La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § III-2147

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section III-2147 - Limiting VOC Emissions from SOCMI Reactor Processes and Distillation Operations
A. Applicability
1. The provisions of this Subchapter apply to any vent stream discharging to the atmosphere and originating from a process unit in which a reactor process or distillation operation is located. This Subchapter shall apply to all vents located at facilities that emit, or have the potential to emit, 25 tons per year (TPY) or more of volatile organic compounds (VOC), plantwide, in the affected parishes of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, and West Baton Rouge, or 50 TPY or more of VOC in the parishes of Calcasieu and Pointe Coupee. Once an operation is considered to be covered by this Subchapter, it shall be so considered ad infinitum. A decision tree is provided (Figure 1) to facilitate determination of applicability to this Subchapter on a per vent basis. The total resource effectiveness (TRE) index value may be applied on an individual process vent stream basis for a given process unit. Compliance with this rule shall be attained within a period of two years after promulgation. A facility that has become subject to this regulation as a result of a revision of the regulation shall comply with the requirements of this Section as soon as practicable, but in no event later than one year from the promulgation of the regulation revision. Any emission source that is subject to this rule and to the Waste Gas Disposal Rule (LAC 33:III.2115) shall comply with this rule only. This rule shall apply only to Standard Industrial Major Code 28.
2. Exemptions from the provisions of this Subchapter are as follows:
a. any reactor process or distillation vent stream for which an existing combustion device is employed to control volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions is not required to meet the 98 percent destruction or 20 parts per million (ppm) by volume emissions limit until the combustion device is replaced for other reasons;
b. any reactor process or distillation operation that is designed and operated in a batch mode is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter;
c. any reactor process or distillation operation that is part of a polymer manufacturing operation is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter;
d. any reactor process or distillation operation operating in a process unit with a total design capacity of less than 1 gigagrams per year for all chemicals produced within that unit is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter except for the reporting and recordkeeping requirements listed in Paragraph F.4 of this Section;
e. any vent stream for a reactor process or distillation operation with a flow rate of less than 0.011 standard cubic meters per minute or a total VOC concentration of less than 500 ppm by volume is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter except for the performance testing requirements listed in Subparagraph D.3.b and Paragraph D.9 of this Section and the reporting and recordkeeping requirements listed in Paragraph F.3 of this Section;
f. any reactor process or distillation operation which does not use, contain or produce VOCs is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter; and
g. any reactor process or distillation operation that is subject to the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON), the NSPS of Subchapter NNN for distillation operations or the NSPS of Subchapter RRR for reactor processes is not subject to the provisions of this Subchapter.
B. Definitions. Unless specifically defined in LAC 33:III.111, the terms in this Subchapter shall have the meanings commonly used in the field of air pollution control. Additionally, the following meanings apply, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

Batch Mode- a discontinuous process involving the bulk movement of material through sequential manufacturing steps. Mass, temperature, concentration and other properties of the system vary with time. Batch processes are typically characterized as "nonsteady-state."

Boiler- any enclosed combustion device that extracts useful energy in the form of steam.

By Compound- by individual stream components, not carbon equivalents.

Continuous Recorder- a data recording device that either records an instantaneous data value at least once every 15 minutes or records 15-minute or more frequent block average values.

Distillation Operation- an operation separating one or more feed streams into two or more exit streams, each exit stream having component concentrations different from those in the feed stream(s). The separation is achieved by the redistribution of the components between the liquid and vapor phases as they approach equilibrium within the distillation unit.

Distillation Unit- a device or vessel in which distillation operations occur, including all associated internals (such as trays or packing) and accessories (such as reboiler, condenser, vacuum pump, steam jet, etc.), plus any associated recovery system.

Flame Zone- the portion of the combustion chamber in a boiler occupied by the flame envelope.

Flow Indicator- a device that indicates whether gas flow is present in a vent stream.

Halogenated Vent Stream- any vent stream containing a total concentration of halogen atoms (by volume) contained in halogenated organic compounds of 200 ppm by volume or greater determined by using Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) or other test or validated data by the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Method 301 of 40 CFR Part 63, Appendix A, or by engineering assessment or process knowledge that no halogenated organic compounds are present. For example, 150 ppm by volume of ethylene dichloride would contain 300 ppm by volume of total halogen atoms.

