclusion of waste will be void as if it never had been in effect, or to the extent directed by the department, and that the company will be liable for any actions taken in contravention of the company's environmental obligations under the Louisiana Environmental Quality Act premised upon the company's reliance on the void exclusion."

2. Reopener Language
a. If, at any time after disposal of the delisted waste, the facility possesses or is otherwise made aware of any environmental data (including, but not limited to, leachate data or groundwater monitoring data) or any other data relevant to the delisted waste indicating that any constituent identified in the delisting verification testing is at a level higher than the delisting level allowed by the department in granting the petition, the facility must report the data, in writing, to the department within 10 days of first possessing or being made aware of that data.
b. If the testing of the waste, as required by the waste exclusion, does not meet the specific delisting requirements of the waste exclusion, the facility must report the data, in writing, to the department within 10 days of first possessing or being made aware of that data.
c. Based on the information described herein and any other information received from any source, the department will make a preliminary determination as to whether the reported information requires that the department take action to protect human health or the environment. Further action may include suspending or revoking the exclusion, or such other appropriate response as may be necessary to protect human health and the environment.
d. If the department determines that the reported information does require departmental action, the department will notify the facility, in writing, of the action believed necessary to protect human health and the environment. The notice shall include a statement of the proposed action and a statement providing the facility with an opportunity to present information as to why the proposed action is not necessary. The facility shall have 10 days from the date of the department's notice to present such information.
e. Following the receipt of information from the facility, or if no such information is received within 10 days, the department will issue a final written determination describing the departmental actions that are necessary to protect human health or the environment.
f. Any required action described in the department's determination shall become effective immediately, unless the department provides otherwise.
3. Notification Requirements
a. The facility must provide a one-time written notification to any state regulatory agency in a state to which or through which the delisted waste will be transported, at least 60 days prior to the commencement of such activities.
b. Failure to provide notification will result in a violation of the delisting conditions and a possible revocation of the decision to delist.

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

BFI Waste Systems of Louisiana LLC, Colonial Landfill, Sorrento, LA

The BFI Colonial Landfill is a nonhazardous solid waste landfill permitted to receive residential, commercial, and industrial nonhazardous solid waste. Landfill leachate, at a maximum annual generation rate of 36,000 cubic yards per year (approximately 7.2 million gallons per year), is generated as liquid leachate from the landfill. Effective August 6, 1998, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) listed four waste streams as hazardous waste. The EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers of these wastes are: K169, K170, K171, and K172. BFI Colonial received these wastes as nonhazardous solid waste prior to August 6, 1998. For the purpose of this exclusion, landfill leachate resulting from petroleum refining operations includes EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers K169, K170, K171, and K172. The constituents of concern for these wastes are listed as arsenic; benzene; benzo(a)pyrene; dibenz(a,h)anthracene; benz(a)anthracene; benzo(b)fluoranthene; benzo(k)fluoranthene; 3-methylcholanthrene; and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (see LAC 33:V.4901). BFI Colonial must implement a testing and management program that meets the following conditions for the exclusion to be valid.

(1). Testing

Sample collection and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methods described in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA Publication Number SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.

(1)(A). Inorganic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, BFI Colonial must collect and analyze a monthly composite sample of the leachate. Composite samples must be composed of one grab sample from each of three different days during a representative week of operation. The monthly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the leachate. BFI Colonial must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, silver, thallium, tin, vanadium, and zinc, including quality control information. If the department and BFI Colonial concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(A), then BFI Colonial may replace the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(A) with the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(B). Condition (1)(A) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(B). Subsequent Inorganic Testing

Following concurrence by the department, BFI Colonial may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). BFI Colonial must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze quarterly composite samples representative of normal operations. BFI Colonial must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, silver, thallium, tin, vanadium, and zinc, including quality control information. The samples must be composed of one grab sample from each of three different days during a representative week of operation, during the first month of each quarterly period. These quarterly representative composite samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the leachate. If delisting levels for any inorganic constituents listed in condition (3)(A) are exceeded in any quarterly sample, BFI Colonial must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(A). BFI Colonial may, at its discretion, analyze composit e samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(1)(C). Organic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, BFI Colonial must collect and analyze monthly one grab sample of the lea chate. These monthly representative grab samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the leachate. BFI Colonial must report to the department the landfill operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for acenaphthene; anthracene; benzene; bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; 2-butanone; m, p-cresol; o-cresol; diethyl phthalate; ethylbenzene; 2-hexanone; methyl isobutyl ketone; 2-methylnaphthalene; naphthalene; phenanthrene; phenol; toluene; and total xylenes; including quality control information. If the department and BFI Colonial concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(B), then BFI Colonial may replace the organic testing required in condition (1)(C) with the organic testing required in condition (1)(D). Condition (1)(C) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(D). Subsequent Organic Testing

