La. Admin. Code tit. 32 § I-321

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section I-321 - COBRA
A. Employees
1. Coverage under OGB for an enrollee will terminate on the last day of the calendar month during which employment is terminated (voluntarily or involuntarily) or significantly reduced, the enrollee no longer meets the definition of an employee, or coverage under a leave of absence has expired, unless the enrollee elects to continue coverage at the enrollee's own expense. Employees terminated for gross misconduct are not eligible for COBRA coverage.
2. It is the responsibility of the participating employer to notify OGB within 30 days of the date coverage would have terminated because of any of the foregoing events, and OGB will notify the enrollee within 14 days of his/her right to continue coverage.
3. Application for continued coverage shall be made in writing to OGB within 60 days of the date of the election notification and premium payment shall be made within 45 days of the date the employee elects continued coverage, for coverage retroactive to the date coverage would have otherwise terminated. After the first payment, monthly payments for COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
4. Coverage under this section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 18 months from the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
5. If employment for a covered employee is terminated (voluntarily or involuntarily) or significantly reduced, the enrollee no longer meets the definition of an employee, or a leave of absence has expired, and the employee has not elected to continue coverage, the covered dependents may elect to continue coverage at his/her/their own expense. The elected coverage will be subject to the above-stated notification and termination provisions.
B. Surviving Dependents
1. Coverage under an OGB plan for covered surviving dependents will terminate on the last day of the month in which the enrollee's death occurs, unless the surviving covered dependents elect to continue coverage at their own expense.
2. It is the responsibility of the participating employer or surviving covered dependents to notify OGB within 30 days of the death of the enrollee. OGB will notify the surviving dependents of their right to continue coverage. Application for continued coverage shall be made in writing to OGB within 60 days of the date of the election notification.
3. Premium payment shall be made within 45 days of the date the continued coverage was elected, retroactive to the date coverage would have terminated. After the first payment for COBRA coverage, monthly payments for each subsequent month of COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
4. Coverage for the surviving dependents under this section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 36 months beyond the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
C. Divorced Spouse
1. Coverage under OGB for an enrollee's spouse will terminate on the last day of the month during which dissolution of the marriage occurs by virtue of a legal decree of divorce from the enrollee, unless the covered divorced spouse elects to continue coverage at his/her own expense.
2. It is the responsibility of the divorced spouse to notify OGB within 60 days from the date of divorce and OGB will notify the divorced spouse within 14 days of his/her right to continue coverage. Application for continued coverage shall be made in writing to OGB within 60 days of the election notification.
3. Premium payment shall be made within 45 days of the date continued coverage is elected, for coverage retroactive to the date coverage would have otherwise terminated. After the first payment for COBRA coverage, monthly payments for each subsequent month of COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
4. Coverage for the divorced spouse under this Section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 36 months beyond the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
D. Dependent Children
1. Coverage under an OGB plan for a covered dependent child of an enrollee will terminate on the last day of the month during which the dependent child no longer meets the definition of an eligible covered dependent, unless the dependent elects to continue coverage at his/her own expense.
2. It is the responsibility of the dependent to notify OGB within 60 days of the date coverage would have terminated and OGB will notify the dependent within 14 days of his/her right to continue coverage. Application for continued coverage shall be made in writing to OGB within 60 days of receipt of the election notification.
3. Premium payment shall be made within 45 days of the date the continued coverage is elected, for coverage retroactive to the date coverage would have otherwise terminated. After the first payment for COBRA coverage, monthly payments for each subsequent month of COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
4. Coverage for children under this section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 36 months beyond the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
E. Dependents of COBRA Participants
1. If a covered terminated employee has elected to continue coverage for him/herself and covered dependents, and the enrollee dies, divorces his/her spouse, or the covered dependent child no longer meets the definition of an eligible dependent during the COBRA coverage period, then the dependents may elect to continue COBRA coverage. Coverage will not be continued beyond 36 months from the employee terminated.
2. It is the responsibility of the spouse and/or the dependent child to notify OGB within 60 days of the date COBRA coverage would have terminated.
3. Monthly payments for each month of COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
4. Coverage for children under this section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 36 months beyond the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
F. Disability COBRA
1. If a plan participant is determined by the Social Security Administration or by OGB (in the case of a person who is ineligible for Social Security disability benefits due to insufficient "quarters" of employment), to have been totally disabled on the date the plan participant became eligible for continued coverage or within the initial 18 months of coverage, coverage under an OGB plan for the plan participant who is totally disabled may be extended at his/her own expense up to a maximum of 29 months from the date the plan participant first became eligible for COBRA coverage.
2. To qualify, the plan participant shall:
a. submit a copy of his/her Social Security Administration's disability determination to OGB before the initial 18-month continued coverage period expires and within 60 days after the latest of:
i. the date of issuance of the Social Security Administration's disability determination; or
ii. the date on which the plan participant loses (or would lose) coverage under the terms of the OGB plan as a result of the enrollee's termination or reduction of hours;
b. in the case of a person who is ineligible for Social Security disability benefits due to insufficient "quarters" of employment, submit proof of total disability to OGB before the initial 18-month continued coverage period expires. OGB will make the determination of total disability based upon medical evidence, not conclusions, presented by the applicant's physicians, work history, and other relevant evidence presented by the applicant.
3. For purposes of eligibility for continued coverage under this section, total disability means the inability to do any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to last for a continuous period of 12 months. To meet this definition one shall have a severe impairment which makes one unable to do his/her previous work or any other substantial gainful activity which exists in the national economy, based upon a person's residual functional capacity, age, education, and work experience.
4. Monthly payments for each month of extended COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
5. Coverage under this Section will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 29 months from the date coverage would have otherwise terminated;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan;
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees; or
f. 30 days after the month in which the Social Security Administration determines that the plan participant is no longer disabled. (The plan participant shall report the determination to OGB within 30 days after the date of issuance by the Social Security Administration.) In the case of a person who is ineligible for Social Security disability benefits due to insufficient "quarters" of employment, 30 days after the month in which OGB determines that the plan participant is no longer disabled.
G. Medicare COBRA
1. If an enrollee becomes entitled to Medicare less than 18 months before the date the enrollee's eligibility for benefits under OGB terminates, the period of continued coverage available for the enrollee's covered dependents will continue until the earliest of the following:
a. failure to pay the applicable premium timely;
b. 36 months from the date of the enrollee's Medicare entitlement;
c. entitlement to Medicare;
d. date coverage begins under a group health plan; or
e. the employer ceases to provide any group health plan coverage for its employees.
2. Monthly payments for each month of COBRA coverage are due on the first day of the month for that month's COBRA coverage. A grace period of 30 days after the first day of the month will be provided for each monthly payment.
H. Miscellaneous Provisions
1. During the COBRA coverage period, benefits will be identical to those provided to others enrolled in an OGB plan under its standard eligibility provisions for enrollees.
2. In the event OGB contracts for COBRA administration services, OGB may direct each plan participant eligible for COBRA coverage to follow the directions provided by OGB's COBRA administrator.

La. Admin. Code tit. 32, § I-321

Promulgated by Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Office of Group Benefits, LR 41:343 (February 2015), effective March 1, 2015.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 42:801(C) and 802(B)(1).