Incinerator- any enclosed combustion device that is used for destroying organic compounds. Auxiliary fuel may be used to heat waste gas to combustion temperatures. Any energy recovery section present is not physically formed into one section; rather, the energy recovery system is a separate section following the combustion section and the two are joined by ducting or connections that carry flue gas.

Primary Fuel- the fuel that provides the principal heat input to the device. To be considered primary, the fuel must be able to sustain operation without the addition of other fuels.

Process Heater- a device that transfers heat liberated by burning fuel to fluids contained in tubes, including all fluids except water that is heated to produce steam.

Process Unit- equipment assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to produce, as intermediates or final products, one or more synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry (SOCMI) chemicals (see LAC 33:III.2199.Appendix A). A process unit can operate independently if supplied with sufficient feed or raw materials and sufficient storage facilities.

Product- any compound or SOCMI chemical that is produced as that chemical for sale as a product, by-product, co-product or intermediate or for use in the production of other chemicals or compounds.

Reactor Processes- unit operations in which one or more chemicals or reactants other than air are combined or decomposed in such a way that their molecular structures are altered and one or more new organic compounds are formed.

Recovery Device- an individual unit of equipment, such as an absorber, carbon adsorber, or condenser, capable of and used for the purpose of recovering chemicals for subsequent use, reuse, destruction, disposal by underground injection, or sale.

Recovery System- an individual recovery device or series of such devices applied to one vent stream.

Total Organic Compounds (TOC)- those compounds measured according to the procedures of Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), for the purpose of measuring molar composition as required in Subparagraph D.5.b of this Section, hourly emission rate as required in Paragraph D.2 and Subparagraph D.5.d of this Section, and TOC concentration as required in Subparagraph F.1.d and Paragraph F.2 of this Section. The definition of TOC excludes those compounds that the administrative authority* designates as having negligible photochemical reactivity as listed in 40 CFR 51.100(s).

Total Resource Effectiveness (TRE) Index Value- a measure of the supplemental total resource requirement per unit reduction of TOC associated with a process vent stream, based on vent stream flow rate, emission rate of VOC, net heating value, and corrosion properties (whether or not the vent stream contains halogenated compounds) as quantified by the given equations. The TRE index is a decision tool used to determine if the annual cost of controlling a given vent stream is acceptable when considering the emissions reduction achieved.

Vent Stream- any gas stream discharged directly from a distillation operation or reactor process to the atmosphere or indirectly to the atmosphere after diversion through other process equipment. The vent stream excludes relief valve discharges, equipment leaks including, but not limited to, pumps, compressors, and valves, vents from storage vessels, vents from transfer/loading operations, and vents from wastewater. The vent stream also excludes process gaseous streams that are used as primary fuels. The lines that transfer such fuels to a plant fuel gas system are not considered vents.

Volatile Organic Compound Control Device- any equipment used for oxidizing or destroying VOCs. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, incinerators, flares, boilers, and process heaters.