Following concurrence by the department, BFI Colonial may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(C). BFI Colonial must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze one quarterly grab sample representative of normal operations. BFI Colonial must report to the department the landfill operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for acenaphthene; anthracene; benzene; bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; 2-butanone; m, p-cresol; o-cresol; diethyl phthalate; ethylbenzene; 2-hexanone; methyl isobutyl ketone; 2-methylnaphthalene; naphthalene; phenanthrene; phenol; toluene; and total xylenes; including quality control information. This quarterly representative grab sample must be collected during the first month of each quarterly period and analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the leachate. If delisting levels for any organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) are exceeded in the quarterly sample, BFI Colonial must re -institute testing as required in condition (1)(C). BFI Colonial may, at its discretion, analyze grab samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

BFI Colonial must treat the leachate as hazardous waste until the verification testing is completed, as specified in conditions (1)(A)-(1)(D), and the leachate has satisfied the delisting criteria, as specified in condition (3). If the levels of constituents in the samples of leachate are below all of the applicable levels set forth in condition (3), then the leachate thereby becomes nonhazardous solid waste and may be managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable solid waste regulations. If hazardous constituent levels in any monthly composite or other representative sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the leachate must be managed and disposed of in accordance with Subtitle C of RCRA until the leachate meets the delisting levels. BFI Colonial must repeat the analyses for the constituents listed in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) prior to disposal.

(3). Delisting Levels

Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in the extract from the samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V.4903.E. All leachable concentrations in the extract must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) Antimony -0.082; Arsenic-0.38; Barium -22.2; Cadmium -0.06; Chromium -0.50; Cobalt-27; Copper-0.50; Lead-0.50; Nickel-5.0; Silver-0.50; Thallium -0.34; Tin-225; Vanadium -8.38; Zinc-50.0.

(3)(B). Organic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) Acenaphthene-3.0; Anthracene -0.20; Benzene-0.018; Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-6.74; 2 -Butanone-5.0; m, p -Cresol-7.88; o-Cresol-7.88; Diethyl phthalate-18.6; Ethylbenzene-8.4; 2 -Hexanone-6.3; Methyl isobutyl ketone-5.0; 2-Methylnaphthalene -5.0; Naphthalene-0.96; Phenanthrene-1.0; Phenol-50.; Toluene -1.0; Xylenes (total)-1.0.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions

If BFI Colonial significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition, BFI Colonial must notify the department in writing. Following receipt of written approval by the department, BFI Colonial must re-institute the testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four consecutive months. BFI Colonial must report unit operating conditions and test data required by conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, BFI Colonial may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). BFI Colonial must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

Denka Performance Elastomer LLC, LaPlace, LA

Dynawave Scrubber Effluent is generated through the combustion of organic waste feed streams carrying the listed EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers F001, F002, F003, and F005. The specific hazardous waste streams being combusted and their EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers are: HCl Feed-D001, D002, and D007; Pontchartrain CD Heels-D001, D007, D039, F001, F002, F003, and F005; Waste Organics-D001, D007, and F005; Catalyst Sludge Receiver (CSR) Sludge-D001, D007, and F005; Isom Purge-D001, D002, and F005; Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must implement a sampling program that meets the following conditions for the exclusion to be valid.

(1). Testing

Sample collections and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methodologies described in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA Publication Number SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.

(1)(A). Inorganic Testing

During the first 12 months of this exclusion, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must collect and analyze a monthly grab sample of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent. Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for chromium, nickel, and zinc, including quality control information. If the department and Denka Performance Elastomer LLC concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(A), then Denka Performance Elastomer LLC may replace the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(A) with the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(B). Condition (1)(A) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(B). Subsequent Inorganic Testing

Following concurrence by the department, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze samples representative of each year of operation. The samples must be grab samples from a randomly chosen operating day during the same month of operation as the previous year's sampling event. These annual representative grab samples must be analyzed for chromium, nickel, and zinc. Denka Performance Elastomer LLC may, at its discretion, analyze any samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(1)(C). Organic Testing

During the first 30 days of this exclusion, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must collect a grab sample of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent and analyze it for the organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) below. After completing this initial sampling, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC shall sample and analyze for the organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) on an annual basis.

(1)(D). Dioxins and Furans Testing

During the first 30 days of this exclusion, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must collect a grab sample of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent and analyze it for the dioxins and furans in condition (3)(C) below. After completing this initial sampling, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC shall sample and analyze for the dioxins and furans in condition (3)(C) once every three years to commence three years after the initial sampling.

