La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § IX-2123

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IX-2123 - Introduction to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Priority System
A. Introduction
1. On October 18, 1972, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments became Public Law 92-500. PL 92-500 was amended by PL 95-217, the Clean Water Act of 1977, PL 97-117, the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Construction Grant Amendments of 1981, and by PL 100-4 (Water Quality Act of 1987).
2. The primary aim of the federal act as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105 is to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's water." The federal act states the goal of suitable water quality for recreational contact, and for protection and propagation of fish and wildlife. In addition, the federal act emphasizes the need for controlling or eliminating discharges of toxic pollutants through the control of point and nonpoint sources of pollution as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105. A permit program has been established to restrict pollutant discharges from factories, municipalities, and large agricultural operations. The permit program has been expanded to include pollutants entering the nation's water through nonpoint sources, including stormwater runoff from municipalities, factories, agricultural operations, and other sources that do not require NPDES permits.
3. The Water Quality Act of 1987 added title VI to the Clean Water Act, which provided for a program of low interest loans. Section 603(c) of the federal act states that the amounts of funds available to each state water pollution control revolving fund shall be used only for providing financial assistance:
a. to any municipality as defined in the LAC 33:IX.2105, intermunicipal, interstate, or state agency for construction as defined in the LAC 33:IX.2105 of publicly owned treatment works as defined in section 212 of the Clean Water Act;
b. for the implementation of a management program established under section 319 of the Clean Water Act; and
c. for development and implementation of a conservation and management plan under section 320 of the Clean Water Act.
4.Section 603(g) of the federal act states that the state may provide financial assistance with the state revolving loan fund only if a construction project as described in subsection (c)(1) is on the state's priority list under section 216 of the federal act. Assistance may be provided regardless of the rank of a project on the list. Section 603(g) of the federal act does not require that a project for the implementation of a management program established under section 319 of the federal act, and for development and implementation of a conservation and management plan under section 320 of the federal act shall be on the state's priority list to receive financial assistance. These projects shall be included on the priority list and assigned priority ratings in accordance with LAC 33:IX.2123.C.7.
5.Section 603(c) of the federal act states that after public comment and review, each state shall prepare an annual plan identifying the intended uses of the money to its revolving loan fund.
6. The department has established the state of Louisiana CWSRF priority system due to the federal requirements of the program.
7. This system provides a priority list of publicly owned treatment works projects that meet the definition in section 212 of the federal act, and provides for the selection of eligible projects to be included on the annual intended use plan (IUP) for each year.
B. List of Stream Subsegments and Subsegment Priority Numbers
1. The priority of the program's management is to give more importance to the areas where significant problems occur.
2. The state of Louisiana is divided into 12 water quality management basins which exhibit distinct hydrologic characteristics. Each designated basin is divided into stream segments and subsegments which exhibit common reactions to stresses (e.g., pollutants). The stream segmentation for Louisiana is contained in the area-wide water quality management plans as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105 and submitted under section 303(e) of the federal act.
3. In order to direct the water quality management effort, each stream subsegment is ranked according to its designated uses and the degree to which they are supported. The values from each of the category classifications, from Table B-l of this Section, are multiplied together to produce a stream subsegment priority number. If a subsegment has multiple designated uses, the single highest product of a designated use and degree of support shall be utilized as the stream subsegment priority number.
4. Information on designated uses and degree of support is taken from the latest approved Louisiana water quality inventory integrated report, which may be found on the department's website.
5. The stream priority list is used as the base for the later determination of the project priority ratings.

Table B-1: Subsegment Priority Ranking Multipliers

Designated Uses


Shellfish Propagation


Sole Source Drinking Water Supply


Outstanding Natural Resource


Primary Contact Recreation


Secondary Contact Recreation


Fish and Wildlife Propagation




Limited Aquatic Wildlife Use


Degree of Support


Not Supported


Partially Supported


Fully Supported but Threatened


Fully Supported



Designated Uses X Degree of Support = Stream Subsegment Priority Number

C. List by Priority Rank
1. In conjunction with the priority of the stream subsegments of the state of Louisiana, each municipality that requests consideration for funding is rated by its ability to comply with the federal act.
2. The priority rating for each municipality being considered for a loan is composed of the stream subsegment priority rating and the municipality factor. These numbers are added together to form the basic project priority rating.
3. The municipality factor is the summation of the category factor and the pollution reduction factor. The category factor depends on the age of a particular treatment or collection system within a project area.
a. The category factor value for treatment system only projects shall be obtained from Table C-1 of this Section.
b. The category factor value for collection system projects shall be obtained from Table C-2 of this Section.
c. The category factor value for treatment and collection system projects shall be the higher values from Table C-1 or C-2 of this Section and shall be used to calculate the municipality factor.
d. The pollution reduction factor value is an indication of the ability to reduce the pollution discharged into the receiving waters, and shall be obtained from Table C-3 of this Section.