C. Control Requirements
1. For individual vent streams from an affected reactor process or distillation operation with a TRE index value less than or equal to 1.0, the owner or operator shall:
a. reduce emission of TOC (less methane and ethane) by 98 weight-percent or to a concentration of 20 ppm by volume, on a dry basis corrected to three percent oxygen, whichever is less stringent by means of a VOC recovery and/or control device, if such a control device is necessary. If a boiler or process heater is used to comply with this Section, then the vent stream shall be introduced into the flame zone of the boiler or process heater; or
b. combust emissions in a flare. Flares used to comply with this Section shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 60.18. The flare operation requirement does not apply if a process vents an emergency relief discharge into a common flare header and causes the flare servicing the process to be out of compliance with one or more of the provisions of the flare operation rule.
2. For each individual vent stream from an affected reactor process or distillation operation with a TRE index value greater than 1.0, the owner or operator shall maintain vent stream parameters that result in a calculated TRE index value greater than 1.0 without the use of a volatile organic compound control device and with or without the use of one or more recovery devices. The TRE index shall be calculated at the outlet of the final recovery device, if any, as specified in Clause D.5.a.i of this Section except if an affected vent stream is mixed with an unaffected vent stream prior to the final recovery device as specified in Paragraph D.5 of this Section. If it can be demonstrated that a TRE index value is greater than 1.0 prior to the use of a recovery device, then such recovery device is not subject to the requirements of this Subchapter.
D. Total Effectiveness Determination, Performance Testing, and Exemption Testing
1. For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the TRE index value in Paragraph C.2 of this Section, engineering assessment may be used to determine process vent stream flow rate, net heating value, and TOC emission rate for the representative operating condition expected to yield the lowest TRE index value.
a. If the TRE value calculated using such engineering assessment and the TRE equation in Paragraph D.6 of this Section is greater than 4.0, then it is not required that the owner or operator perform the measures specified in Paragraph D.5, the monitoring requirements in Subsection E, or the reporting/record keeping requirements of Paragraph F.1 of this Section. If a subsequent process change effects a reduction in the TRE index value to 4.0 or less, the owner or operator is immediately subject to all requirements of this Section that are applicable to a recalculated TRE value of 4.0 or less.
b. If the TRE value calculated using such engineering assessment and the TRE equation in Paragraph D.6 of this Section is less than or equal to 4.0, then it is required that the owner or operator perform the measurements specified in Paragraph D.5 of this Section.
c. Engineering assessment includes, but is not limited to, the following:
i. previous test results that proved the test was representative of current operating practices at the process unit;
ii. bench-scale or pilot-scale test data representative of the process under representative operating conditions;
iii. maximum flow rate specified or implied within a permit limit applicable to the process vent;
iv. design analysis based on accepted chemical engineering principles, measured process parameters, or physical or chemical laws or properties. Examples for analytical methods include, but are not limited to:
(a). use of material balances based on process stoichiometry to estimate maximum VOC concentrations;
(b). estimation of maximum flow rate based on physical equipment design such as pump or blower capacities;
(c). estimation of TOC concentrations based on saturation conditions; or
(d). estimation of maximum expected net heating value based on the stream concentration of each organic compound or, alternatively, as if all TOC in the stream were the compound with the highest heating value; and
v. documentation of all data, assumptions, and procedures used in the engineering assessment.
2. For purposes of demonstrating compliance with the control requirements of this Subchapter, the process unit shall be run at representative operating conditions and flow rates during any performance test.
3. The following methods in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:III.Chapter 30, shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the emission limit or percent reduction efficiency requirement listed in Subparagraph C.1.a of this Section.
a. Method 1 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) or Method 1A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), as appropriate, shall be used for selection of the sampling sites. The control device inlet sampling site for determination of vent stream molar composition or TOC (less methane and ethane) reduction efficiency shall be located after the last recovery device but prior to the inlet of the control device, prior to any dilution of the process vent stream, and prior to release to the atmosphere.
b. Method 2 ( 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), Method 2A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), Method 2C (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), or Method 2D (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), as appropriate, shall be used for determination of the gas stream volumetric flow rate.
c. The emission rate correction factor, integrated sampling and analysis procedure of Method 3 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to determine the oxygen concentration (%O2d) for the purpose of determining compliance with the 20 ppm by volume limit. The sampling site shall be the same as that for the TOC samples, and samples shall be taken during the same time that the TOC samples are taken. The TOC concentration corrected to 3 percent oxygen (Cc) shall be computed using the following equation.

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Cc = concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) corrected to 3 percent O2, dry basis, ppm by volume

CTOC = concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, ppm by volume

% O2d = concentration of oxygen, dry basis, percent by volume

d. Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to determine the concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) at the outlet of the control device when determining compliance with the 20 ppm by volume limit, or at both the control device inlet and outlet when the reduction efficiency of the control device is to be determined.
i. The minimum sampling time for each run shall be one hour in which either an integrated sample or four grab samples shall be taken. If grab sampling is used then the samples shall be taken at 15-minute intervals.
ii. The emission reduction (R) of TOC (minus methane and ethane) shall be determined using the following equation.

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R = emission reduction, percent by weight

Ei = mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) entering the control device, kilogram TOC per hour

Eo = mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) discharged to the atmosphere, kilogram TOC per hour

iii. The mass rates of TOC (Ei, Eo) shall be computed using the following equations.