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

Consequent to this exclusion, the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent becomes, on generation, nonhazardous solid waste and may be managed and disposed of on the Denka Performance Elastomer LLC plant site in any one of three permitted underground deep injection wells. With prior written authorization from the department, alternative disposal methods may be either a Louisiana Pollution Discharge Elimination System/National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (LPDES/NPDES) permitted outfall or a permitted commercial underground deep injection well. This newly delisted waste must always be managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable solid waste regulations. If constituent levels in any representative sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent must be immediately resampled and reanalyzed for the constituent(s) that exceeded the delisting levels. If the repeat analysis is less than the delisting levels, then Denka Performance Elastomer LLC shall resume the normal sampling and analysis schedule as described in condition (1). If the results of the reanalysis equal or exceed any of the delisting levels, then within 45 days Denka Performance Elastomer LLC shall submit a report to the department that outlines the probable causes for exceeding the constituent level and recommends corrective action measures. The department shall determine the necessary corrective action and shall notify Denka Performance Elastomer LLC of the corrective action needed. Denka Performance Elastomer LLC shall implement the corrective action and resume sampling and analysis for the constituent per the schedule in condition (1). Within 30 days after receiving written notification, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC may appeal the corrective action determined by the department. During the full period of corrective action determination and implementation, the exclusion of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent shall remain in force unless the department notifies Denka Performance Elastomer LLC in writing of a temporary rescission of the exclusion. Normal sampling and analysis shall continue through this period as long as the exclusion remains in force.

(3). Delisting Levels

The following delisting levels have been determined safe by taking into account health-based criteria and limits of detection. Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in the extract from the samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V. 4903.E. Concentrations in the extract must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents

Chromium -2.0; Nickel-2.0; Zinc-200.

(3)(B). Organic Constituents Acetone-80; Chlorobenzene-2.0; Chloroform-0.2; Chloroprene-14; Ethylbenzene-14; Methylene Chloride-0.1; Styrene-2.0; Toluene-20; Xylenes-200.

(3)(C). Dioxins and Furans

The 15 congeners listed in Section 1.1 of EPA Publication Number S W -846 Method 8290 -Monitor only.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions or Feed Streams If Denka Performance Elastomer LLC either significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition or adds any previously unspecified feed streams and either of these actions would justify a Class 3 modification to its combustion permit, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must notify the department in writing. Following receipt of written acknowledgement by the department, Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must collect a grab sample and analyze it for the full universe of constituents found in 40 CFR Part 264, Appendix IX-Groundwater Monitoring List (LAC 33:V.3325). If the results of the Appendix IX analyses identify no new hazardous constituents, then Denka Performance Elastomer LLC must reinstitute the testing required in condition (1)(A) for a minimum of 12 monthly operating periods. During the full period described in this condition, the delisting of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent shall remain in force unless a new hazardous constituent is identified or the waste volume exceeds 25,000 cubic yards per year; at this time the delisting petition shall be reopened. Denka Performance Elastomer LLC may eliminate feeding any stream to the combustion unit at any time without affecting the delisting of the Dynawave Scrubber Effluent or the sampling schedule.

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

Lyondell Chemical Company, Lake Charles, LA

Incinerator direct contact cooling wastewater and fire suppression automatic sprinkler ("deluge ") system wastewater are generated at a maximum annual generation rate of 800,000 cubic yards (162 million gallons) per year. Lyondell's wastestream includes the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) hazardous waste codes D001, D019, D021, D030, F002, F003, K027, K112-114, U037, U221, and U223. The constituents of concern for these waste codes are listed in LAC 33:V.4901. This exclusion applies only to incinerator direct contact cooling wastewater and fire suppression automatic sprinkler (" deluge ") system wastewater at the Lake Charles, LA facility. The cooling wastewater effluent is currently being discharged after treatment under the facility's LPDES permit. After delisting, this effluent will continue to be discharged under the facility's LPDES permit.

(1). Testing

Sample collection and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methods described in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.

(1)(A). Inorganic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, Lyondell must collect and analyze one monthly grab water sample from the fire water pond and one monthly grab water sample from the incinerator blowdown stream. These two monthly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the source water. Lyondell must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), for arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, nickel, vanadium, and zinc, including quality control information. If the department and Lyondell concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(A), Lyondell may replace the testing required in condition (1)(A) with the testing required in condition (1)(B).

(1)(B). Subsequent Inorganic Testing

After concurrence by the department, Lyondell may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). Lyondell must continue to analyze quarterly grab water samples from the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream. Lyondell must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), for arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, nickel, vanadium, and zinc, including quality control information. Grab water samples from the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream must be taken during the first month of each quarterly period. These quarterly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the source water. If delisting levels for any constituents listed in condition (3)(A) are exceeded in any quarterly sample, Lyondell must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(A).