Table C-1 Treatment System Category Factor

Age of Treatment Plant

Type of Treatment Plant

Mechanical Plant

Aerated Lagoon

Stabilization Pond


0 - 5 years





6 - 10 years





11 - 15 years





16 - 20 years





Over 20 years





Table C-2 Collection System Category Factor

Age of Collection System


0 - 10 years


11 - 20 years


21 - 30 years


31 - 40 years


Over 40 years


Table C-3

Pollution Reduction Factor

Present Treatment Level

Future Level of Treatment


Advanced (BOD>20)

Advanced (20>BOD>10)

Advanced (BOD<10)

Raw (from existing outfall)





Less than Secondary










Advanced (BOD>20)





Advanced (20> BOD>10)





Advanced (BOD<10)





Unsewered (no outfall)





N/A- No reduction in pollution discharge anticipated


*If no change to treatment, but increase in capacity, change 20 to 40 Formula: Category Factor +Pollution Reduction Factor=Municipality Factor

4. A separate municipality factor shall be determined for each treatment facility and the collection system within its service area. When two or more treatment facilities are included in a single project, the municipality factor for the project will be the weighted average, according to population served for all treatment facilities included in the project regardless of whether they are in the same or different municipalities.

Basic Project Priority Rating = Stream Subsegment Priority Rating + Municipality Factor

5. The priority rating for a municipality may be reconsidered and adjusted when new information is made available. Information may result from water quality analysis, facility planning, etc.
6. Any municipality may request a reconsideration of its priority rating. Such a request shall include the reason(s) the municipality believes the priority rating is incorrect.
7. Projects for the implementation of a management program established under section 319 of the Federal Act, and for development and implementation of a conservation and management plan under section 320 of the Federal Act, shall be assigned a stream subsegment priority number based on the most impacted by the project. These projects shall also be assigned an additional factor based on the ability of the project to reduce pollution in receiving waters. This factor shall be assigned by the department based on evaluation of individual project applications and shall not exceed 100 points. The basic priority rating for projects under sections 319 of the Federal Act are detailed in the equation below.

Basic Project Priority Rating = Stream Subsegment Priority Rating + Additional Assigned Factor

D. CWSRF Priority List
1. Upon receipt of a request by the authorized representative of an applicant, the basic priority rating will be determined and the proposed project shall be placed on the CWSRF priority list.
2. For public entities only, requests for inclusion on the CWSRF priority list shall include:
a. a resolution from the governing authority designating a project representative and authorizing him/her to submit preapplication material;
b. a completed preapplication; and
c. a map of the proposed planning area.
3. It is the responsibility of each authorized project representative to maintain current and accurate information for his/her project, and to submit any revised or updated project information to the department each year. The information will be used to prepare the CWSRF priority list.
4. The loan amount shown on the list shall be the estimated amount of the items eligible for loan assistance. Eligibility of specific items shall be based on the latest federal requirements in effect at the time the list is prepared. Should these requirements be changed subsequent to preparation of the list, all projects on the list shall be adjusted accordingly. The monetary amount of each item shall be based on the latest information supplied by the authorized project representative in accordance with Paragraph D.2 of this Section.
5. Projects normally proceed by facility planning, design, and construction. Projects that have completed facility planning and design, and are ready to begin construction may be considered for funding. Projects shall be awarded points in addition to the basic priority rating based on the readiness to proceed to construction in accordance with the Table D.1 of this Section.

Table D.1.



Project has completed facility planning and planning documents have been approved


The plan and design for the project has been completed, and the specifications have been approved