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Cij, Coj = concentration of sample component "j" of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, ppm by volume

Mij, Moj = molecular weight of sample component "j" of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, grams per gram-mole

Qi, Qo = flow rate of gas at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry standard cubic meters per minute

K2 = 2.494 x 10-6 (liters per minute)(gram-mole per standard cubic meter) is 20°C

iv. The TOC concentration (CTOC) is the sum of the individual components and shall be computed for each run using the following equation.

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CTOC = concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, ppm by volume

Cj = concentration of sample component "j", dry basis, ppm by volume

n = number of components in the sample

e. When a boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of 44 megawatts or greater, or a boiler or process heater into which the process stream is introduced with the primary fuel, is used to comply with the control requirements, an initial performance test is not required.
4. When a flare is used to comply with the control requirements of this Subchapter, the flare shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 60.18, as incorporated by reference in LAC 33:III.Chapter 30.
5. The following test methods shall be used to determine compliance with the TRE index value in Paragraph C.2 of this Section.
a. Method 1 ( 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) or Method 1A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), as appropriate, shall be used for selection of the sampling site.
i. The sampling site for the vent stream molar composition determination and flow rate prescribed in Subparagraphs D.5.b and c of this Section shall be, except for the situations outlined in Clause D.5.a.ii of this Section, after the final recovery device, if a recovery system is present, prior to any post-reactor or post-distillation unit introduction of halogenated compounds into the process vent stream. No traverse site selection method is needed for vents smaller than 10 centimeters in diameter.
ii. If any gas stream other than the reactor or distillation vent stream is normally conducted through the final recovery device:
(a). the sampling site for the vent stream flow rate and molar composition shall be prior to the final recovery device and prior to the point at which any nonreactor or nondistillation stream or stream from a nonaffected reactor or distillation unit is introduced. Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to measure organic compound concentrations at this site;
(b). the efficiency of the final recovery device is determined by measuring the organic compound concentrations using Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) at the inlet to the final recovery device after the introduction of all vent streams and at the outlet of the final recovery device;
(c). the efficiency of the final recovery device according to Subclause D.5.a.ii.(b) of this Section shall be applied to the organic compound concentrations measured according to Subclause D.5.a.ii.(a) of this Section to determine the concentrations of organic compounds from the final recovery device attributable to the reactor or distillation vent stream. The resulting organic compound concentrations are then used to perform the calculations outlined in Subparagraph D.5.d of this Section.
b. The molar composition of the vent stream shall be determined as follows.
i. Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to measure the concentration of organic compounds including those containing halogens.
ii. ASTM D1946-77 shall be used to measure the concentration of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
iii. Method 4 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to measure the content of water vapor.
c. The volumetric flow rate shall be determined using Method 2, Method 2A, Method 2C or Method 2D of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003, as appropriate.
d. The emission rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) (ETOC) in the vent stream shall be calculated using the following equation.

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ETOC = emission rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) in the sample, kilograms per hour

K2 = constant, 2.494 x 10-6 (liters per ppm) x (gram-moles per standard cubic meter [scm]) (kilograms per gram) (minutes per hour), where standard temperature for (gram-mole per scm) x (gram-mole per scm) is 20°C

Cj = concentration of sample component "j", on a dry basis, in ppm as measured by Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003), as indicated in Subparagraph D.3.d of this Section

Mj = molecular weight of sample component "j", grams per gram-mole

Qs = vent stream flow rate (scm per minute) at a temperature of 20°C, on a dry basis

e. The total process vent stream concentration (by volume) of compounds containing halogens (ppm by volume, by compound) shall be summed from the individual concentrations of compounds containing halogens which were measured by Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003).
f. The net heating value of the vent stream shall be calculated using the equation.

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HT = net heating value of the sample (megajoules per standard cubic meter), where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 millimeters of mercury, but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to one mole is 20°C, as in the definition of Qs (vent stream flow rate)

K1 = constant, 1.740 x 10-7 (ppm)-1 (gram-mole per standard cubic meter), (megajoules per kilocalorie), where standard temperature for (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) is 20°C

Bws = water vapor content of the vent stream, proportion by volume; except that if the vent stream passes through a final stream jet and is not condensed, it shall be assumed that Bws = 0.023 in order to correct 2.3 percent moisture

Cj = concentration on a dry basis of sample component "j" in parts per million, as measured for all organic compounds by Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) and measured for hydrogen and carbon monoxide by ASTM D1946-77

Hj = net heat of combustion of sample component "j", kilocalories per gram-mole, based on combustion at 25°C and 760 millimeters of mercury. The heats of combustion of vent stream components shall be determined using ASTM D2382-76 if published values are not available or cannot be calculated.