(1)(C). Organic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, Lyondell must collect and analyze one monthly grab water sample from the fire water pond and one monthly grab water sample from the incinerator blowdown stream. These two monthly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the source water. Lyondell must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), for 2,4-dinitrotoluene, bromoform, chloroform, and hexachlorobenzene, including quality control information. If the department and Lyondell concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(B), Lyondell may replace the testing required in condition (1)(C) with the testing required in condition (1)(D).

(1)(D). Subsequent Organic Testing

After concurrence by the department, Lyondell may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(C). Lyondell must continue to analyze quarterly grab water samples from the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream. Lyondell must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), for 2,4-dinitrotoluene, bromoform, chloroform, and hexachlorobenzene, including quality control information. Grab water samples from the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream must be taken during the first month of each quarterly period. These quarterly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the source water. If delisting levels for any constituents listed in condition (3)(B) are exceeded in any quarterly sample, Lyondell must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(C).

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

Lyondell must treat water in the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream as hazardous wastes until the verification testing is completed, as specified in conditions (1)(A) - (1)(D), and the wastewater has satisfied the delisting criteria, as specified in condition (3). If the levels of constituents in the samples from the fire water pond and the incinerator blowdown stream are below all of the applicable levels set forth in condition (3), then the incinerator direct contact cooling wastewater and the fire suppression automatic sprinkler ("deluge ") system wastewater thereby become nonhazardous. If hazardous constituent levels in any monthly grab sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the wastewater must be managed and disposed of in accordance with Subtitle C of RCRA until the wastewater meets the delisting levels. Lyondell must repeat the analyses for the constituents listed in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) prior to disposal.

(3). Delisting Levels

Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in the extract from the samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V.4903.E. All concentrations in the wastewater must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) arsenic-0.5; barium -50.0; chromium -1.0; lead-1.0; nickel- 10.0; vanadium-15; and zinc-200.

(3)(B) Organic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) 2,4-dinitroluene -0.02; bromoform-10.0, chloroform -0.14; hexachlorobenzene-0.13.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions

If Lyondell significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition, Lyondell must notify the department in writing. Following receipt of written approval by the department, Lyondell must re-institute the testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four consecutive months. Lyondell must report unit operating conditions and test data required by conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Lyondell may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). Lyondell must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

Marathon Oil Co., Garyville, LA

Residual solids are generated from the thermal desorption treatment of the following wastes: EPA Hazardous Waste Number K048, dissolved air flotation (DAF) float; K049, slop oil emulsion solids; K050, heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge; K051, American Petroleum Institute (API) separator sludge; F037, primary oil/water/solids separation sludge; and F038, secondary emulsified oil/water/solids separation sludge. The constituents of concern for K048-K051 wastes are listed as hexavalent chromium and lead (see LAC 33:V. 4901). The constituents of concern for F037 and F038 wastes are listed as hexavalent chromium, lead, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, and chrysene

(see LAC 33:V.4901). Marathon must implement a testing program that meets the following conditions for the exclusion to be valid.

(1). Testing

Sample collection and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methodologies described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication Number SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110. If the department judges the desorption process to be effective under the operating conditions used during the initial verification testing, Marathon may replace the testing required in condition (1)(A) with the testing required in condition (1)(B). Marathon must continue to test as specified in condition (1)(A) until and unless notified by the department in writing that testing in condition (1)(A) may be replaced by condition (1)(B), or that testing requirements may be reduced or terminated as described in conditions (1)(C) and (1)(D) to the extent directed by the department.

(1)(A). Initial Verification Testing

During at least the first four weekly operating periods of full-scale operation of the thermal desorption unit, Marathon must monitor the operating conditions of the thermal desorption unit to maintain a minimum residual solids temperature throughout the high temperature unit of 870°F. The residual solids must be analyzed as weekly composites. The weekly composites must be composed of a minimum of two representative grab samples from each operating day during each weekly period of operation. The samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3) prior to disposal of the residual solids. Marathon must report the operational and analytical test data, including quality control information, obtained during this initial period, no later than 90 days after initiating full-scale processing.

(1)(B). Subsequent Verification Testing

Following notification of approval by the department, Marathon may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). Marathon must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze samples representative of each month of operation. The samples must be composed of eight representative samples from randomly chosen operating days during the four-week period of operation of each month. These monthly representative composite samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3) prior to the disposal of the residual solids. Marathon may, at its discretion, analyze composite samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(1)(C). Termination of Monthly Organic Testing Marathon must continue to monitor unit operating conditions and perform testing as required under condition (1)(B), for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B), until the analyses submitted under condition (1)(B) show a minimum of three consecutive monthly representative samples with levels of constituents significantly below delisting levels listed in condition (3)(B). Following notification of approval by the department, Marathon may terminate monthly testing for the organic constituents found in condition (3)(B). Following termination of monthly testing for organic constituents, Marathon must test a representative composite sample, composited over a one-week time period, for all constituents listed in condition (3)(B) on a quarterly basis. If delisting levels for any organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) are exceeded in the quarterly sample, Marathon must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(B).