6. Assistance may be offered in several phases to large projects upon request by the authorized project representative. Assistance is based on a comparison of project cost and funds available, or other factors that may require delayed funding for portions of a project. Each phase of a project shall be listed separately on the CWSRF priority list. All phases shall have the same basic priority rating, but each phase will have its own points awarded based on readiness to proceed.
7. The CWSRF priority list shall include all projects that have requested funding assistance, ranked in priority order, regardless of the amount of funds available. The priority list shall be used for the later preparation of the CWSRF intended use plan.
8. Projects on the CWSRF priority list shall be selected to receive funds from the amount expected to be available in accordance with Paragraph E.2 of this Section, less any reserves established in accordance with Subsection F of this Section.
9. The department shall provide public notice of the CWSRF priority list by publishing the availability of the list in the official state journal and by placing the notice on the DEQ website. The public shall have 30 days from the publication date of the notice to provide written comments to the department. After the end of the 30 day comment period, the department shall hold a public hearing on the CWSRF priority list. The department shall consider all comments received and make any changes deemed necessary. Afterwards, the department shall submit the CWSRF priority list to the EPA.
10. Any project or project phase shall be removed from the CWSRF priority list once funding for the project or project phase has been provided through the CWSRF. The project or project phase shall be removed after it been constructed using another source of funds.
11. Any project request without written communication with the department and no presentation of progress toward prerequisites to funding for a period of five years shall be deemed to be an inactive project and may be removed from the CWSRF priority list. Prior to removal of an inactive project from the CWSRF priority list, the department shall contact the project representative in writing to inform him/her of the impending removal.
12. The CWSRF priority list is divided into the fundable portion and the future funding portion. The fundable portion includes those projects expected to be awarded assistance during the fiscal year in which the list was prepared. The future funding portion includes those projects expected to receive funding in future fiscal years.
13. A project may be moved from the fundable portion to the future funding portion of the list, if the department determines that the project will not be ready to proceed during the funding year. The department shall contact the project representative in writing to advise him/her of the impending decision to move the project to the future funding list. The applicant shall have 30 days to present updated information to avoid being moved to the future funding list.
14. Projects from the future funding portion of the list that have completed the priority list public participation requirements may advance to the fundable portion of the list if program funding allows, or if additional funds are available. Individual projects shall advance in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph D.8 of this Section, until the available federal funding is consumed if additional funds are available.
15. If the actual amount available during the year is less than the projected amount expected to be available in accordance with Paragraph E.2 of this Section, and it is not possible to fund all projects on the fundable portion of the priority list, then those projects selected last for inclusion on the priority list will be moved from the fundable portion of the list to the future funding portion until the remaining projects can be funded with the available funds.
16. If granting the additional funds would result in insufficient funds for the remaining projects on the fundable portion, the additional funds shall not be granted. The project contact may request that additional funds be added to the future funding portion of the project.
E. Intended Use Plan (IUP)
1. An is prepared for each state fiscal year (SFY), and it details the intended use of amounts expected to be available to the CWSRF during the SFY. These intended uses shall include loans for projects and other allowable uses of the fund. This includes, but is not limited to, repayment of bonds as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105 issued by the fund, loan guarantees, insurance for local obligations, and payment of allowable costs of administering the fund. The priority list from Subsection D of this Section is an integral component of the IUP.
2. On July 1 of each year the administrative authority as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105, or his/her designee, shall determine the loan amount expected to be available for projects in the current SFY.
3. Of the amount expected to be available in accordance with Paragraph E.2 of this Section, certain amounts shall be reserved in accordance with Subsection F of this Section.
4. Projects shall be included on the current CWSRF priority list that have met public participation requirements and have been submitted to the EPA in order to be selected for the IUP. Projects on the proposed CWSRF priority list may be selected for the proposed IUP, provided that both the proposed priority list and IUP meet public participation requirements and are accepted by the EPA.
5. The department shall provide a CWSRF IUP public notice by publishing it in the official state journal and by placing the notice on the DEQ website. The public shall have 10 business days from the publication of the notice to provide written comments to the department. After the end of the 10 business-day comment period, the department may hold a public hearing on the CWSRF IUP. The department shall consider all comments received and make any changes deemed necessary.
6. The CWSRF IUP shall be submitted to the EPA for review and approval after the public comment period has expired.
F. Reserves Related to the IUP
1. Reserves for State Management Assistance
a. The state may set aside a portion of the total funds available during each SFY for use by the department in fulfilling its obligations to manage the CWSRF program.
b. The reserve shall be limited to the amount authorized by federal law as a percentage of each federal capitalization grant.
2. Reserve for Loans for Facilities Planning and Design
a. The state may set aside a portion of the total funds available during the SFY for loans to applicants for facilities planning and design.
b. The reserve is limited to applicants who meet all of the following conditions.
i. The construction portion of the project shall appear within the five year planning portion of the IUP.
ii. The loan shall be used to perform facility planning or design work that has not been previously funded.
iii. The applicant certifies that it does not have the financial capability to complete facility planning and design work without financial assistance.
c. The reserve shall be implemented only to the extent that the department deems necessary to provide assistance to applicants who are unable to complete facilities planning and design work without assistance. Applicants are expected to receive assistance for construction when facility planning and design work are completed. This reserve shall not exceed 10 percent of the funds available, in accordance with Paragraph E.2 of this Section.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § IX-2123

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Water Resources, LR 17:342 (December 1987), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2551 (November 2000), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 31:2508 (October 2005), LR 33:2164 (October 2007), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 40:771 (April 2014).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2011(D)(1).