6. The TRE index value of the vent shall be calculated using the following equation.

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TRE = TRE index value

ETOC = hourly emission rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane), kilograms per hour, as calculated in Subparagraph D.5.d of this Section

Qs = vent stream flow rate standard cubic meters per minute at a standard temperature of 20°C

HT = vent stream net heating value (megajoules per standard cubic meter), as calculated in Subparagraph D.5.f of this Section

a, b, c, d = coefficients presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Type of Stream

Control Device Basis

Values of Coefficient











Thermal incinerator 0 percent heat recovery





Thermal incinerator 70 percent heat recovery






Thermal incinerator and scrubber





a. The owner or operator of a unit with a nonhalogenated vent stream shall use the applicable coefficients in Table 1 to calculate the TRE index value based on a flare, thermal incinerator with 0 percent heat recovery, and a thermal incinerator with 70 percent heat recovery, and shall select the lowest TRE index value.
b. The owner or operator of a unit with a halogenated vent stream, determined as any stream with a total concentration of halogen atoms contained in organic compounds of 200 ppm by volume or greater, shall use the applicable coefficients in Table 1 to calculate the TRE index value based on a thermal incinerator and scrubber.
7. Each owner or operator of a vent stream subject to Paragraph C.2 of this Section shall recalculate the flow rate, TOC concentration, and TRE index value for that vent stream within two weeks of any process change that could effect a change in one or more of these vent stream parameters. The recalculations must be made using the methods and procedures contained in this Subsection. Examples of process changes include, but are not limited to, changes in production capacity, feedstock type, or catalyst type or replacement, removal, or addition of recovery equipment.
8. Where a TRE index value, recalculated as required in Paragraph D.7 of this Section, yields a value less than or equal to 1.0, the owner or operator shall, within one week of the recalculation, notify the administrative authority* of the process change and the results of the recalculation and shall conduct a performance test, as provided in Subparagraph D.1.b and Paragraph D.5 of this Section, as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after the recalculation. If the recalculated TRE index value is verified by the performance test to be less than or equal to 1.0, the owner or operator is immediately subject to all requirements of this Section that are applicable to a recalculated TRE value of 1.0 or less.
9. Procedures contained in Subparagraphs D.9.a-e of this Section shall be used to demonstrate that a process vent stream has a VOC concentration below 500 ppm by volume.
a. The sampling site shall be selected as specified in Subparagraph D.3.a of this Section.
b. Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) or Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used to measure concentration; alternatively, any other method or data that has been validated according to the protocol in EPA Method 301 of 40 CFR Part 63, Appendix A may be used.
c. Where Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) is used, the following procedures shall be used to calculate parts per million by volume concentration.
i. The minimum sampling time for each run shall be one hour in which either an integrated sample or four grab samples shall be taken. If grab sampling is used, then the samples shall be taken at approximately equal intervals in time, such as 15-minute intervals during the run.
ii. The concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) shall be calculated using Method 18 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) according to Subparagraph D.3.d of this Section.
d. Where Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) is used, the following procedures shall be used to calculate parts per million by volume TOC concentration.
i. Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be used only if a single VOC is greater than 50 percent of total VOC, by volume, in the process vent stream.
ii. The process vent stream composition may be determined by either process knowledge, test data collected using an appropriate method previously promulgated, or a method of data collection validated according to the protocol in EPA Method 301 of 40 CFR Part 63, Appendix A. Examples of information that could constitute process knowledge include calculations based on material balances, process stoichiometry, or previous test results provided the results are still relevant to the current process vent stream conditions.
iii. The VOC used as the calibration gas for Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be the single VOC present at greater than 50 percent of the total VOC by volume.
iv. The span value for Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) shall be 50 ppm by volume.
v. Use of Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) is acceptable if the response from the high level calibration gas is at least 20 times the standard deviation of the response from the zero calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive scale.
vi. The concentration of TOC shall be corrected to 3 percent oxygen using the procedures and equation in Subparagraph D.3.c of this Section.
e. The owner or operator shall demonstrate that the concentration of TOC including methane and ethane measured by Method 25A (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) is below 250 ppm by volume with VOC concentration below 500 ppm by volume to qualify for the low concentration exclusion.