(1)(D). Termination of Monthly Inorganic Testing Marathon must continue to monitor unit operating conditions and perform testing as required under condition (1)(B), for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A), until the analyses submitted under condition (1)(B) show a minimum of three consecutive monthly representative samples with levels of constituents significantly below delisting levels listed in condition (3)(A). Following notification of approval by the department, Marathon may terminate monthly testing for the inorganic constituents found in condition (3)(A). Following termination of monthly testing for inorganic constituents, Marathon must test a representative composite sample, composited over a one-week time period, for all constituents listed in condition (3)(A) on a quarterly basis. If delisting levels for any inorganic constituents listed in condition (3)(A) are exceeded in the quarterly sample, Marathon must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(B).

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

Marathon must store as hazardous wastes all residual solids generated until each batch has completed verification testing, as specified in conditions (1)(A)-(1)(D), and has satisfied the delisting criteria, as specified in condition (3). If the levels of constituents in the samples of residual solids are below all of the applicable levels set forth in condition (3), then the residual solids thereby become nonhazardous solid wastes and may be managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable solid waste regulations. If constituent levels in any weekly composite or other representative sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the residual solids generated during the corresponding period must be retreated to meet the delisting levels or managed and disposed of in accordance with subtitle C of RCRA.

(3). Delisting Levels

The following delisting levels have been determined safe by taking into account health-based criteria and limits of detection. Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in the extract from the samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V.4903.E. Concentrations in the extract must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents

Antimony-0.22; Arsenic-0.40; Barium-72; Beryllium-0.14; Cadmium-0.18; Chromium-3.6; Lead-0.54; Mercury-0.072; Nickel-3.6; Selenium-1.0; Silver-5.0; Vanadium-7.2.

(3)(B). Organic Constituents

Acenapthene-72; Benzene-0.18; Benzo(a)anthracene-0.050; Benzo(a)pyrene-0.050; Benzo(b)fluoranthrene-0.050; Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate-0.22; Chrysene-0.05; Ethylbenzene-25; Fluoranthrene-72; Fluorene-72; Naphthalene-36; Pyrene-72; Toluene-36.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions

After completing the initial verification test period in condition (1)(A), if Marathon significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition, Marathon must notify the department in writing. Following receipt of written approval by the department, Marathon must re-institute the testing required in condition (1)(A) for a minimum of four weekly operating periods. Marathon must report unit operating conditions and test data required by condition (1)(A), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Marathon may replace testing condition (1)(A) with (1)(B), or reduce or terminate testing requirements as described in conditions (1)(C) and (1)(D) to the extent directed by the department. Marathon must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

(4)(A). Processing Equipment

Marathon may elect to change thermal desorption processing equipment based on operational performance and economic considerations. In the event that Marathon changes operating equipment, i.e., generic thermal desorption units, Marathon must re-institute processing and initiate testing required in condition (1)(A) for a minimum of four weekly operating periods. Marathon must report unit operating conditions and test data required in condition (1)(A), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Marathon may replace testing condition (1)(A) with (1)(B), or reduce or terminate testing requirements as described in conditions (1)(C) and (1)(D) to the extent directed by the department. Marathon must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

(4)(B). Batch Processing

Marathon may periodically elect to change operating conditions to accommodate batch processing of single-event waste generations. In the event that Marathon initiates batch processing and changes the operating conditions established under condition (1), Marathon must re-institute the testing required in condition (1)(A) during such batch processing events and monitor unit operating conditions and perform testing required by condition (1)(A), as appropriate. Following the completion of batch processing operations, Marathon must return to the operating conditions applicable prior to initiation of the batch processing and may return to the testing conditions that were applicable prior to the initiation of the batch processing activities.

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

Motiva Enterprises LLC, Norco, LA

Residual solids, at a maximum annual generation rate of 10,000 cubic yards per year (7,500 tons/year), are generated from the thermal desorption recycling of oil-bearing secondary materials resulting from petroleum processing operations, which are classified as newly generated EPA Hazardous Waste Number F037, petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation sludge (effective February 8, 1999, per the updated definition promulgated on August 6, 1998, and the corrected definition dated June 8, 2000). For the purpose of this exclusion, oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials resulting from petroleum refining operations include EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers K048-K052, K169-K170, F037, and F038. The constituents of concern for F037 waste are listed as hexavalent chromium, lead, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, and chrysene (see LAC 33:V.4901). Motiva must implement a testing and management program that meets the following conditions for the exclusion to be valid.

(1). Testing

Sample collection and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methodologies described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication Number SW -846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.

