Air Emission Data- any information necessary or used to determine or calculate the identity, amount, frequency, concentration, or other characteristic of any emission or discharge that has been emitted or discharged by a source; or any information necessary or used to determine or calculate the identity, amount, frequency, concentration, or other characteristic of an emission that, under an applicable standard or limitation, a source was authorized to emit or discharge, including, to the extent necessary to identify the source and to distinguish it from other sources, a description of the device, installation, or operation constituting the source. This includes the calculation of an "allowable" emission limit for a permit.
Complete- in reference to a request for confidentiality of information or records, the request contains everything necessary for a determination to be made. Designating a request complete does not preclude the department from requesting or accepting an amended request.
Financial Request- a single character request that contains financial information or records only. This includes, but is not limited to, financial accounts statements, gross revenues statements, profit and loss statements, projected revenues statements, tax returns, financial/accounting statements, and financial audit documentation/reports.
Mixed Character Record- a record submitted as part of a request for confidentiality that, in addition to information that meets the criteria for confidentiality specified by law, also contains information that either does not meet the criteria for confidentiality specified by law or is prohibited by law or regulation from being classified as confidential.
Mixed Character Request- a request for confidentiality that contains one or more mixed character records.
Single Character Request- a request for confidentiality that contains only information or records that meet the criteria for confidentiality specified by law.
La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § I-502