E. Monitoring Requirements
1. The owner or operator of an affected facility that uses an incinerator to seek to comply with the TOC emission limit specified under Subparagraph C.1.a of this Section shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to manufacturer's specifications, a temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder having an accuracy of +-0.5°C, or alternatively +-1 percent, as follows.
a. Where an incinerator other than a catalytic incinerator is used, a temperature monitoring device shall be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange is encountered.
b. Where a catalytic incinerator is used, temperature monitoring devices shall be installed in the gas stream immediately before and after the catalyst bed.
2. The owner or operator of an affected facility that uses a flare to seek to comply with Subparagraph C.1.b of this Section shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to manufacturer's specifications, a heat-sensing device, such as an ultraviolet beam sensor or thermocouple, at the pilot light to indicate the continuous presence of a flame.
3. The owner or operator of an affected facility that uses a boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity less than 44 megawatts to seek to comply with Subparagraph C.1.b of this Section shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to the manufacturer's specifications, a temperature monitoring device in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange is encountered. The monitoring device should be equipped with a continuous recorder and have an accuracy of +-1 percent of the temperature being measured expressed in degrees Celsius or +-0.5°C, whichever is greater. Any boiler or process heater in which all vent streams are introduced with primary fuel is exempt from this requirement.
4. The owner or operator of an affected facility that seeks to demonstrate compliance with the TRE index limit specified under Paragraph C.2 of this Section shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to manufacturer's specifications the following equipment:
a. where an absorber is the final recovery device in the recovery system:
i. a scrubbing liquid temperature monitor equipped with a continuous recorder; and
ii. a specific gravity monitor equipped with continuous recorders;
b. where a condenser is the final recovery device in the recovery system, a condenser exit (product side) temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder and having an accuracy of +-1 percent of the temperature being monitored expressed in degrees Celsius or +-0.5°C, whichever is greater;
c. where a carbon adsorber is the final recovery device unit in the recovery system, an integrating regeneration stream flow monitoring device having an accuracy of +-10 percent, capable of recording the total regeneration stream mass flow for each regeneration cycle, and a carbon bed temperature monitoring device having an accuracy of +-1 percent of the temperature being monitored, or +-0.5°C, capable of recording the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration and within 25 minutes of completing any cooling cycle;
d. where a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit is the final recovery device in the recovery system, instead of Subparagraph E.4.c of this Section the temperature of the bed near the inlet and near the outlet shall be continuously monitored and recorded. The temperature monitoring devices shall have an accuracy of +-1 percent of the temperature being measured or +-0.5°C. Proper operation shall be evidenced by a uniform pattern of temperature increases and decreases near the inlet and a fairly constant temperature near the outlet;
e. where an absorber scrubs halogenated streams after an incinerator, boiler, or process heater, the following monitoring equipment is required for the scrubber:
i. a pH monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder; and
ii. flow meters equipped with continuous recorders to be located at the scrubber influent for liquid flow and the scrubber inlet for gas stream flow;
f. as noted in Clause F.1.d.iv of this Section an organics monitoring device may be used as an alternative method.
5. The owner or operator of a process vent using a vent system that contains bypass lines (other than low leg drains, high point bleeds, analyzer vents open-ended valves or lines and pressure relief valves) that could divert a vent stream away from the combustion device used shall either:
a. install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a flow indicator/recorder that provides a record of vent stream flow at least once every 15 minutes. The flow indicator shall be installed at the entrance to any bypass line that diverts the vent stream away from the combustion device to the atmosphere; or
b. secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a car-seal or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of the seal or closure mechanism shall be performed at least once per month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position and the vent stream is not diverted through the bypass line.
F. Reporting/Recordkeeping Requirements
1. Each reactor process or distillation operation subject to this Subchapter shall keep records of the following parameters measured during a performance test or TRE determination required under Subsection D of this Section and required to be monitored under Subsection E of this Section:
a. where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this Subchapter seeks to demonstrate compliance with Subparagraph C.1.a of this Section through the use of either a thermal or catalytic incinerator:
i. the average firebox temperature of the incinerator (or the average temperature upstream and downstream of the catalyst bed for a catalytic incinerator), measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same period as the performance testing; and
ii. the percent reduction of TOC determined as specified in Paragraph D.3 of this Section achieved by the incinerator or concentration of TOC (parts per million by volume, by compound) determined as specified in Paragraph D.3 of this Section at the outlet of the control device on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen;
b. where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this Subchapter seeks to demonstrate compliance with Subparagraph C.1.a of this Section through the use of a boiler or process heater:
i. a description of the location at which the vent stream is introduced into the boiler or process heater; and
ii. the average combustion temperature of the boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of less than 44 megawatts measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same time period as the performance testing;
iii. any boiler or process heater in which all vent streams are introduced with primary fuel are exempt from these requirements;
c. where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this Subchapter seeks to demonstrate compliance with Subparagraph C.1.b of this Section through use of a smokeless flare, flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or nonassisted), all visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the performance test; continuous flare pilot flame monitoring, and all periods of operation during which the pilot flame is absent;
d. where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this Subchapter seeks to demonstrate compliance with Paragraph C.2 of this Section:
i. where an absorber is the final recovery device in the recovery system, the exit specific gravity (or alternative parameter which is a measure of the degree of absorbing liquid saturation, if approved by the administrative authority*) and average exit temperature of the absorbing liquid measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same time period as the performance testing (both measured while the vent stream is normally routed and constituted); or
ii. where a condenser is the final recovery device in the recovery system, the average exit (product side) temperature measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same time period as the performance testing while the vent stream is routed and constituted normally; or
iii. where a carbon adsorber is the final recovery device in the recovery system, the total stream mass or volumetric flow measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same time period as the performance test (full carbon bed cycle), temperature of the carbon bed after regeneration and within 15 minutes of completion of any cooling cycle(s), and duration of the carbon bed steaming cycle (all measured while the vent stream is routed and constituted normally); or
iv. as an alternative to Clause F.1.d.i, ii, or iii of this Section, the concentration level or reading indicated by the organics monitoring device at the outlet of the absorber, condenser, or carbon adsorber, measured at least every 15 minutes and averaged over the same time period as the performance testing while the vent stream is normally routed and constituted; and
v. all measurements and calculations performed to determine the flow rate, volatile organic compound concentration, heating value, and TRE index value of the vent stream;
vi. where a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit is the final recovery device in the recovery system, the temperature of the bed near the inlet and near the outlet shall be continuously monitored and recorded. The temperature monitoring devices shall have an accuracy of +-0.5°C. Proper operation shall be evidenced by a uniform pattern of temperature increases and decreases near the inlet and a fairly constant temperature near the outlet.
2. Each reactor process or distillation operation seeking to comply with Paragraph C.2 of this Section shall also keep records of the following information:
a. any changes in production capacity, feedstock type, or catalyst type or of any replacement, removal, and addition of recovery equipment or reactors and distillation units;
b. any recalculation of the flow rate, TOC concentration or TRE value performed according to Paragraph D.7 of this Section.
3. Each reactor process or distillation operation seeking to comply with the flow rate or concentration exemption level in Subparagraph A.2.e of this Section shall keep records to indicate that the stream flow is less than 0.011 standard cubic meters per minute or the concentration is less than 500 ppm by volume.
4. Each reactor process or distillation operation seeking to comply with the production capacity exemption level in Subparagraph A.2.d of this Section of less than one gigagrams per year shall keep records of the design production capacity or any changes in equipment or process affected process unit. operation that may affect design production capacity of the affected process unit.

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La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § III-2147

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Air Quality and Radiation Protection, Air Quality Division, LR 21:380 (April 1995), amended LR 22:1212 (December 1996), LR 23:1508, 1510 (November 1997), LR 23:1679 (December 1997), LR 24:1286 (July 1998), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 30:746 (April 2004), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 34:71 (January 2008).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2054.