(1)(A). Inorganic Testing

During the first 12 months of this exclusion, Motiva must collect and analyze a monthly composite sample of the residual solids. Composite samples must be composed of a minimum of two representative grab samples from each operating day during a representative week of operation. The samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the residual solids. Motiva must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for antimony, arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, vanadium, and zinc, including quality control information. If the department and Motiva concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(A), then Motiva may replace the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(A) with the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(B). Condition (1)(A) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(B). Subsequent Inorganic Testing

Following concurrence by the department, Motiva may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). Motiva must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze quarterly composite samples representative of normal operations. The samples must be composed of representative grab samples from each operating day during a representative week of operation, during the first month of each quarterly period. These quarterly representative composite samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the residual solids. If delisting levels for any inorganic constituents listed in condition (3)(A) are exceeded in the quarterly sample, Motiva must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(A). Motiva may, at its discretion, analyze composite samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(1)(C). Organic Testing

During the first 12 months of this exclusion, Motiva must collect and analyze two monthly grab samples of the residual solids. These two representative grab samples should be collected on different operating days during a representative week of operation. The samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the residual solids. Motiva must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter) for anthracene, benzene, toluene, xylenes, carbon disulfide, chrysene, naphthalene, and pyrene, including quality control information. If the department and Motiva concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(B), then Motiva may replace the organic testing required in condition (1)(C) with the organic testing required in condition (1)(D). Condition (1)(C) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(D). Subsequent Organic Testing

Following concurrence by the department, Motiva may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(C). Motiva must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze two annual grab samples representative of normal operations. The samples must be representative grab samples from different operating days during a representative week of operation, during the first month of each annual period. These annual representative grab samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the residual solids. If delisting levels for any organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) are exceeded in the annual sample, Motiva must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(C). Motiva may, at its discretion, analyze grab samples gathered more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

Motiva must store as hazardous wastes all residual solids generated until each batch has completed verification testing, as specified in conditions (1)(A) -(1)(D), and has satisfied the delisting criteria, as specified in condition (3). If the levels of constituents in the samples of residual solids are below all of the applicable levels set forth in condition (3), then the residual solids thereby become nonhazardous solid wastes and may be managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable solid waste regulations. If hazardous constituent levels in any monthly composite or other representative sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the residual solids generated during the corresponding period must be retreated and/or stabilized as allowed below until the residual solids meet the delisting levels, or managed and disposed of in accordance with Subtitle C of RCRA. If the residual solids contain leachable inorganic concentrations at or above the delisting levels set forth in condition (3)(A), then Motiva may stabilize the material with Type 1 portland cement and/or hydrated lime, as demonstrated in the petition, to immobilize the metals. Following stabilization, Motiva must repeat analyses in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal.

(3). Delisting Levels

Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in the extract from the samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V.4903.E. All leachable concentrations in the extract must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents

Antimony-0.50; Arsenic-0.50; Barium-50.0; Chromium-0.50; Lead-0.50; Mercury-0.05; Nickel-5.0; Selenium-1.0; Silver-0.5; Vanadium-1.6; Zinc-50.0.

(3)(B). Organic Constituents

Anthracene-0.20; Benzene-0.10; Carbon disulfide-4.8; Chrysene-0.05; Naphthalene-0.05; Pyrene-0.05; Toluene-0.10; Xylenes-0.10.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions

If Motiva significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition, Motiva must notify the department in writing. Following receipt of written approval by the department, Motiva must re-institute the testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four months. Motiva must report unit operating conditions and test data required by conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Motiva may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). Motiva must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

(4)(A). Processing Equipment

Motiva may elect to change thermal desorption processing equipment based on operational performance and economic considerations. In the event that Motiva changes operating equipment, i.e., generic thermal desorption units, Motiva must re-institute processing and initiate testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four months. Motiva must report unit operating conditions and test data required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period, no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Motiva may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). Motiva must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

(4)(B). Batch Processing

Motiva may periodically elect to change operating conditions to accommodate batch processing of single-event waste generations. In the event that Motiva initiates batch processing and changes the operating conditions established under condition (1), Motiva must re-institute the testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) during such batch processing events, monitor unit operating conditions, and perform testing required by conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), as appropriate. Following the completion of batch processing operations, Motiva must return to the operating conditions applicable prior to initiation of the batch processing and may return to the testing conditions that were applicable prior to the initiation of the batch processing activities.

Table 1-Wastes Excluded

Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., St. Gabriel, LA

Incinerator ash, at a maximum annual generation rate of 3,600 cubic yards per year, and incinerator scrubber water, at a maximum annual generation rate of 420,000 cubic yards per year (approximately 85 million gallons per year), result from incineration at the Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., facility in St. Gabriel, Louisiana. Syngenta's waste stream includes the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) hazardous waste codes F001-F005, F024, K157-K159, and all P and U codes. The constituents of concern for these waste codes are listed in LAC 33:V.4901. This exclusion applies only to incinerator ash and incinerator scrubber water resulting from incineration conducted at Syngenta's St. Gabriel facility. Syngenta must implement a testing and management program that meets the following conditions for the exclusion to be valid.

(1). Testing

Sample collection and analyses, including quality control (QC) procedures, must be performed according to methods described in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA Publication Number SW-846, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:V.110.

(1)(A). Inorganic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, Syngenta must collect and analyze one monthly composite sample of the incinerator ash and two grab samples of the scrubber water. Composite samples of incinerator ash must be composed of one grab sample from each of two different days during a representative week of operation. The grab samples of scrubber water must be collected on two different days during a representative week of operation. The monthly samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the source incinerator ash and scrubber water. Syngenta must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), including quality control information. If the department and Syngenta concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(A), Syngenta may replace the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(A) with the inorganic testing required in condition (1)(B). Condition (1)(A) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(B). Subsequent Inorganic Testing

After concurrence by the department, Syngenta may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(A). Syngenta must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze quarterly samples representative of normal operations. Syngenta must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), including quality control information. Composite samples of incinerator ash must be composed of one grab sample from each of two different days during a representative week of operation, during the first month of each quarterly period. The grab samples of scrubber water must be collected on two different days during a representative week of operation, during the first month of each quarterly period. These quarterly representative samples of incinerator ash and scrubber water must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(A) prior to disposal of the source incinerator ash and scrubber water. If delisting levels for any inorganic constituents listed in condition (3)(A) are exceeded in any quarterly sample, Syngenta must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(A). Syngenta may, at its discretion, analyze incinerator ash composite samples or scrubber water grab samples gathered more frequently than quarterly to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(1)(C). Organic Testing

During the first 12 consecutive months of this exclusion, Syngenta must collect and analyze monthly one grab sample of incinerator ash and one grab sample of scrubber water. These monthly representative grab samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the source incinerator ash and scrubber water. Syngenta must report to the department the incinerator operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), including quality control information. If the department and Syngenta concur that the analytical results obtained during the 12 monthly testing periods have been significantly below the delisting levels in condition (3)(B), Syngenta may replace the organic testing required in condition (1)(C) with the organic testing required in condition (1)(D). Condition (1)(C) shall remain effective until this concurrence is reached.

(1)(D). Subsequent Organic Testing

After concurrence by the department, Syngenta may substitute the following testing conditions for those in condition (1)(C). Syngenta must continue to monitor operating conditions and analyze one quarterly grab sample of incinerator ash and one quarterly grab sample of scrubber water representative of normal operations. Syngenta must report to the department the unit operating conditions and analytical data (reported in milligrams per liter), including quality control information. These quarterly representative grab samples of incinerator ash and scrubber water must be collected during the first month of each quarterly period and analyzed for the constituents listed in condition (3)(B) prior to disposal of the source incinerator ash and scrubber water. If delisting levels for any organic constituents listed in condition (3)(B) are exceeded in the quarterly sample, Syngenta must re-institute testing as required in condition (1)(C). Syngenta may, at its discretion, analyze incinerator ash composite samples or scrubber water grab samples gathered more frequently than quarterly to demonstrate that smaller batches of waste are nonhazardous.

(2). Waste Holding and Handling

Syngenta must treat the incinerator ash and scrubber water as hazardous wastes until the verification testing is completed, as specified in conditions (1)(A) - (1)(D), and the incinerator ash and scrubber water have satisfied the delisting criteria, as specified in condition (3). If the levels of constituents in the samples of incinerator ash and scrubber water are below all of the applicable levels set forth in condition (3), then the incinerator ash and scrubber water thereby become nonhazardous solid wastes and may be managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable solid waste regulations. If hazardous constituent levels in any monthly composite or other representative sample equal or exceed any of the delisting levels set in condition (3), the incinerator ash and scrubber water must be managed and disposed of in accordance with Subtitle C of RCRA until the incinerator ash and scrubber water meet the delisting levels. Syngenta must repeat the analyses for the constituents listed in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) prior to disposal.

(3). Delisting Levels

Concentrations in conditions (3)(A) and (3)(B) must be measured in an extract from the waste samples by the method specified in LAC 33:V.4903.E. All leachable concentrations in the waste extract must be less than the following levels (all units are milligrams per liter).

(3)(A). Inorganic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) antimony -0.15; arsenic-0.50; barium-39.0; cadmium -0.11; chromium -5.0; copper-0.50; lead-5.0; nickel-20.0; vanadium-15; and zinc-200.

(3)(B). Organic Constituents (all units are milligrams per liter) acetone-26.0; benzene-0.05; carbon tetrachloride -0.18; chloroform -0.14; 1,2 -dichlorobenzene -0.77; hexachlorobenzene -0.13; nitrobenzene -0.14; pentachlorobenzene -0.04; pyridine-0.26; toluene -10.0; toxaphene-0.089; and vinyl chloride-0.05.

(4). Changes in Operating Conditions

If Syngenta significantly changes the operating conditions specified in the petition, Syngenta must notify the department in writing. After receipt of written approval by the department, Syngenta must re-institute the testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four consecutive months. Syngenta must report unit operating conditions and test data required by conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period no later than 60 days after the changes take place. After written notification by the department, Syngenta may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). Syngenta must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

(4)(A). Processing Equipment

Syngenta may elect to change processing equipment based on operational performance and economic considerations. In the event that Syngenta changes operating equipment, Syngenta must re-institute processing and initiate testing required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) for a minimum of four consecutive months. Syngenta must report unit operating conditions and test data required in conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C), including quality control data, obtained during this period, no later than 60 days after the changes take place. Following written notification by the department, Syngenta may replace testing conditions (1)(A) and (1)(C) with (1)(B) and (1)(D). Syngenta must fulfill all other requirements in condition (1).

Table 2 One-Time Wastes Excluded

Murphy Exploration and Production Company, Amelia, LA

Hazardous waste incinerator ash was generated by the combustion of hazardous wastes and nonhazardous wastes in a rotary kiln incinerator at Marine Shale Processors in Amelia, Louisiana. In 1986 and 1987, this ash was used as fill material for the Rim Tide barge slip area at Murphy Exploration and Production Company (Murphy) in Amelia, Louisiana. For the purpose of this exclusion, ash used as fill material by Murphy includes all hazardous waste codes listed in LAC 33:V.4901. This is a one-time exclusion for a maximum volume of 6,200 cubic yards of ash subsequent to its excavation from the Rim Tide barge slip area at Murphy for the purpose of transportation and disposal in a Subtitle D landfill after June 20, 2007.

Table 2-One-Time Wastes Excluded

Conrad Industries, Inc. (Conrad), Morgan City, LA

Hazardous waste incinerator ash was generated as a result of the combustion of hazardous wastes and nonhazardous wastes in a rotary kiln incinerator at Marine Shale Processors (MSP) in Amelia, Louisiana. In 1986, a quantity of the MSP ash was used as fill material for the former slip area at the Conrad Industries, Inc. (Conrad) facility located in Morgan City, Louisiana. For the purpose of this exclusion, MSP generated ash used as fill material by Conrad includes all hazardous waste codes listed in LAC 33:V.4901. This is a one-time exclusion for approximately 4,000 tons of MSP generated ash placed in the former slip area at the Conrad facility in Morgan City, Louisiana, for the purpose of excavation, transportation and disposal in a Subtitle D landfill, or management in place as non-hazardous solid waste pursuant to alternate methods approved by the administrative authority.

Table 2-One-Time Wastes Excluded

Marine Shale Processors, Inc., Amelia, LA

Hazardous waste incinerator ash generated by Marine Shale Processors, Inc. (MSP, Inc.) as a result of its combustion of various wastes, including hazardous and nonhazardous wastes and contaminated media, in a rotary kiln incinerator at the Marine Shale Processors (MSP) Site in Amelia, Louisiana. MSP, Inc. used the ash (referred to by MSP, Inc. as either primary aggregate or vitrified aggregate) as fill at the MSP Site to build up the elevation of the property. For the purpose of this exclusion, MSP, Inc. generated ash used as fill material at the MSP Site in Amelia, Louisiana includes all hazardous waste codes listed in LAC 33:V.4901. This is a onetime exclusion for approximately 11,400 cubic yards of MSP, Inc. generated ash used as fill at the MSP site in Amelia, Louisiana for the purpose of excavation, transportation, and disposal in a Subtitle D landfill.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § V-4999

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, LR 20:1000 (September 1994), amended by the Office of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Hazardous Waste Division, LR 21:944 (September 1995), LR 22:830 (September 1996), amended by the Office of Waste Services, Hazardous Waste Division, LR 23:952 (August 1997), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 25:2397 (December 1999), LR 26:2509 (November 2000), LR 29:1084 (July 2003), repromulgated LR 29:1475 (August 2003), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, LR 30:2464 (November 2004), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 33:445 (March 2007), LR 33:825 (May 2007), LR 33:1016 (June 2007), LR 34:73 (January 2008), LR 34:1021 (June 2008), LR 34:1613 (August 2008), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 38:2757 (November 2012), LR 40:1692 (September 2014), Amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 422179 (12/1/2016), Amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 431149 (6/1/2017), Amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs and Criminal Investigations Division, LR 432139 (11/1/2017), Amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 4959 (1/1/2023).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2180 et seq.